Like many people, I suffer from seasonal hay fever. And, like many people, I start stocking up on drugs, Kleenex, and eye drops in about March so I have enough on hand by May that I can survive until September. The medicine cabinet in my house looks like the allergy aisle in Walgreens. Allergie...
Many of you know that I recently bought a home. And, for those of you that don’t know that I recently bought a home…I recently bought a home. Here’s proof. Although we are very happy with our home we did purchase, during this process, I happened to notice that as we viewed house after house...
Real Estate Client Referrals – A small lead generation company based out of the heart of the Rocky Mountains providing ready to act buyers and sellers to real estate agents in all 50 states of the US and 7 provinces of Canada. While the large “lead generation” companies are struggling, Real Estat...
"Dont tie your shoe laces together and expect to get very far." Seems like excellent advice, doesnt it? My dad taught me that statement many years ago. I never really knew what he was talking about until I was old enough to figure it out. And, I think it makes more sense now that I'm in a comm...
I often look for motivation and inspiration in as many places as I can. One of the best I have found is the 212 movie. (I mentioned in the comments that I have a book by this same company...and I highly recommend that anyone that likes inspirational material get a copy.) But, a...
This is an AWESOME post written by my good friend Joel McDonald. It is a testiment to anyone that is in social media and how to use that to your advantage with proper follow-up. 3 things you should do from here...1. Read the article.2. Follow this example to the letter!3. Subscribe to Joel Mc...
I have a confession to make. I hate to do dishes. And, I don’t mean that I just don’t like doing them…I freaking HATE to do dishes. And, up until about 3 months ago, I had no choice but to do them. By hand. In the sink. Nothing caused more seething hatred within my very soul than scraping d...
Regardless of how often Brokers or Sales Managers say not to do it, there are certain phrases that continually pop up during the course of a presentation/phone call/appointment that simply take a client's confidence and shake it to the very core. Sometimes even to the point of losing your listi...
Monica Ray and her husband, Kevin, asked me to help present a class today on Twitter and how to use it to build a business following. She beat me to the punch writing about it...and since it was her idea, Im simply going to repost her blog...I had a blast!! Im going to be doing this again...Tha...
A good friend of mine, Mr. Joel McDonald, is a wealth of information. I follow his blogs regularly. But, this one is worth the re-do. By the way, if youre on twitter, follow this guy @joelrunner. You wont be sorry. Thanks, Joel! I get into discussions with folks all the time about "paid traff...