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Services for Real Estate Pros - Blue Water Credit
We’ve fought wars over it, it’s inspired epic love poems, and now it’s the one of the world’s most traded commodities.  But we love chocolate for a different, simple reason – it tastes so darn good!  So let’s take a look at everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the creamy brown sweet treat...
An indictment came down last summer for what’s being called one of the biggest data theft operations in U.S. and international history, as four Russian men and one Ukrainian man were charged in a sophisticated hacking scheme that may cost its victims hundreds of millions – or even billions – of ...
Ahhh February 14th, the day to express love to your sweetie, better-half, honey, shmoopy, snookums, pumpkin, sugar muffin, or boo boo,.  We'll buy gifts, pop champagne, and plan romantic dinners with reckless abandon but how many of us know the real story of Valentine’s Day, and the magnitude of...
  By now it’s common knowledge that some employers check applicant’s credit when making hiring decisions, but the debate about the ethics – and effectiveness – of that practice are under fire.  The results of a study by the Society for Human Resource Management were just released with interesting...
  The Mile High Club: Ok, ok, so you’re dying to know about the Mile High Club.  Flight attendants are usually tipped off to some funny-business-in-the-sky by long lines for the bathrooms.   9 times out of 10, a fellow passenger complains to the flight attendant about two people occupying a restr...
I’ve been in a lot of airports lately, flying all over the country for business.  During one of my many long layovers in yet another anonymous terminal, I got to thinking: everywhere I looked there were people - sitting, standing, in line, and even running to catch their flights.  On top of that,...
Did you know that if you drink Coca Cola and eat Pop Rocks at the same time, your stomach will explode?  It happened to Little Mikey – you know, “Mikey likes it” from the old Life cereal commercials?   And that if you play the Beatles album “Helter Skelter” backward you’ll hear messages from the...
  If I told you that a real estate agent was going to ring your doorbell this evening, who do you picture at your front door?  An older, distinguished woman who’s been in the business a long time?  A hot-shot young broker showing off his brand new Mercedes Benz?  Would they be new to the real est...
There is a debt problem in this country that’s grown to epidemic proportions with no end in sight.  No, we’re not referring to the national deficit, the loss of mortgage equity from the real estate bust, or even rampant credit card debt.  The most pressing debt problem may come from student loan...
The New Year has brought movement in a long-time financial barometer in the United States – the mandatory minimum wage.  As of January 1, 2014, legislation took hold in 13 states and the District of Colombia, raising the minimum wage for those citizens anywhere from $7.50 in Missouri to $9.32 in ...

Jeff Sipes

Blue Water Credit
local_phone(916) 315-9190
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