
Woodinville, WA Real Estate News

By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
 Then the Citizens for a Quieter Avondale would love to hear from you.Tire slap is the term for the road noise generated when car wheels "slap" the road surface.  If you haven't noticed, the noise has increased over the years along Avondale road and it isn't just due to increased traffic - much of it is due to the deteriorating surface of the road.A new group has formed Citizens for a Quieter Avondale that is exploring alternative road surface materials with the county to make Avondale quieter and safer for all.  Have you ever noticed the patch of road on 520 just before the bridge to Seattle?  Next time you drive that road pay attention to how much quieter it is.  This is called Asphalt Rubber and it has made a significant reduction in road noise in the surrounding neighborhoods.Want t...
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By Sandy Noll, RE Pro Serving Snohomish to Thurston Counties
((RSVP Real Estate) 425.890.0878)
It's that time of year again when animal shelters all over the country start receiving unexpected and unwanted puppies and kittens.  Making things worse this year are the number of homeowners who have fallen behind in their mortgage payments who must move into a rental that won't accept pets!  GUESS WHAT HAPPENS TO FIDO??? I've recently read a couple stories where the homeowners vacated a foreclosed home and just left the family pet behind with a bag of food and water!!  I certainly understand these are trying times, but please don't abandon your pets!!Fortunately there are shelters that will take in as many and often times more animals then they can accommodate.  Through the love of foster families, cats and dogs are temporarily housed until a forever family can be found. If your famil...
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By Sandy Noll, RE Pro Serving Snohomish to Thurston Counties
((RSVP Real Estate) 425.890.0878)
It's that time of year!  Gather up your lawn chairs, blankets, and an umbrealla (just in case) and mark your calendars to attend the annual Woodinville All Fools Day Parade and so much more!You can begin the morning with a PANCAKE BREAKFAST, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m., Woodinville Fire & Life Safety District Headquarters, 17718 Woodinville-Snohomish Road. Suggestion donations: $4.00/Adult; $2.00/Child; 6 and under eat free! For more information, contact the District at 425-483-2131.            Then grab you seats for the parade which is from 10:30am-12:30pm down 175th Street.  If that's not enough for you, you can also take in the BASSET BASH & BRIGADE, 1 to 4 pm at the Carol Edwards Center Sports Fields.  For more information, Basset owners/lovers should contact:Woodinville Weekly, (425) 483-0...
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By Sandy Noll, RE Pro Serving Snohomish to Thurston Counties
((RSVP Real Estate) 425.890.0878)
If you are thinking about relocating to Western Washington, you should consider Woodinville.Woodinville was once a small town that equestrian lovers called home.  Now it's a thriving little city about 45 minutes northeast of downtown Seattle, 30 minutes to Boeing and 20-30 minutes to the Microsoft Campus.  With shopping including Target, Costco and Barnes-n-Noble, spas, restaurants, a movie theatre, Molbaks Nursery and the wineries you never have to go far to find what your looking for.  There is also a Golds Gym, and Ride Motor Sports and Three Rivers Marine & Tackle for the outdoor enthusiasts.  This is a great link to the history and demographics of Woodinville.Woodinville is well known for it's numerous wineries.  Most notable are the Chateau Ste. MichelleColumbia Winery  An absolut...
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By Robert Lockard
(Luxury Real Estate)
Woodinville, a suburb of Seattle, suffered a sad event on Monday, March 3, 2008, according to an article I found in Yahoo! News. Three luxury homes were burned and two others were damaged in a case of arson. Thank goodness the homes were unoccupied and so no one was injured.These homes were part of last year's Street of Dreams, an annual event that allows people from all over the Puget Sound to walk through and experience the incredible features of cutting-edge luxury homes.The homes that were destroyed were actually much smaller than some of the more opulent homes that have been showcased in the past - measuring about 4,000 square feet each. They were also built with special "green" features, including water-pervious sidewalks, super-insulated walls and windows and products made with r...
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By Greg & Brian Perry, Working-for-you
(Windermere Real Estate N.E.)
