Our Gilbert..Neighborhood Site

Real Estate Agent - United Brokers Group
United Brokers Group Elite Short Sale team hosted a FREE community event for Distressed home owners last night Dec 8th.   This event provided home owners with free advise from Real Estate Experts, Loan Modifications/Mortgage Experts, Bankruptcyand Real Estate Attorney's.  Our special guest speake...
United Brokers Group Elite Short Sale Team is hosting a "FREE" community event for distressed homeowners in need of information. Our Guest Panel Speakers include: Short Sale Mitigator, Wachovia Bank: Tracy King Attorneys with Jackson White:John Skiba & Aaron Finter OnQ Financial: Rich Jefferson U...
I am especially thankful this holiday season to be a part of a community outreach event for Distressed Home owners that need some assistance!  On Dec 8th, in Chandler Arizona the United Brokers Group Elite Short Sale Team will be hosting a FREE information event for distressed home owners.  The e...
This Community outreach event is designed to give Homeowners the opportunities to ask the experts!  The Elite Short Sale Team at United Brokers Group is sponsoring this event to ensure that home owners have a safe place to inquire about their options if they are upside down in a home they can no ...
Millions of homeowners are upside-down on their mortgages and don't know what to do. But having all the right information is the surest way to find the right answers. If you or someone you know is among the many homeowners struggling to pay the mortgage each month, it's critical to your financial...
As a real estate agent, I find that clients are always asking how the market is doing!  Honestly, I reply with "which one"!  The only market that really matters to clients is the market they are looking to buy or sell in.  I am happy to provide access to this information specialized to tell Arizo...
The United Brokers Group Elite Short Saleteam was fortunate enough over the past few weeks to meet with the Arizona Local WachoviaSupport and received training on the Wachovia, World Saving and Golden West"pre-approved" short sale streamline process. Wachovia, World Savings and Golden West are co...
So many times I hear agents and buyers complaining about the short sale process and in some cases avoiding the homes on the market that are short sales altogether.  I am very hopeful that in 2010 we will see a change in the banking world and the real estate world to improve these transactions.  A...
I love Halloween!  It is one of my favorite days of the year because today is my daughter's birthday!  This year as I drive thru Gilbert neighborhoodsI have enjoyed all the decorations and holiday spirit.  Times may be economically challenging but people are getting back to enjoying the little th...
It is so important for distressed home owners to be sure they understand the differences between foreclosing and short selling a property. As a Real Estate Agent in Arizona I believe it is my responsibility to continue to study, learn and educate my clients as our market changes daily. I am a Cer...

Lisa Matykiewicz

local_phone(480) 277-9397
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