I think you take a look at Bill's blog here and let your local congressmen and ladies know how you feel about this one.Monday, October 5, The FHA Taxpayer Protection Act of 2009 - HR 3706 - authored by Rep. Scott (Goober) Garrett (R-NJ) was introduced to Congress. If passed It would increase th...
The Harvest Homecoming is the biggest celebration IN Southern Indiana and generally takes place the First Saturday in October. There are lots of activities like a Harvest Homecoming Parade, a Balloon Race, a 5K Run, Pumpkin Judging Contest, Band Contest, and so much more. But the one thing that...
Now here is some very good information from Rick Pelliriti about the Loan Process.We are in a time where rates are historically low, and very volatile. Everyone wants the lowest rate possible, so the question I am invariably asked is, "When can I lock the rate?" Before I can answer that, you mu...
Shoulf the First Time Home Buyer Tax credit be extended? And if so, in what fashion? Check out Matts blod below. photo courtesy of aimeesblog Like a ticking time bomb. The First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit is set to expire on November 30, 2009. If you haven't closed on your new home by then, yo...
Can you Save your home from Foreclosure? This is a re-blog of Charlie Weiblen. Have a look and then check out this link for more details: a slumping economy, the feds are once again stepping in to implement a program th...
So which one rules, the Sellers Disclosure or the Data Sheet? I have an interesting situation and I am curious to know what my other Real Estate colleagues think. So here it is: The Seller checked off on the Sellers Disclosure that the Refrigerator was not defective. However the Seller did not i...
This is a really cool re-blog about Twiiter Tuesday from Sheri Moritz. Sheri shares really cool helpful stuff all the time. She is someone I follow because of that.Happy Twitter Tuesday! Tweetlister is the Twitter Treat of the week! My 2 year old loves Tuesdays. It is amazing that at such a y...
Dave has a great deal of Branding information here and at the links he has provided at the bottom of this re blog.If you missed my last blog on Slogan and Logo branding you can find it HERE.. BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY BLOG JUST BELOW MY PHOTO FOR NEWS YOU CAN USE DAILY. There is so much more inf...
What do you think of the changes Marshal Moody is making us aware of in his blog below. I think this one is important enough to reblog. Go figure, the only constant in the mortgage world is still change...and plenty of it! On that note, I'd like to mention some upcoming changes which we should ...
Do you think Active Rain is worth it? Check out what Larry has gotten from it. This is going to be my shortest post ever. I rarely look at my stats, but now that I'm on a conference call, I am just hanging and surfing Active Rain. While on the homepage for Active Rain, I see that I'm finally a...