
La Pointe, WI Real Estate News

By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
Here's the results of a fairly un-scientific survey about visitor traffic aboard the Madeline Island Ferry Line last night. A friend sent me results of his survey, in which he counted the number of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois license plates aboard the "Bayfield" on the 9 p.m. run to Madeline Island.  Sounds like fun, doesn't it? The count results: 14 vehicles with Minnesota license plates 4 vehicles with Wisconsin license plates 1 vehicle with Illinois license plates How's that for accuracy? Well, the results are in keeping with my assumption that the majority of summer visitors to Madeline Island come from Minnesota and, in particular, the Twin Cities metro area.  
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
On June eighth, there will be a series of bargains available to Madeline Island visitors.  On that day, the Madeline Island Ferry Line will be offering its "Free Passenger Day" (vehicles are excluded from the discount). And on the same day, both the Madeline Island Historical Museum in downtown La Pointe and Big Bay State Park will be offering free admission.  The State Park will also provide free shuttle service from 9:15 a.m. until 5:15 p.m. on June 8.  The Historical Museum's "Visitor Appreciation Day" is an annual favorite with tourists and visitors. Across the water, the Apostle Highlands Golf Course in Bayfield, Wisconsin is hosting a couples tournament on the eighth, in connection with the ongoing "Bayfield in Bloom" celebration.
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
According to the news services, the Federal Government estimates that twelve per cent of Americans plan to spend their "economic stimulus" rebates on vacation travel. The local television news reported this eveing that the average gasoline cost will be about $58 round trip for someone in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota) to vacation in Duluth.  That's about five dollars more than last summer. So I'd estimate it would cost a little over $60 for the same Twin Cities resident to make the round trip to Bayfield, Wisconsin for the ferry journey to Madeline Island.  That's not as bad as I thought. My "pitch" here would be to encourage you to come to Madeline Island this summer.  Don't let a few extra dollars keep you away!  And if you do, let me know you're coming and st...
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
If you've never been to Madeline Island before, you'll hear plenty of opinions from newspaper travel columnists and websites about what to see and enjoy.  Here's my personal list of places to eat and relax while you're visiting the Island. Restaurants - You've got choices on Madeline Island when it comes to dining.  If you're looking for casual dining or lunch in the town of La Pointe, stop at the Beach Club or Grandpa Tony's, both on Main Street, close to the ferry landing.  The Beach Club offers alfresco dining on the patio and plenty of indoor seating.  Grampa Tony's offers items like pizza, burgers and ice cream.  The upstairs patio is a great place to eat and enjoy a view of La Pointe harbor.  The Bell Street Tavern offers sandwiches and lighter fare in the bar, but also has fine d...
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
For anyone who is a private aircraft owner visiting the Apostle Islands area of Lake Superior, here's some useful information about the Madeline Island Airport in La Pointe, Wisconsin: The FAA Identifier for the Madeline Island Airport is 4R5 The Madeline Island Airport is a public airport, owned and operated by the Town of La Pointe, Wisconsin. There is a 3000 foot hard surface runway, seventy-five feet wide, asphalt surface, with medium-intensity runway lights There are two runways with nonprecision runway markings The airport is run by manager Michael Dalzell (who replaced Brian Murphy as airport manager at the end of 2006) - The airport address is Box 270, La Pointe, Wisconsin, 54850.  The airport manager may be reached at 715-747-6913 or 715-747-2785. There is no control tower or f...
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
Despite the slow arrival of spring, Madeline Island businesses are opening and tourist traffic is beginning to pick up! Here are a few of the La Pointe business openings scheduled for the month of May: Bremer Bank - Open May 13, 20 & 23, from 9am to 2pm.  Beginning May 27, the bank will be open Monday through Friday from 9am to 2pm. Island Carvers - Currently open, Saturday, 1 to 4pm. Beginning May 15, Thursday through Saturday, from 11 am until 4pm. Open May  22-26, from 11-4pm. Beginning May 27, Monday through Saturday, from 11- 4 pm.    The Island Grocery Store on Main Street (across the street from the Madeline Island Realty office) opens for the season on May 16. Island Thyme will be open Weekends only through Memorial Day. Beginning May 27, Island Thyme will be open daily, from 10...
