It's that time again. The home owner is going to choose between you and another agent. The winner gets to list their home. The loser has to hit the street...frustrated, alone, wanting to cry. You're going to be the winner right? You've made the best case you could possibly make. You showed them ...
Doesn't social media seem a little too good to be true? It seems a little like the housing boom (and bust) doesn't it? Everyone is telling you to get in now or you'll miss out. Well, that's not always the best advice. (Shhhhh....everyone telling you that has a financial stake in you being on soc...
I guess you're reading this because you have a client that likes to play the victim....and it's costing you money. At the end of this post I'll show you a way to develop the skills necessary to overcome this common issue. We're all victims of our emotions to one degree or another. When we are a v...
We had such a great turnout for our NLP Webinar on the 20th, we're going to do it again! We went over our allotted attendance seats so if you didn't make it, couldn't get in or want to review what you heard... here's your chance. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) expert Jonathan Froug hosts Web...
I need you. It's that simple. I know a lot of people in the real estate industry are having trouble making money. It's the number one objection we get as to why people can't do high-end coaching like we provide. If you're not making the type of money you want in real estate, if you're fed up wit...
How many agents do you think go into a meeting and feel totally in control of that meeting? I can tell you it is very rare. Here is an email we received this morning from an agent that has been working with us for a few months. Do you think you have the same passion, drive, focus, excitement, an...
I got a call this weekend from an old friend I hadn't heard from in a while. I didn't know how long it had been, but I didn't care. It was just good to catch up and remember a good time from my past. After asking about each others families my friend said the reason he called was that he was look...
How's that saying go? An elephant never what? Well as you know, we humans do forget. A lot. We forget our car keys, birthdays and anniversaries, passwords, late nights in our 20's. But we also forget what to say. Do you know that feeling when you're hoping and praying that somebody doesn't ask ...
Most real estate agents and sales people DO NOT want to be top producers! What They Say and What They Don't Do If you ask most agents if they are satisfied with their income, or with the hours they work, or if they are happy with their job, most will say no. They'll say they want better, they des...
At an event last week I asked a group of agents if they ran a monthly profit and loss statement. I was greeted by silence and blank stares as everyone shook their head. If I had asked them whether they were making money every month, only some would know. Now this is something that really worries...