Jeff Sipes's Blog

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Services for Real Estate Pros - Blue Water Credit
Should you be worried about Ebola in the U.S.A? Learn the facts behind the fear.    The last few days, more people have expressed concern over the decision to bring two aid workers who are inflicted with the Ebola virus back to the U.S. for treatment.  Around the water cooler, there are whispers ...
Do employers care what college you graduated from?   We recently wrote a blog about a controversial study that concluded where you go to college may not be nearly as important to career success as once thought.  It begs the question – if employers don’t put high regard into which institution of h...
Battle of the cell phone carriers - who's the best?   According to the Pew Research Center, 91% of adults in the United States own cell phones, up from only 65% in 2004.  And among 12-17 year olds, 78% have their own cell phone – and 1 out of 3 is a smart phone.  Of course we don’t just use them ...
The 30 universal traits of mega successful people.   1.         They go the extra mile.   People who achieve big things in life invest extra effort, thought, and creativity into everything they do, no matter how big or small.   2.         They take risks and are willing to fail. Failure is not th...
A college degree pays off, but how much does it matter where you go to school?   We all know that a college degree has a great deal of value once you get to the working world.  Many employers see a bachelor’s degree or four years of college as a fundamental requirement when hiring; a foot in the ...
Bitcoin may be the biggest thing since the Internet. Here's what you need to know about the digital currency.   What is Bitcoin?   Bitcoin is an open-sourced software-based payment system.  It’s also commonly called digital currency, or crypto-currency.  Basically, it’s a new form of currency – n...
July 1, 2014 was an important date for educational reform in America. Just shy of Independence Day July 4th, it signals a measure of relief for many Americans who are feeling the strain of their student loan debt.As of July 1, legislation took hold that make big changes in the way student loans ...
Is student loan consolidation right for you?     Blue Water Credit is proud to announce we’ve been approved to provide student loan assistance.  We can now help you explore all of your options, including student loan consolidation, rehabilitation, and even possible forgiveness. Is student loan co...
Funny money; counterfeiting in the U.S.A.   The United States economy is the biggest in the world, not only with our own citizens spending billions of dollars a day but as the accepted universal currency of business abroad.  But in the shadows, there are plenty of industrious criminals at work co...
Does the average person really understand credit?   I came across this info graphic today and wanted to share it with you.  It illustrates the need for education and a better understanding of credit and credit scoring.  Blue Water Credit is happy to help!In a random survey of 1,000 Americans:20% ...

Jeff Sipes

Blue Water Credit
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