NWMLS 600 Woodinville Real Estate Market StatisticsJanuary 2008Single Family HomesArea 600 (No. Kirkland/Woodinville/Duvall) median prices were down -8.0%.  YOY listing inventory was up 50.0% and Pendings were down -18%.LISTINGS: 548(2007) vs. 365 (2006) +50%PENDINGS: 77 (2007) vs. 94 (2006) -18%MEDIAN: $459,950 (2007) vs. $499,950 (2006) -8.0 Compiled from but not verified or published by NWMLSBy Greg Perry, Eastside
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
At 4pm sharp the Northshore School District Board posted the analysis that everyone was waiting for - which Woodinville school would be selected for closure.  Clearly a topic that was near and dear to many based upon the fact that the website was slammed with hits and many people were delayed in getting the answer they so dearly wanted.My sympathies go out to the parents of the children attending Woodin!  In the end I hope that they will be better off, going to a school that has a better facility within a school district that is healthier financially - but change is always hard.  I hope that all of the parents and children at the schools where they will be shifted to - will make your transition as easy as possible by greeting you with open, welcoming arms. However - to all of the parent...
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
Are you paying attention to the media coverage of the Northshore School District budget shortfall?This shortfall will have an impact on every child in the Northshore school district (go to scroll down for the details).  Unfortunately for a large group of families, it will be a very personal impact if one of the Woodinville elementary schools are closed - impacting both the children from the closed school and the children caught up in the disruption caused by boundary line adjustment moves for the remaining schools. Let your voice be heard!  I want to applaud Nancy Hill of Woodinville for taking the time to write a letter to the NSD Board and Editor of the Woodinville Weekly last week to share her thoughts on this serious situation.  While I did not agree with ever...
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By Hilde Webber
I would like to have some feedback on a house that I have listed in Woodinville, WA.  Any comments would be appreciated! 
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
Cottage Lake Beach Club is located just off Avondale next to Cottage Lake.  The community shares beach rights at the private park on the lake.  This serene lake allows no combustion engines and is a popular spot for picnics and trout fishing in the spring.  The neighborhood consists of approximately 100 homes nestled within a series of winding streets.  Most of the homes were built in the mid 1960s and vary from tri-level, split-level and a few ramblers.  Summary Price Information, Home sales January 2007-January 2008SoldSelling Price Range Quantity     Average DOM $350,000 thru $399,999224 $400,000 thru $449,999114 $450,000 thru $499,999380  650  Summary Price InformationMinimum $369,950Maximum $492,500Average $437,908Median $447,500For more information on Woodinville Neighborhoods, in...
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
The Passport to Woodinville Weekend event will be held on April 12th & 13ththis year.  This fun event provides the opportunity for you to discover the many high quality wineries that we have right in Western Washington.  The best part is that many of the wineries have limited wine tasting opportunities throughout the year and this weekend they are all open.  Don't forget to arrange for a designated driver or splurge and share a towncar or limo.Participating wineries (30) include:Adams Bench, Arlington Road Cellars, Austin Robaire, Baer Winery, Brian Carter Cellars, Chateau Ste. Michelle, Columbia Winery, Covington Cellars, Cuillin Hills, Des Voigne Cellars, Di Stefano Winery, Edmonds Winery, Efeste' Wine Cellars, Hollywood Hill Vineyards, Januik Winery, JM Cellars, Mark Ryan, Matthews C...
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
Even if you believe that you aren't impacted by the major budget shortfall  ($3.4M) - if you live within the Northshore School District - you are! You are affected if: You have a child in one of the Woodinville Elementary Schools.  Your child's school could be closed, your child's school could have an influx of new students from a closed school, or no school is closed and programs are cut in your child's school.  For example... the librarian, the nurse, assistants, music, sports, etc... You have a child in one of the Northshore Elementary, Junior or Senior High Schools. In addition to considering a school closure program cuts are also in consideration - again... don't your children deserve a library/librarian, nurse, assistants, music, art, sports, foreign languages..... You LIVE in the...
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
We all hear in the news the speculation that Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve Bank might cut rates - but do we all really know what that means?  Specifically, for those of you who are considering purchasing a home, refinancing, or opening a Home Equity Line of Credit - the rate change might not have the impact that you think. New & Refi-Mortgages. The act of the Fed moving the short term rates has no direct effect on the mortgage rates as they are quoted. WHY? Because mortgage rates are based upon the trading of mortgage backed securities. The indirect effect of these rate changes actually happens days or weeks before the actual change when all of the "talking" is taking place in the media - when the change actually takes place you might see an oposite affect and rates go up.The Fed...
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
This nice little neighborhood is tucked away on a winding street across from Woodin Elementary in the Wedge District of the city of Woodinville.  There is a mix of 1 story and split level homes that have prices that support those who are just getting started or who want to pull out some of their equity in their existing home and downsize. These homes were generally built in the late 1960s but many have been substantially remodeled so don't assume they have older interior.  Pride of ownership is evident as you walk through this neighborhood.In addition to being close to one of the award winning Northshore school district elementary schools, Woodinville High School is within walking distance and so is the Rotary Skate/BMX park and boardwalk/trails.  For a sampling of homes in this neighbo...
