If feel really bad about not being able to help a group of investors that contacted me before Christmas. To sum the story up short and sweet they own about $800,000 in land BUT they think they have about $1.2 million dollars in their investment. Mind you they only purchased a few year ago for q
I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Happy, Healthy, and of course Prosperous New Year. I think its safe to say that the real estate industry took a huge hit in 2007. I actively work in 3 different markets and all were effected to a certain degrees. My husband works in specialty c
I would love some feedback regarding this topic. My husband and I have used our Galveston, Texas, real estate website as a pet project for many years. It means far more to us then just its purpose as a marketing tool. It is kind of like another child. We have cultivated its content and SEO ran
I just got off the phone with a buyers agent. This particular buyers agent has been a really nice, yet probably a new agent. He has always returned phone calls, sent prompt paperwork, etc. He seems to be trying very hard, so hats off to him.A little bit of our deals back story. A definite pro
I thought about a question that often becomes a topic of conversation in my relationship. My husband and I are always getting a good chuckle out f this subject. Our market is very competitive, just as yours is. Why?? Who are we competing with? Are we competing with the other brokerage down t
Just had a comment from a fellow member is another state. The basis of his comment was to ridicule me for holding a license in Nevada. Apparently this makes me lazy among other things. Excerts from the post are as follows.All I know is I keep hearing most agents within Nevada are extremely lazy
I just received the following email from an Activerain member. I ask you if I r/ced this email because she does not agree with my opinion or because I have broken so unknown Acvtiverain rule. I was under the impression that Activerain allowed us to voice our opinions and reference our websites.
I have recently been bombarded with real estate solicitations. Different parties trying to sell me on this and that. I had the funniest call yesterday. A guy from agenttoagentreferal.com, I believe (he never was clear on the URL name) called and said he wanted me to check his site out. He wou
I often see listings that have maybe 1 or 2 photos. This seems so sad to me. How can you only take one photo of a listing? I take over 10 and use at least 10 in my MLS listings. On blogs like this I post one photo then I redirect the viewer to the full listing information on my website. Then
Remeber to view more photos at our Galveston, Texas photo gallery.