
Sweetwater County, WY Real Estate News

By Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
 Photograph by Robert Swetz 6-25-2011    On our drive from the Midwest to Las Vegas Nevada I captured these clouds with rays of light shining through, it was a beautiful sight. And then as I turned my camera to the north, the cloud formations were totally different.  It's very interesting how just the turn of a camera can create such a different scene.    Photograph by Robert Swetz 6-25-2011
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Frustrated with excessively high heating bills necessary for this gymnasium they hired us to perform an infrared energy audit. We immediately discovered the problem - porous concrete blocks that held moisture from rain and snow which radiated those cold temperatures into the gymnasium. These thermal images taken during a blower door test clearly show the cold cinder blocks evaporating the cold moisture to the interior. The solution is as simple as coating the exterior walls with a Polyurea Elastomer coating such as the AMP-100 from SPI. If you are experiencing excessively higher than normal heating costs, you should seriously consider having an infrared energy audit performed on your school, municipal building or commercial business.  
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Local Government Energy Audits for Lincoln County, Wyoming 83101 - Stimulus Grant Money for Energy Retrofitting (edit/delete) Information gathered from the energy audit will be used to determine energy efficiency, retrofitting and weatherization projects using funds from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG). Retrofitting projects will include air infiltration, energy efficient windows and doors, insulation levels, weather-stripping and caulking, and electric base loads.   Using its EECBG formula funding to retrofit and improve the energy efficiency of a number of it's municipal buildings that will result in substantial reduction in energy usage. EECBG Formula grants can be used for energy efficiency and conservation programs and projects community wide, as well as...
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Information gathered from the energy audit will be used to determine energy efficiency, retrofitting and weatherization projects using funds from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG). Retrofitting projects will include air infiltration, energy efficient windows and doors, insulation levels, weather-stripping and caulking, and electric base loads. Using its EECBG formula funding to retrofit and improve the energy efficiency of a number of it's municipal buildings that will result in substantial reduction in energy usage. EECBG Formula grants can be used for energy efficiency and conservation programs and projects community wide, as well as renewable energy installations on local municipal buildings, city facilities, local city and county government buildings. EECBG...
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