This is a lovely story that I'd like to share - once again,the amazing power of social networking is stepping up to provide some help for victims of the recent tornado disaster.  The page, "Pictures and Documents found after the April 27, 2011 Tornadoes," has been "liked" by over 83,500 people si...
Have you read this yet? He may stand for truth and justice, but Superman is giving up on the American Way. In the next issue of Action Comics - Clark Kent's alter ego will be renouncing his United States citizenship. You read that right, folks. Superman - who's colours are red and blue - the mos...
ActiveRainers - Meet F3 - You'll love him - he's here to make life easier! I wanted to share this with my tech-savvy computer geeks here on ActiveRain. Have you ever googled something - only to click on a page which has TONS of text - you have to start at the top and slowly can allllll the way do...
Here's another Facebook Friday post from the Sheila Newton Team, one of our members at Facebook Fridays - everyone - please feel free to join us - and click those like buttons below!!In case you haven't heard, there is a new group in the rain called Facebook Fridays. This group is designed to pro...
Reblogging Tammy's post here - Facebook Fridays - a group that has been started to help grow our Facebook Fan Page Popularity - please feel free to join us - and get clickin on the like buttons!!I recently found a cool new group Facebook Fridays where we recognize Facebook profiles and business p...
Hi Folks - reblogging Lance Owen's post - for those of you who don't know - we have a Facebook Fridays group - dedicated to helping AR member's grow their Facebook Fan Pages. Lance is 3 away from the magic number of 25 for his likes... please anyone and everyone - give him a click! I'm sure he'd ...
What is Facebook Fridays? It's a group started by Gary Coles - basically we all agree to support each other on Facebook - each Friday - choose 5 of these lovely members - hit their link which will take you to their Facebook Fan page - click LIKE - and there you go! Just another way to support ea...
  This is lovely - I love seeing Brokerages coming together to make a difference - I had to share! This post is coming out of my hometown province as well - so that makes me feel even better!! Thanks to Karen Hawkins for sharing this. I'm also adding the facebook page that I found for the event. ...
No customer experience has impressed me more than Lexus - and it's influence has stayed with me through the years - an invaluable awareness for me. I spent a few years as a business manager for a Lexus Dealership and it taught me to realize how important customer service is. The customer is the k...
This is a cute and very creative project - brought to you by Mr. Beam - a fantastic company that does light installations! Check this room out - it's a simple white room - and with the use of two projectors, the tranformation is amazing!! How fun would this be? Except for the bright light shining...

Emily Read

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