Unscientific Survey on Memorial Day Visitor Traffic to Madeline Island
By Eric Kodner, CRS, Madeline Island Realty, LaPointe, WI 54850 -
(Madeline Island Realty)
Here's the results of a fairly un-scientific survey about visitor traffic aboard the Madeline Island Ferry Line last night. A friend sent me results of his survey, in which he counted the number of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois license plates aboard the "Bayfield" on the 9 p.m. run to Madeline Island. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? The count results: 14 vehicles with Minnesota license plates 4 vehicles with Wisconsin license plates 1 vehicle with Illinois license plates How's that for accuracy? Well, the results are in keeping with my assumption that the majority of summer visitors to Madeline Island come from Minnesota and, in particular, the Twin Cities metro area.