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
Last Tuesday, the Northshore School Board voted to do the analysis that may lead to the closure of one of the Woodinville Elementary Schools.  If that option is selected all schools will likely be impacted as the children/programs from the school that is closed are shifted. Even if they don't decide to close one of the schools - there will be cuts.  Junior high sports?  Junior high music?  Do you have an opinion - make sure that the Northshore School Board (and the legislature) know it!Are you informed?  Do you know where to go to get informed? Here are some resources for you to learn more.Northshore School District Main Website - check out the presentationDistrict Website - check out the video presentation on Responsible BudgetingNext Key School Board Meeting - JanuarySEND YOUR FEEDBAC...
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By Greg & Brian Perry, Working-for-you
(Windermere Real Estate N.E.)
By Greg PerryEastside Realtor Kirkland / Woodinville Real Estate Statistics -- December 2007Single Family Homes (not condos)Area 600 (No. Kirkland/Woodinville/Duvall) median prices were up 18.2%.  YOY listing inventory was up 65.0% and Pendings were down -46%.LISTINGS: 505(2007) vs. 306 (2006) +65%PENDINGS: 47 (2007) vs. 87 (2006) -46%MEDIAN: $549,000 (2007) vs. $464,500 (2006)+18.2 compiled from but not published by the NWMLS
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By Sandy Noll, RE Pro Serving Snohomish to Thurston Counties
((RSVP Real Estate) 425.890.0878)
Please join us for a FREE Home Ownership Made Easy workshop, being presented to educate first time home-buyers on how to find and finance their first home.   Purchasing a first home or any home for that matter is a huge decision, in fact, for some it is one of the largest investments and purchases that an individual or family will ever have.  The reality is there is so much information floating around about how consumers should approach getting the knowledge to make the right purchasing and financial mortgage choices, that for most the process is confusing and unclear.Presented by local industry members, join myself, Sandy Noll, a Real Estate Consultant with Keller Williams Realty and Tom Lasswell a Sr. Lending Advisor with the Liberty Financial Group.  We will be hosting an information...
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
Woodinville City Council Meetings - January The City Council regularly holds its meetings on the 1, 2, and 3 Tuesday of each month.  However, the first Tuesday in January fell on New Year's Day which was a holiday for City government.  In order to conduct three meetings during January, the City Council will meet on the following dates, Tuesday, January 8, 15, and 22.  Location: City Hall, Council ChambersTime: 7:00pmMeeting Agenda: Can't make the meeting? Keep up-to-date on what is happening with the city council by watching the meetings on TV (Channel WTV21).  City Council Meetings are re-broadcast at 7 a.m., 1 p.m., 7 p.m., and 1 a.m. City sponsored events and services are advertised 24-hours per day, and helpful public servi...
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By The Blue Team, Working Twice As Hard For You!
(Windermere Real Estate/HLC)
 I just got back from a very well attended PTA meeting at Bear Creek Elementary.  At this meeting it was shared that on Tuesday (1/8) the Northshore School Board will be voting on whether they will do the analysis and decide whether to close one of the eight Woodinville elementary schools in order to fix a major budget shortfall. If they vote to do the analysis and it is decided that a school must be closed - this will be implemented Fall 2008.I want to say that I was very impressed with Principal Gary Keeler - for two key reasons: (1) Great Communication.  He is dealing with the potential issue and concerns of parents quickly, directly and with honest and open communication.  In order to share what facts are known, he arranged to have a district representative at the meeting with only ...
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By Sandy Noll, RE Pro Serving Snohomish to Thurston Counties
((RSVP Real Estate) 425.890.0878)
Are you looking for some great family fun and an opportunity to get out and enjoy the sights and sounds of the Holiday season?                   It's time for Woodinville's annual Light Festival.  This is a fun filled event for the entire family.  There will be dancing and game playing for all ages.   Come celebrate this Friday night December 14th from 6:30-9pm at the Carol Edwards Center in downtown Woodinville.  The cost is $5 per person with tickets sold at the door.   Sandy NollRealtor®, eAgentKeller Williams Realty425-890-0878sandy@sandynoll.comwww.letsachieveyourgoals.comKirkland, Woodinville, Bothell  
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