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
Yesterday, I posted about the challenges and how-to's of gardening on Madeline Island.  For that matter, gardening anywhere in the far north can be a challenge! I'm following up with a post about resources for gardeners who want to tackle gardening on Madeline Island. There's a quote from a Clint Eastwood movie where he says, "This is an island.  If you didn't bring it with you, you ain't gonna have it"!  And that's certainly true when it comes to gardening or landscaping on Madeline Island.  You could hire a nursery company to deliver what you need, but you may want to consider transporting your own gardening supplies to the Island. There aren't a lot of garden or nursery stores in the Chequamegon Bay and Apostle Islands area, but here are a few places you can find the basics, such as ...
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
One of my clients asked me about the feasibility of having a vegetable garden, with maybe a few flowers, on Madeline Island.  I could write a book on the subject.  Maybe I should. The good news is, La Pointe Township is in USDA Hardiness Zone 5.  That means you'll have a longer growing season than nearby Hayward, Wisconsin.  The reason for the isolated Zone 5 classification is the moderating influence of being surrounded by Lake Superior.  Once the water warms up in spring and summer, it holds thermal energy and the prevailing winds from the west and south cause a delay in the date of first frost each autumn. We're seeing a late start to spring this year in La Pointe.  We had a particularly cold winter, and there was a thick blanket of ice along the south shore.  It will take longer for...
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
This is a true story that happened to me a couple years ago while I was showing lakeshore property on Madeline Island. I was on the north end of the Island with a couple, showing them lakeshore property.  We had looked at quite a few lake lots that afternoon and I think we were all a bit fatigued after hiking uphill and down for nearly three hours. We hiked uphill to the bank of one property, overlooking Stockton Island.  The Lake Superior panorama was awesome and the weather was gorgeous.  My clients paused to take it all in.  And just at that moment, a bald eagle swooped down in front of them and landed in a tree about thirty yards away. The husband turned to me with a look of surprise and said "tell me, did you arrange for that to happen"? I replied, "Yeah, there's a guy hiding in th...
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
Madeline Island residents and volunteers will be giving the Island a spring cleaning this weekend. Sponsored by the Madeline Island Chamber of Commerce, the La Pointe School and the Town of La Pointe, the cleanup will take place Saturday, April 26.  Volunteers will meet at Joni's Beach at 11 a.m., with a community picnic and potluck (brats and hot dogs provided by the sponsors) at 12:30.   In the event of rain, the event will be moved to Sunday the 27th. At 1 p.m., the La Pointe School children will present an Earth Day program.  And the kids will be making birdfeeders out of recycled milk containers. Madeline Island is a place where the residents truly live their Earth Day celebration.  And in many ways, they live it 365 days a year. [NOTE: The Madeline Island Earth Day Celebration and...
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
Candidates Ric Gillman and Alan Fischlowitz took two open seats on the Town of La Pointe Board of Supervisors in last Tuesday's election.  Gillman received 96 votes and Fischlowitz received 92 votes.  Fischlowitz was formerly the Town Zoning Administrator in the late 1990s. Incumbent Town Board member Hamilton Ross received 88 votes.  Candidate Holly Tourdot received 57 votes.  There were six votes for write-in candidates, equally split between Mike North and Doug Griggs. Madeline Island voters also chose to keep both the Town Treasurer and Town Clerk as elected positions. 
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
Here's the latest on the status of the Ice Road between Bayfield, Wisconsin and Madeline Island.. An Ice Road between the mainland and the Island was plowed and marked last weekend.  According to my friend Mike Arnao, cars are now using the ice road.  Mike drove it this morning to and from the Island and he reports the ice road was in good driving condition this morning. Photo above: Windsled "Ice Angel IV" ready for Madeline Island passengers. Note radar dome atop the vehicle.   My advice would be to check with the Ice Road Hotline before crossing the two miles of ice in your vehicle!  Obviously it's better to be safe than sorry.  The Hotline recorded message says "cars and light trucks only" may use the ice road at this time.  And ice road conditions can change from one day to the nex...
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
The word is out that the Madeline Island Ferry Line has ceased making trips between La Pointe and Bayfield due to seasonal ice buildup in Chequamegon Bay.  The ferry Island Queen typically stops making trips between Madeline Island and the mainland when the ice reaches a thickness of eight to ten inches.   The first windsled trips of 2008 were made last Thursday.  According to one source, the ice is still not very thick and the windsled broke through the ice a number of times during the first few crossings.  But with temperatures yesterday and today in the single digits (with below-zerowindchill figures), it is expected that the ice will thicken during the coming week.  It takes twelve inches of blue ice (clear ice) to support automobiles. We'll keep you posted on when the ice is thick ...
