
Menomonie, WI Real Estate News

By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
The fall color season has started in Southwest Wisconsin! The hardwood forests between LaCrosse and Prairie du Chien contain a high percentage of maple trees, and every year the fall colors range between "GOOD" and "WOW". Right now the colors around Soldiers Grove , WI are about 25% developed. Peak color will probably occur sometime between now and Oct 10. Maple Tree on Lonesome Hollow Trail The Inn at Lonesome Hollow  has 160acres of  ridge and valley land, with almost 100 acres being wooded. There are about four miles of private hiking trails that skirt the forest edges or penetrate deep into the forest. Nearby is the Kickapoo River and a sparsely populated valley that extends north from the Wisconsin River for about 70 miles. Wisconsin Highway 131 follows the Kickapoo River all the w...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      After a Rather fun day out shopping with my sister, we decided to have lunch at a Big Chain Burger joint. We were seated mere feet away from the restrooms (this is key). We ordered our food and began to enjoy. About half way through, I heard a violent coughing begin at a table behind me. At the same time, my sister who was facing that direction turned completely gray, promptly dropped her burger and declared she was done. I asked her what was going on, as I turned in my chair, she grabbed my arm and said DON'T. Apparently, a girl...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
    Why hire a Professional Real Estate Agent?             A competent and qualified  real estate agent will help you navigate the myriad of decisions and problems that may  arise when buying and selling a home. An agent provides value to the Seller or Buyer in many ways:                                                                                 Pays for all marketing and advertising costs. Adds experience and expertise in all aspects of the sales process including marketing, financing, negotiations and more.  Brings a network of known, trusted real estate professionals. If your agent doesn't have the answer, he or she likely knows someone who does. Always has your interests in mind so you always have someone on your side. Can handle and advise on all price and contract negotiatio...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
                                                                      Simey´s Premier Team is your first choice for residential real estate solutions in the Menomonie, WI 54751 area. As well as surrounding real estate markets. Franchized under Realty Executives, Simeys Premier Team has been the area sales leader since 2005. We are specialist in residential, commercial, farms, investment properties and vacant land. If you or someone you know is in the market to either purchase or sell real estate give us a call today at 715-231-7355! Realty Executives is a member of the Minn. mls and also the Wi mls. Simey Sells! Office located at 1120 North Broadway Menomonie WI, 54751 "Where the experts are" Residential Real Estate. Homes for sale.
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
Doctors slash vaccines due to rising costs Health care providers say insurers don't reimburse them enough for essential vaccinations, so they're not offering them. NEW YORK ( -- Parents who bring their kids to Dr. G. Andrew McIntosh for the chicken pox vaccine are out of luck. The family physician, who has a solo practice in Uniontown, Ohio, doesn't offer that shot because he can't afford it. Most insurers won't sufficiently cover the cost. "It doesn't do me any good. I am losing money on [them]," he said. The chicken pox vaccine runs about $115, but insurers only cover between $68 to $83 of that. McIntosh has also cut back on a handful of other critical childhood vaccines for the same reason -- including the measles, mumps and rubella, known as the MMR vaccine. It costs hi...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
Here Is a list of Dunn County Pumpkin patches   Govin's Meats & Berries - pumpkins, summer squash, winter squash, strawberries, snacks and refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area, farm animals, school toursN6134 670th Street, Menomonie, WI 54751. Phone: 715-231-2377.  Open: for Strawberries: Monday to Friday 7:00am to 7:00pm, Saturday 7:00am to 4:00pm, Sunday 10:00am to 4:00pm Usally starting around the middle of June. Directions: Do not use a GPS or Map Program, it will not get you here!!!From the West: Interstate 94 to exit 45, South(Right)County Road B to light at the bottom of the over pass(at Kwik Trip). East(left)on 610th for 1.5 miles to 670th street. Turn north(left) and you are in the yard. From the East: Interstate 94 to exit 45, South(left)County Road B to light at the bott...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
                                If you're looking for an outing to a Wisconsin apple orchard this fall, there are a bushel of options throughout the state.   Brightonwoods Orchard Located off a Rustic Road west of Racine, Brightonwoods Orchard offers a two-story treehouse, cider press tours, and the on-site AEppelTreow Winery, which specializes in artisan hard ciders and sparkling wines made with the orchard's apples. 1072 288th Ave., Burlington; (262) 878-3000 Eplegaarden At Eplegaarden, "plukkin'" the apples-otherwise known as "picking" in Norwegian-is encouraged. Fall weekends here overflow with activity, including horse-drawn hayrides and "Harold Potterson's Horrific Halloween Haunts" for little ones. 2227 Fitchburg Road, Fitchburg; (608) 845-5966Indian Creek Orchard Bring a picnic...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
