I hope that you've all taken a minute to respond to the latest call-for-action from NAR. (That goes double for those who are always complaining that NAR doesn't do anything for you.) A bill, H.R. 1309, is being debated in Congress right now that would re-authorize, reform, and extend the Nationa
I know it's not you but... we have been notified by the TIGAR association in Corona that their city people are having sign ordinance problems - and it's all the dastardly OUT OF AREA AGENTS that are gumming up the works. So a copy of their sign ordinance is attached for your viewing pleasure.
The word is out from our County Assessor, Clerk Recorder Larry Ward - another round of declines for property taxes in Riverside County. This makes three straight years of dropping assessments, a year longer than the last go-around in the 90's. But a couple of things have changed. This year many
Fast on the heels of announcing the opening of their expanded facilities at Rancho Springs and Inland Valley Medical Centers, Universal Health Services has announced the groundbreaking for a new Temecula Valley Hospital. The public is invited to the new location on 31700 Temecula Parkway (HWY 79
In a major step forward for our hospitals and our community, Universal Health Services recently announced the opening of greatly expanded Southwest Healthcare facilities at both Rancho Springs Medical Center in Murrieta and Inland Valley Medical Center in Wildomar. Long-time readers may recall m
This is very cool and I just had to share. Every so often we hear about a Realtor getting attacked or worse showing property or at an open house. NAR has designated Realtor Awareness & Safety seminars, individual offices have set up training and awareness methods including the famous 'blue file
Just what we need - more dumbing down of the consumer at a time when mortgage loans are increasingly difficult to obtain for even the best qualified borrowers. Scary stuff. I sincerely thought about doing this entire post in FLAMING RED. That's how frustrated ... how upset I was ... how
There is much that I disagee with our new Atorney General Kama Harris, but she's got a winner here. I sincerely hope that the strike force will be heavily utilized and that it isn't just window dressing. Attorney General Kamala D. Harris today announced the creation of the California Attorney Gen
A couple months ago I heard that the Moody Blues were coming to town. Having missed them when they were here a couple years ago, I jumped online and snagged a pair of tickets before they were gone. You never know what kind of show you'll get with geezers but I've loved their music for 40+ years a
Free From Riverside County - if you're a distressed home owner you should make time to attend this valuable seminar called 'Can I, or Should I keep my home'.Attendance will dramatically improve your uunderstanding of the loan modification, shorty-sale and foreclosure process and what your best op