Here's How to Find Financial and Emotional Fulfillment Your Mom stays at home? Oh, so she doesn't work?First, let's make something clear. ALL moms are work-at-home moms. Cooking, grocery shopping, cleaning and laundry might not be highly respected occupations, but unless you've got one of those s...
The federal government and employers are shifting the duty ofretirement funding from themselves to workers. How will this affect your future?Back in the Day...Twenty-somethings often refer to their parents' youthful years as "back in the day"-and little do they realize how much things have change...
Many years ago the great psychologist William James announced his famous "as if" principle. That is, if you want to be successful or wealthy act "as if" you already are. That is the most constructive idea which we should put into practice. If you want to be rich, act rich. If you want to be brave...
The following has been taken out of the book Leadership by Sterling W Sill. It can be applied to any part of our lives but I will specifically aim it towards making money and becoming wealthy by closing off all areas of retreat."Pompey the Great was ruler of the Roman Empire. His most important f...
The following has been taken out of the book Leadership by Sterling W Sill. It can be applied to any part of our lives but I will specifically aim it towards making money and becoming wealthy by closing off all areas of retreat."Pompey the Great was ruler of the Roman Empire. His most important f...
Starting Your Own Business:What Does It Take? How many times have you, or someone you know, said something like "I've always wanted to have a business of my own. Something I'd really enjoy doing. Be my own boss." Lots of people have the dream, but they get bogged down in the details of how to go ...
Is the American Dream still alive and achievable? Defining the DreamThe immensely popular 19th-century author Horatio Alger is largely credited with defining the American Dream as well as the means to achieve it. Through him we can learn how to become wealthy. His books told the rags-to-riches s...
A Supportive EnvironmentSome people balk at the idea of a home businessbecause they think they'll be left completely on their own to sink or swim. With this business opportunity, that is not the case. This is really your opportunity on how to be wealthy. Instead, you will be working closely with...
In the book, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill he said, "What a different story people would have to tell if only they would adopt a definite purpose, and stand by that purpose until it had time to become an all-consuming obsession!" To many times people give up when the first sign of defeat...
You might be thinking that you need special qualifications to open a home business of your own, that maybe you need a degree in marketing, business, or accounting. Nothing could be further from the truth! To find out if you qualify for a home-based business, simply read this list. Think honestly ...