Squak Mountain Neighborhood Homes in Issaquah WA
By Mary Cruz & Team, Real Estate Professionals
(Global Home Brokers)
Squak Mountain Neighborhood Homes in Issaquah WA Find Homes for sale in Squak Mountain Neighborhood in Issaquah WA. The Squak Mountain neighborhood in Issaquah is named after the mountain which it is located on. This neighborhood is located on the north slope of the mountain southwest of Issaquah Valley. The neighborhood limits roughly with Newport Way NW to the north and east, 12th Avenue NW to the west, and Squak Mountain to the south. This Mountain has an elevation of 2,028 feet and is one of the Issaquah Alps range of mountains that predate the up-thrust that created the Cascade Mountains. The Squak Mountain neighborhood has seen multiple waves of development over a forty year period, so the area offers a wide variety of housing options ranging from older single family development...