
Newcastle, WA Real Estate News

The next Newcastle City Hall Meeting will be Tuesday November 20th at 7:00 PM. The meeting will take place in the City Hall Council Chamber in Newcastle. David EdwardsREALTOR®Keller Williams Realty Southeast SoundPhone: 425-890-8045E-Mail: david@davidjedwards.comWebsite: David J Edwards is a full time real estate agent and REALTOR® with Keller Williams Realty specializing in Residential Real Estate for buyers and sellers in Washington's Renton Highlands, Newcastle and South Bellevue.
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"The upscale Olympus neighborhood in Newcastle lives up to the grandeur its name implies, with sweeping views of the Olympic Mountains, Lake Washington and Mount Rainier, along with well-kept yards and homes," writes Jolene Gensheimer in a special to The Seattle Times Real Estate section on Sunday, October 14th, 2007.The Olympus community was established in 1987, when construction of the development began. The development was built during the mid 90's and boasts 267 homes. Olympus is served by two school districts: Issaquah and Renton. The neighborhood benefits from an active homeowner's association that meets on a monthly basis. The association hosts many events that contribute to the sense of intamicy shared by the residents. "Instead of being just a neighborhood of houses, it is a co...
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By David Edwards
(Edwards Real Estate Group, Inc.)
 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall October 17, 2007 REGULAR MEETING AGENDA - 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. FLAG SALUTE 3. ROLL CALL 4. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR 5. SWEARING IN OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. June 13, 2007 b. August 16, 2007 7. PUBLIC COMMENT When recognized, proceed to podium, adjust microphone, state your name and address for the record. Please print your name on the sign-up sheet to ensure accuracy for the record. PLEASE LIMIT YOUR REMARKS THREE (3) MINUTES. 8. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. 10. GENERAL BUSINESS a. Allowed Impervious Surface in Community Business Zone 11. REPORTS a. Action Items for review b. Commission Reports c. Staff Reports 12. PLANNING COMMISSION CALENDAR REVIEW 13. ADJOURN...
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By David Edwards
(Edwards Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Posted by David Edwards under For Buyers, For Sellers, For Realty Professionals, Regional - West, Local Events Calendar, Regional News, WashingtonCity Hall - 13020 Newcastle WayAgenda 1) Call to Order 2) Flag Salute 3) Roll Call 4) Approval of Minutes  a. September 12, 20075) Public Comment6) Parks Commissioner Comments7) General Business a. Lake Boren Park Master Plan - Continued Discussion b. Volunteer Recognition - Discussion c. Windtree Park Groundbreaking Event - Discussion8) Reports a. Committees  1. Community Service  2. Recreation - sunsetted   3. Trails & History - sunsetted   4. Parks  5. WSDOT Park  6. Skateboard Park  7. Westside Park b. Staff  1. Skatepark Update  2. WSDOT Park Update  3. Parks Vacancy AddReminder: All committee meetings must have public notice and publishe...
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By David Edwards
(Edwards Real Estate Group, Inc.)
The City Council is the legislative branch of Newcastle city government and is the chief policy-making body. The role of the City Council is to establish policies and to enact ordinances and resolutions that are deemed to be in the best interest of the City.Four of the seven Newcastle City Council seats are up for grabs which is obvious in the streets of Newcastle where campaign signs can be found on every corner. These signs give us an idea of the names we can expect to see on the ballot but do little in the way of helping us understand who is running against who and where each candidate stands on the issues.To address this problem, the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce hosted a candidate's forum on September 20th. The Newcastle Candidates Forum was hosted by the Newcastle Golf & Country C...
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By David Edwards
(Edwards Real Estate Group, Inc.)
CITY OF NEWCASTLE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall Tuesday, September 18, 2007 7:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER  2. ROLL CALL  3. FLAG SALUTE  4. PRESENTATIONS - None.  5. PUBLIC COMMENT When recognized, proceed to lectern, adjust microphone, and state your name & address. Print your name on the sign-up sheet to ensure accuracy in the record. PLEASE LIMIT YOUR REMARKS TO 3 MINUTES IF SPEAKING AS AN INDIVIDUAL; AND TO 5 MINUTES IF REPRESENTING A GROUP.  6. COUNCIL COMMENTS  7. MAYOR/COMMISSION/CITY MANAGER'S REPORT  a. Mayor PAGE  b. Parks Commission 001  c. City Manager 003  8. APPROVAL OF FINAL AGENDA  9. CONSENT AGENDA a. Approval of Minutes August 14, 2007 Special 004 b. Approval of Minutes August 21, 2007 Regular 019 c. Approval of Minutes September 4, 2007...
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By David Edwards
(Edwards Real Estate Group, Inc.)
Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Andrew Shelton seeks (vacant) Position 2 on Newcastle City Council Andrew Shelton has announced he will seek election for Position 2 on the Newcastle City Council.   Shelton says he is running for election because he believes, "The residents of Newcastle deserve an action-oriented councilmember with a record of working effectively with others."   Andrew Shelton has volunteered his time to serve on the Newcastle Parks and Recreation Commission since its inception in 2004.  He has also been elected on two separate occasions to the Vice Chair position of the Commission.   With limited resources, the Commission managed the annual Newcastle Days celebration, introduced the successful Concerts in the Park series, and pushed for the development of several pa...
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By Andy Wand
Having lived in Newcastle for many years, I thought I'd list a few of my favorite places in the area. If you're new to the area, I encourage you to check them out.Newcastle Fruit Stand: At the corner of Coal Creek Parkway and Newcastle Way, there's a seasonal fruit stand that sells all kinds of fresh fruit and vegetables. They also sell lots of different plants and trees for landscaping. In the winter they sell Christmas trees. You pay a little bit more, but it's so much nicer than buying your fruit at the grocery store.Tapatio: A great mexican restaurant. The people are nice, the food is good, and it's conveniently located in the strip mall along Coal Creek ParkwayLake Boren Park: Sitting on small but pretty Lake Boren, this park has a nice playground for kids to play, lots of wide ope...
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Newcastle, WA Real Estate Professionals