Well, I'm nearing the completion of my "test" advertisement on ACTIVE RAIN. I was just wondering if you may have been one of the 121,569 views and might have seen my site? The ad has run in four Southern California Counties. (Orange, L.A., Riverside and San Diego). It would be helpful fo...
I try to monitor the tenor of my blogs. Don't be too political. Don't be too sarcastic. Don't be unprofessional. Don't be so serious. Don't get too chummy. Don't SELL so'll turn people off!! I actually hear this inner-monologue as I write. Yet, when I review my writing, especial...
I've continued utilizing my marketing skills through this rough market and found that many simply are not looking for the skillset I offer. That's O.K. I mean, that's the gamble of marketing. You put yourself or your business on the block and offer what you do or sell to the potential client. ...
I imagine the RE agents here on Active Rain must be thrilled to have three seemingly confused juvenile delinquents (they are supposedly somewhat older than that but certainly don't act it) earning hundreds of thousands of dollars while doing what seems to be little or nothing each episode. ...
What methods of non-traditional advertising have I tried in order to promote my Notary Signing business? Short answer: you name it, I've probably tried it... Long answer: Business cards, direct mail (post-cards), local publications-telephone directory, community maps with coupons, cold-calling, ...
I have a theory that says: As soon as the Presidential election is over and done with, [regardless of who wins] our overall economic and housing market will "magically" return and be great all of a sudden...The last time this theory worked in practice was 2000. The "doom and gloom" crowd (politic...
I am beginning to wonder if I have AGS . It seems to attack middle-aged (ugh) men. Seemingly average, but worldly and intelligent (debatable) individuals are suddenly struck down in their prime. They awaken one day to have zero charisma and worse, little if any relevance. Victims of AGS ...
The running man? He's my logo and a metaphor for the craziness I experience when business is good. My best example?: My best day ever-(12) twelve sets of loan documents (across six counties) signed, sealed and delivered. I left for my first appointment that day at 4AM. My final appointme...
Every Title/Escrow office and mortgage brokerage has one you cannot get past. She's the "receptionist" and she is usually young and at least bordering on beautiful...but, she is fierce. Fierce, because she wants to be promoted from receptionist to "escrow assistant"...a thankless job that ...
Does anyone know? Did California split off into the Pacific Ocean during an earthquake sometime and nobody told me? Is there really oceanfront property in Arizona now? Something must have happened. Telephones have stopped ringing...and Loan Officers have all vanished. Mortgage Processors have ...