I thought the following poem would be appropriate for Memorial Day. I wrote this poem after visiting the WTC on the first anniversay of 9 11. This poem has been published. If you would like to use it. you may. I hope that you like this poem.9-11-02/WTCAnd the people cried!!!And the bagpipes play
Wouldn't it be a great idea to help the elderly have a basic knowledge of the wonders of technology??Some of the elderly still live on their own. They can't get to places they used to go. They have slowed down and maybe complain of being lonely.My mother-in-law is 95 years old. Her health is rela
About 1200 Snapping Turtles reside in the National Audubon Society Constitution Marsh, just below Boscobel in Garrsion. Each year the female turtles climb up the steep hill to lay their eggs on the lawn - on Saturday June 9th at 7AM. Members of Marsh Staff will discuss the habits and history of
Every Wednesday is food Day in Dutchess county. Broker Lunches are scheduled from 11:30 AM to 3:00PM. These food fest run the gamut from soup to nuts (EVEN GASOLINE CARDS). These lunches have become friendly competition between the hosting agents. Everything is done to lure agents to your lunch,
I've just read about a proposed National Multiple Listing Service. "Is a National MLS the way to go" www.rismedia.com. Check this out.Mostly the responses I have read are negative. The only positive are from Canada that boasts they have the largest National MLS in the world. www.mls.ca I am not
I know ours was!!! Some signs that will send up red flags telling you that you need to update.Your site costs you more each month than you are profiting from leads.Your site was designed years ago and has not been updated.You do get some traffic to your site but no one requests more informatio
More consideration should be taken to cater to the greying society.As elderly increase in numbers, it will be become increasingly important to design housing suitable for them. These people have already bought houses when they were still working. Those designs may have suited them at the time, r
Several months ago I was working with a new construction buyer. I took him to all the "cookie" cutter subdivisions. This was not what he was looking for. Finally, I found the site with a custom builder. This was a small subdivison, about twelve homesites, VERY upscale. Each home was different on
This is just a FEW!!!!!Written on a Listing :1. Make a left at the first right.(could cause some confusion)2. The Appalachian trail goes through the Master Bedroom. (wouldn't that be interesting?)3. Strong family neighborhood. (so weak families cant' live here?) Restaurant & Food blunders:1. Than
Seeing is Believing, and believing is just the beginning. The distinct beauty of this four bedroom Colonial sets this home above all the rest. Where else can you find a home with an all glass conservatory plus a sun-room with skylights? You will love the gourmet kitchen with granite counter-t