Recently, I asked for friends to review my website...(because yesterday I didn't know what a webmaster I ARE ONE!!) A comment that came from my brother was about "Branding". He stated that he saw me shorten my business name to initials only in places throughout the site and that he ...
As Notary Signing Agents, there is no magic pill that will protect us from the pitfalls of fraud in the mortgage industry. There are also no easy answers, no guarantees that we will not be approached by those less scrupulous characters in our society intent on doing fraud. Our real protection ...
I recently was approached by an unethical person who apparently wished to engage a Notary, ...any Notary, in an endeavor whereby the act of notarization itself made the document a fraud. He apparently knew that this was an illegal act, and was fishing for a sucker so that he could say to others:...
In my experience, having conducted over 5,000 signings, borrowers often have trepidation at the signing table. For the most part, mortgage brokers don't even know that the docs have finally come together from the lender and that escrow has sent me to sign their clients. After the surprise of my...
I am drawn to catch phrases and use them daily in my life. I thought that it might be fun to share a few of the many I use and see if anyone else does this too!"If you can't get out of it, you have to get into it""Keep your chin up""Fake it, 'til you make it""It's a great day to be young and insa...
Here I am... stuck in the middle with you! (clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...).I've been trying to maintain an upbeat, positive attitude during what we all know is a difficult downturn and period of readjustment and challenge for the lending/housing/mortgage business. I often enc...
In many conversations, I've both heard and said the phrase "Let's do lunch sometime..." When I stop to think about it, only rarely has this "gesture" become a reality. Then, I get to pondering just why that is? For the most part, people do eat lunch. I think that lunch-breaks are shorter, mor...
I recently began a new signage campaign. I've delivered Krispy Kremes to Escrow Officers, sent postcards to mortgage brokers and business carded every client, attorney, real estate agent and bank employee I've met in the last five years. I have done doorhangers, launched a website and participa...
I've always marvelled at the various award shows, competition shows and the like where tearful acceptance speeches and other blather passes for a thank you. Some Hollywood types, trying to squeeze it all in remind me of that old bumper sticker that also tried to be all things to all people: NUKE...
Yesterday, I witnessed what I surely thought would become a fistfight while returning some documents to a nearby office complex. It seems one of the "middle-managers" from one of the offices there had stepped outside to have words with one of his subordinates. As I pulled in, I saw the manager ...