Sally Hardman's (sally3) Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Beachcomber Properties powered by eXp Realty
In today's softer market, qualified buyers are "sitting pretty."  Realtors with lots of inventory costing them big advertising dollars are certainly motivated to encourage their sellers to get creative and competitive in their asking price.  Most sellers in the market today have a valid reason to...
Now that the election process is over and new President Obama's administration is in place in Washington, we are all looking to what changes are ahead for housing market.  I hope we have hit the bottom and there is hope for a gradual and slow recovery.  We have and are experiencing such challengi...
Google has a wonderful new service that I personally use all the time both on my cell and even when I am at home on a land line.  You can dial  1-800/GOOG-411 and simply SAY what you are looking for and then GOOG-411  will connect you with the business without any fee or charges (only the air ti...
Remember the "boom days" when our job seemed a bit easier and properties seemed to almost sell themselves?  Well those days are over!  Today's times require a lot of creative marketing to make listings stand out from the pack and a bit of patience to get them exposed.  With current inventory high...
With rates as low as we've all seen in a long time, hopefully the potential buyers who have been on the fence waiting for that "bottom" will jump off and get serious about getting into a new home.  Even if home prices do go a little lower, the current extremely low rates should save homebuyers wi...
With reduced property values in most areas and tougher economic times for just about every region, you may say "Okay, what's good about it?"  Certainly individuals or speculators who bought for "top" dollar and want to sell properties now; they are seeing absolutely nothing good about this market...
We had a recent article in our local paper on the topic of school counselors right here in Glynn County in Southeast GA addressing the concerns of young people caused by the increase in foreclosures.  Certainly very young children are usually oblivious of financial concerns, but children over the...
Our local area is not untouched by the rash of foreclosed homes, but are they really an opportunity for a great deal for your clients?  Certainly there are homes out there that are bank owned properties that are a good investment.  I recently closed a transaction on a very nice St. Simons Island ...
So often we continue to do what we always have, remaining in that well-known and familiar "comfort zone."  We go by our old tried and true checklist and expect the same results we have gotten in the past.  I'm not sure that those same formulas that worked before are as effective in today's marke...
With so many agents attempting to acquire the same listings, many have decided to take the path of selling the home for minimal commission.  Not only are they listing the property for less commission, but they then offer less commission to the selling broker.  I wonder, with generous inventory av...

Sally Hardman

local_phone(912) 230-0695
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