Ravenna Park (Seattle, WA)
About Ravenna Park (Seattle, WA)
The Ravenna Park neighborhood is a small area of Seattle close to the University of Washington. The area is separated from the U District by Ravenna Ravine. There is foot and bicycle bridge on 20th Ave NE but otherwise there is no through traffic between 15th Avenue and 25th Avenue. So the area south of 65th Ave to the park (60th) has little "city" traffic to contend with. For the most part the housing stock is from 1900-1035 and most homes are well cared for. Ravenna Park is a wonderful neighborhood to call home.
By Adrian Willanger, Profit from my two decades of experience
(206 909-7536 AdrianWillanger-broker.com)
Northeast Seattle neighborhood transforms itself into Candy Cane Lane Candy Cane Lane is located in Seattle’s Ravenna neighborhood where once a year at Christmas the small enclave of 23 brick houses with peaked roofs comes alive as a unique Christmas village.  The neighborhood was originally designed as a University of Washington architectural project in the 1920s. The neighborhood, at Christmas, has a magical atmosphere that is sure to be a hit all ages. The FREE event runs from mid-December until January 1, from 4 to 11 PM and until midnight Christmas Eve. Location: Northeast Park Road off Ravenna Boulevard in Seattle. View Larger Map
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By Glenn Roberts
The 34th Annual Ravenna Park Egg Hunt in the Park will be held On April 24th in "Little Park" on Easter Sunday at 2:30 rain or shine. If you have a child participating, bring a dozen plastic eggs, filled with candy, coins, sticker, or other treats (no nuts, please) to the Coleman's House at 311 19th Ave NE before 6 PM on Saturday April 23rd.  With your eggs please include the form which is available here: The Egg Hunt Form. You can help hide eggs, make a donation for the "Golden Eggs," or volunteer to be the Easter Bunny next year. Come join the neighbors this Sunday for a good time in the Little Park.
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By Glenn Roberts
The Magnolia Trees in Seattle seem to be blooming late this year. It's been cooler than normal and very few warm days. I've stopped running now but used to run in the St Patrick's Day Dash in Seattle. We'd run through a tunnel and then up on the Alsakan Way Viaduct with fun views of the city and out over Puget Sound. The race was rerouted a couple of years ago and it's a pretty boring run these days in light of the alternatives. Driving down to the race start I always remember picking up a friend who ran with me almost every year. She had a Magnolia Tree in her yard and it seems like every year when I picked her up her car would be covered with the blossoms from the tree. That race is alwyas held on the Sunday closest to St Patrick's Day. I took this picture this week.  
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By Glenn Roberts
Are there rats in Ravenna, and Roosevelt, too? Who would know unless they seee them or unless they went to the Ravenna-Bryant Community Association meeting last night. About 120 people showed up and it was a busy agenda. First off the acting president was named official president for the coming year. (I showed up without pen and paper, so I have no names to report.)  After her introductory remarks, a nice young lady from Seattle Public Health arrived and shared some information on rats and what to do about them. There are 4 steps to removing rats: 1. Take away their food. (Stop feeding birds for a while if you must) 2.Exterminate by trapping and/or poisoning. 3.Keep rats out of your yard by eliminating places they nest. 4.Keep rats out of your home. Rats can enter through an opening the...
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The Ravenna Park Traffic Circle (Naomi Circle) redo is nearing completion. Back in the fall of 2009 Sue had an idea and the neighborhood agreed. The English Ivy and a few trees added little to the neighborhood.  Pulling out 30+ year old ivy by the roots is no mean feat. But we persisted. With a grant from the city work continued through the winter. In May of 2010 I reported on the progress to date. But knowing that summers are the dry months we waited until fall to begin planting. The planting went well. As we near the end of the grant period we're into the final phase. Here is a list of the flowering plants we'll plant over the next two weekends. Once they are in and a few of them blooming I will post pictures. All of the plants we've planted are native to the Northwest and I look forw...
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Seattle Community Center Spring ScheduleThe Seattle Parks Department has just released its spring schedule of Community Center activities. In the Ravenna and Ravenna Park area, the Ravenna Eckstein CC and other north end Community Centers have the following daily schedule planned:1. Five drop-in programs for tots aged 2-52. Open basketball for the 18 and under crowd.3. Chess for adults4. Fitness programs for adults5. Racquetball, Wallyball,  Goju-Ryn Karate, Tai Chi, Ping Pong, and Pickleball are all available on a drop-In basis at certain locations. I could go on and on. The document released by the Seattle Parks Department is 56 pages long with an amazing array of events and activities throughout the Spring. The Ravenna-Eckstein Community Center is located at 6535 Ravenna Ave. NE / Se...
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By Glenn Roberts
 Glenn Roberts   |  Ravenna Park  |  My Seattle   | Lake & Co Real Estate Ravenna January 2011 Market Report       Closings in any January are usually down because December is often a slow month. And this year is no exception. And, usually, many listings that haven’t sold go off the market at the end of the year. Sellers assess what their future holds and some decide to wait until “Spring” to re-list. Some rent their properties out hoping for better times. The smart ones are often the ones who stay on the market during a time of reduced inventory.   Status # Low $ High $ Average Median Days on Market Active 21 144,950 655,000 417,869 425,000 77 Pending Inspection 6 133,500 530,000 390,250 407,000 39 Under Contract 2 375,000 535,000 455,000 455,000 24 Sold 5 247,500 800,000 431,700 387,...
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