Are you annoyed by Tire Slap?
By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
Then the Citizens for a Quieter Avondale would love to hear from you.Tire slap is the term for the road noise generated when car wheels "slap" the road surface. If you haven't noticed, the noise has increased over the years along Avondale road and it isn't just due to increased traffic - much of it is due to the deteriorating surface of the road.A new group has formed Citizens for a Quieter Avondale that is exploring alternative road surface materials with the county to make Avondale quieter and safer for all. Have you ever noticed the patch of road on 520 just before the bridge to Seattle? Next time you drive that road pay attention to how much quieter it is. This is called Asphalt Rubber and it has made a significant reduction in road noise in the surrounding neighborhoods.Want t...