         Here are some real estate statistics for Dunn County Wisconsin From January 1, 2006 to  Sept. 30, 2006 there was a total of $99,244,486 in real estate sold in Dunn County From January 1, 2007 to  Sept. 30, 2007 there was a total of $98,139,779 in real estate sold in Dunn County From January 1, 2008 to  Sept. 30, 2008 there was a total of $78,971,493 in real estate sold in Dunn County From January 1, 2009 to  Sept. 30, 2009 there was a total of $70,655,526 in real estate sold in Dunn County I find it interesting to learn that of the total dollar amout of real estate  sold in the time line for 2009 in Dunn County, that $48,481,716 of the total amount has been sold in June, July, August, and September. Currently in Menomonie Wisconsin there are 116 pieces of real estate for sale. ...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
Welcome to my Menomonie, Dunn County Blog. For the most part, I'll cover real estate related material. Occasionally, I might go off on a tangent about some other subject near and dear to my heart, but I'll try to keep everything timely and informative. With a little luck, I might even manage to make the material interesting and humorous. That's the goal, anyway. A lot of real estate blogs are written by agents for other agents. Not mine. I want a direct line to you, the average person wandering around in cyberspace hoping to gain a bit of knowledge about the messy business of real estate. And, oh man, has been it messy lately. When I got into this business, I had no idea how bad the public's perception of agents was. In case you don't know, surveys show real estate agents rank right up ...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
The 14.5 mile Red Cedar State Trail follows the Red Cedar River from Menomonie to Dunnville where it joins with the 20 mile long Chippewa Valley Trail to Eau Claire. The Red Cedar Trail, has a  crushed limestone surface, The Red Cedar Trail perfect for hiking, biking or cross country skiing. Bike and ski rentals are available in Menomonie. Trail passes for biking, cross-country skiing and in-line skating are required for everyone 16 years and older on the state portion of the Chippewa River Trail and all of the Red Cedar State Trail. The cost is $15 for an annual pass and $4 for a daily pass. Passes may be purchased along the trail. There are many picnic / rest areas along the Red Cedar Trail. Along the trail you will see abundant wildlife, woods, open farm fields and yes the Red Cedar ...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
Home Maintenance Tip -It's Fall: Time to Prepare Your Home for Winter Fall maintenance is important because it helps make homes more energy efficient during the winter months, and will safeguard homes against potential seasonal 'disasters' such as leaking roofs or home fires caused by neglected chimneys. Here are ten tips to a safer, warmer winter. TIP #1 -- Check the heating system. Check the filter, pilot light and burners in a system fueled by gas or oil. Fireplaces, boilers, water heaters, space heaters and wood burning stoves should also be serviced every year. Have the specialist inspecting your unit show you how to change the filter and then you should change it at least once every 2 months. Clean ducts in the heating system. Clean and vacuum dust from vents, baseboard heaters an...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
Diversification is Dunn County's middle name for recreation. From public hunting grounds to fishing, from golf to hiking and snowmobiling, you pick the activity and Dunn County has the place to do it. There are 15,823 acres designed for recreational use. Over 864 acres are developed. Dunn County has 3,364 acres of lakes and 198 miles of trout streams. Panfish, bass, walleye, northern pike and trout are all residents in Dunn County's lakes and' streams. Whether amateur or pro, there is a lake or stream in Dunn County for you. Canoeing is a favorite pastime in Dunn County. Since the time of the early explorers, Dunn County waters have been traveled by canoe. At present, there are three canoe trails covering over 77 miles of beautiful scenery, with many public access points. There are nume...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
THE HISTORY OF DUNN COUNTY Dunn County was formed out of a portion of Chippewa County on February 19, 1854. At that time it embraced all of the present Dunn and Pepin Counties. The "Seat of Justice" was to be located at Amos Collburn's at or near the ferry across the Red Cedar River near its mouth at Dunnville. The courthouse in Dunnville burned to the ground in October 1858. After several months of moving from place to place the county seat was moved to Menomonie on January 1, 1861. Its name was derived from Charles Dunn, first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Wisconsin territory, appointed by President Andrew Jackson in 1835. Caddie Woodlawn Park Jurisdiction over Dunn County has been claimed by four nations: Spain, France, England, and the United States. Its territory covers...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
