Elliot has some very valuable advice in this post and I respectfully add that the same advice should be followed when buying a new construction home. Do not, do not, do not insist on having your furniture delivered the same day as closing. Things happen (like delays in final permits or inspecti
This is a great article about the 203(k) program from the contractors point of view. The information is very accurate; however, there are some steps I recommend for both approaching contractors and for managing the process. In response: 1). Contractors do not get money upfront: 100% correct..
As a mortgage banker, my pipeline is just that: "MINE". And, my clients are "MINE". My agents are "MINE". My title and escrow company's are "MINE". My underwriter is "MINE". My processor is "MINE". And, my doc drawer and funder are "MINE". In fact, the other person involved on a MY files
Stephanie has written a wonderful commentary on the specifics and uniqueness of each and every real estate and finance opportunity. All to often, people look at the market "at large" when there is a never ending list of variables that makes what is "right" for one person "wrong" for another.....
Wow, Katerina and Nestor are speaking directly to me in this post. Normally unflappable, the Labor Day weekend was indeed a Labor for me and I confess to letting some of those all tapes start swirling in my head...these inspiring words and absolutely amazing video remind me once again that perse
If I were a carpenter............and, if I were a real estate agent............and if I were a potential home buyer looking for the perfect property.......I would talk with a FHA 203(k) mortgage finance professional. Seriously, there is an hugely under served population of home owner's and selle
I have carried a poem called the Paradox of Prayer in my life and in my heart for almost thirty years. The simplicity of the words and the wisdom within have carried me through many challenges in life and served as a constant reminder of a higher power in my life. At no time, before or since, h
You have to love this lawyer... A New Orleans lawyer sought an FHA loan for a client. He was told the loan would be granted if he could prove satisfactory title to a parcel of property being offered as collateral. The title to the property dated back to 1803, which took the lawyer three months to
Okay, they say it's true story...true or not, this is a funny story. Texas Beer Joint Sues Church In Mt. Vernon, Texas, Drummond's Bar began construction on expansion of their building to increase their business. In response, the local Baptist church started a campaign to block the ba
I love to dine...what that means is I am pretty darn picky about the food I partake of and I enjoy sharing the dining experience with friends and family through a leisurely and satiating experience. I am quite certain in one of my former lives I must have been French, Italian, Greek, Russian, In