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
Take a drive down Mondamin Trail on Madeline Island, or along Fort Road near the Marina, and you'll be looking at the future of Madeline Island residential property development. Our Madeline Island lake frontage is about 92% developed today.  The cost of property with Lake Superior frontage has risen to a point that places it out of reach for many buyers.  And a lakeshore buyer who has spent $200,000 or more for a lake lot has only scratched the surface.  By the time the construction process is over, that same buyer will likely have well over $500,000 invested in the property. But tourists, summer residents and those who dream about owning a home or cottage on Madeline Island keep on coming.  For those who still dream of an affordable summer residence, interior property represents the b...
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
With the ten-day La Pointe, Wisconsin forecast calling for daytime high temperatures in the single digits, it appears likely that we'll see a switch from the ferry to windsled transportation to & from Madeline Island this year after all.  We may even get an ice road! Temperatures began to plummet in the Chequamegon Bay area during the past week.  Ice is beginning to accumulate in La Pointe harbor and the ferry schedule is subject to change as a result.  Windsled crews are standing by, ready to take over if and when the ferry shuts down due to thick ice. This season was the first time the Wisconsin Legislature approved a budget of $35,000 for transporting school children across the ice to nearby Bayfield, where Madeline Island middle school and high school students attend classes. During...
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
I find that some of my clients, especially those who own property as summer residents on Madeline Island, don't know how to contact the elected officials who represent La Pointe Township. You'll find complete information, including contact information, on our elected officials by visiting the Project Vote Smart website.  Project Vote Smart is a non-partisan information source about national, state, regional and local elected officials.  The Project Vote Smart site provides biographical information for each elected official, plus contact information (email, phone, fax and mailing address). To reach Town of La Pointe staff, use the following numbers: La Pointe Town Hall, (715) 747-6913 La Pointe Sanitary District, (715) 747-6923 La Pointe Police [non-emergency], (715) 747-6913 Here's a ha...
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
Recently, the office of Wisconsin Senator Bob Jauch (District 25) announced the availability of $2.1 Million in the State budget for improvements in the County Road system on Madeline Island. The available funds are part of Federal monies provided to the State of Wisconsin for various highway projects.  Senator Jauch was able to secure the funds specifically for the purpose of undertaking Madeline Island road projects. At the same time, the LaPointe Town Board has been reviewing the feasibility of purchasing nearly $3 Million worth of gravel for Island roads.  In 2009, Ashland County plans to rebuild and blacktop County Road H on Madeline Island. 
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
The Town of LaPointe (Wisconsin) budget for 2008 will be up 7% over last year's levy.  The total levy (including amounts for the Town of LaPointe, Ashland County, the Bayfield School District, the State of Wisconsin and Madeline Island Sanitary District) will be $5,849,971.31 for 2008. The largest single portion of the total levy was for the Bayfield School District.  The School District portion of the budget is nearly $2.5 million. Last year's 2007 levy represented an increase of 15% over the year before.   
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
On February 2nd, the Bell Street Tavern hosts the "Cabin Fever Reliever", with Big Top Chautauqua's Warren Nelson and the Blue Canvas Orchestra providing the music and entertainment.  The event starts at 5 p.m. and donations will be taken at the door.  The event is a fundraiser for Big Top Chautauqua events. February 23rd is the date of the Fourth Annual "Big Ice Golf Tournament"in downtown LaPointe.  The course will be located across the street from Ed & Marilyn Hartig's Island Store, next door to the Madeline Island Realty office.  A mere $5 donation includes nine holes of golf on the ice!  Irons and yellow tennis balls will be provided.  Prizes will be awarded and proceeds go to benefit the Madeline Island Fire Department.  Call Jerry Smith at 747-2091 for more information. Don't mis...
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By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
Okay, here it is, hot off the presses..the tentative windsled schedule for trips between Bayfield and LaPointe! The following windsled schedule (for travel between Bayfield, Wisconsin and La Pointe, Wisconsin) is based on the 2007 schedule.  This will likely be the daily trip schedule in the event the Madeline Island Ferry Line decides to shut down due to heavy ice: Monday through Friday, there would be ten trips a day.  The windsled would leave Madeline Island at 7:10 am, 9 am, 11:30 am, 3:45 pm and 4:30 pm.  Trips from Bayfield would take place at 7:20 am, 9:30 am, 1 pm, 4 pm and 5 pm. Saturday, there would be six trips a day, with Island departures at 9 am, 11:30 am and 4 pm.  Departures from Bayfield, Wisconsin would be at 9:15 am, 12:15 pm and 4:15 pm. There would also be six trips...
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