A DIFFERENT KIND OF SURGE. The Time Magazine Reports that. U.S. Army suicides, which have steadily increased over the past five years, reached an all time high in 2008. An Army report released on January 29th confirms that at least 128 soldiers take 128 soldiers took their own lives last year. The first time since the Vietnam War that the military suicide rate has surpassed the civilian rate. Army officials point to the mental stress of the ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan as the primary factor in the rising rate and proclaimed a commitment to addressing the issues with an increase in mental-health resources ans access to counseling...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
THE HISTORY OF MENOMONIE WISCONSIN DUNN COUNTY The years 1822, 1830, 1846, 1853, 1893, and 1901 are all of historical significance and importance in the early history of Menomonie. In 1822, Harding Perkins, representing James H. Lockwood and Joseph Rolette, erected a lumber mill at the confluence of Wilson Creek and the Red Cedar - former site of the Wisconsin Milling Company. A sudden overflowing of the river swept away the dam and mill. In 1830, after a lengthy disagreement over the authority of the Indian agent to grant permissions, Lockwood and Rolette again set up lumbering operations on the site after receiving permission from the federal government. This first permanent settlement on the site of the City of Menomonie preceded the settlements of Madison, (1837), St. Paul (1838), H...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
 Ok guys, I need you help on this one. Today I went to look at a property on the water here in Menomonie Wisconsin. Having sold this piece of real estate to this now seller 4 years ogo, I was pretty familiar with what it looked like from before. After meeting the seller and setting a time to meeting again, to present the computerized market analisis. I come up with a price to reflect a sale price of $295,000 to $310,000. The seller began to lie about improvements he is saying he made. (he must have forgotten who he bought the property from) Any how long story short. He will not sell the property for under $450,000. I kindly turned down his business and sent him to a competitor down the street. Should I have taken the listing and then try to get him to reduce, reduce, reduce? Or did I do...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
Here is some interesting information I found to day when I was waiting for an appointment. $3 Billion.   This is the bonuses paid by Merril Lynch to it's executives in December of 2008. The company reportedly lost $21 Billion that same quarter. $500,000   This is the executive-pay cap imposed by President Barack Obama on financial institutions receiving government bailout funds. 90,000      This is the number of Myspace accounts deleted by, The social networking site for belonging to registered sex offenders. 265       This is the age of a newly discovered English war ship that reportedly sank with $1 Billion worth of gold aboard. All this information was found in the Febuary 16th, 2009 Time Magazine
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
Going green in Menomonie tip for the day to save energy Check the Temperature in your fridge and freezer. You should consult with your manufacturer of the unit but, in general the EPA recommends keeping refrigerators at 37 degrees F. And also recomend that you keep your freezers at 3 degrees F. Anything cooler is overkill and is a waste of energy. That could be very important for the fact that refrigerators and freezers use about 1/6 of a homes electrical energy. Not sure if the internal temps are correct? Place a weather thermometer inside to check the temperature and adjust the the dials until you get the desired results you are looking for.                                                                  
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
          Menomonie, WI turning green, Here are a few ways for us to start saving energy and cutting our energy bills in Menomonie, WI. More information on this subject can be found in the October 2009, Consumer reports Magazine. Apprroximately 40% of residential energy bills are for heating and cooling. That is where you can reap the greatest savings. You should check insulation levels in your attic and also stop all leaks around doors and windows. One way to check doors and windows is to turn all exhaust fans in your home on then use an incense stick to go around the windows and doors to help spot the leaks. Also did you know that you can cut your heat energy bill by as much as 20% by adjusting your thermostat temperatures 5 to 10 degrees at night and when you are away in.  This is so...
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By Jason Simonson, Realty Executives - Menomonie WI
 Here are some real estate statistics for Dunn County Wisconsin From January 1, 2006 to Sept. 14, 2006 there was a total of $48,780,261 in real estate sold in Dunn County From January 1, 2007 to Sept. 14, 2007 there was a total of $48,860,862 in real estate sold in Dunn County From January 1, 2008 to Sept. 14, 2008 there was a total of $40,920,824 in real estate sold in Dunn County From January 1, 2009 to Sept. 14, 2009 there was a total of $34,875,080 in real estate sold in Dunn County I find it interesting to learn that of the total dollar amout of real estate  sold in the time line for 2009 in Dunn County, that $25,875,080 of the total amount has been sold with in the last 5 months of the time line. Currently in Menomonie Wisconsin there are 112 pieces of real estate for sale. the a...
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