Do you send out Christmas Cards, Holiday Cards, No Cards, or just regular marketing materials for the month of December. I have been tossing this one about for the last week or so and have come to the conclusion that I just need to send my regular marketing materials with a little hand-written n
I just came across this site in one of my news feeds today HGTV, the people who brought you house flipping 101, is now letting you search Real Estate listings. I haven't figured out how to add any of my listings to the site yet, and I think your brokerage has to have a
I just wanted to wish everyone Happy Holidays and a joyous new year. May the best year of your past be the worst year of your future. -Irish Toast slightly modified ;) Please enjoy our Holiday 2007 e-Card -You will notice I am not in it but you can see my beautiful wife and children, what can I
I know this is a little off real estate topics but I couldn't help but post about it. It was predicted in Sci-Fi it has been written about and now there is a petition, Arnold For President. It would take a slight amendment to the constitution, we have amended it alot more than what would be requ
My wife and I are working as a real estate team, and we are still trying to master all the ins and outs of working together. We are both type A personalities (we haven't taken the DISC yet), and are accustomed to being in charge in our work roles. Is there anyone out there with a similiar situat
Do Expired Letters Work? I have been told the best way to get an expired listing is to knock on someones door and ask them. It's the holiday season and I am a little hesitant to interrupt holiday celebrations and festivities especially when there are news reports of people scamming little old la
First off, sorry it has been awhile since I have posted I am in the middle of remodeling a couple of rooms in my house, and I spent the last few days laying down new flooring. Now on to the BLOG. ::march::::march::::march::Hi-HooOOOoo Hi-Ho, it's off to blog I go....::march::::march::::march::::
I have been reading alot about the Neighborhood School program that is being proposed here in Nashville, TN. It is a redistricting of the school zones and an end to a court mandated bussing program. The gist of the system as it is to my understanding is that students will no longer be bussed all
Dear Santa; I am writing to you to tell you I have been a really good boy this year. I also wanted to know if you need a Real Estate agent to help you find a new home. I recently read that the North Pole is melting and I am not sure if you own a house boat or not. I am sure I can find a buyer for
It is my opion that you already know your home buyer before you list your property for sale. That is not to say that you know their name, it is certainly not to say that you don't need a real estate agent to help you sell your home. You know your home buyer because you know where you live, you kn