Gilman Neighborhood Homes in Issaquah WA
By Mary Cruz & Team, Real Estate Professionals
(Global Home Brokers)
Gilman Neighborhood Homes in Issaquah WA Find Homes for sale in Gilman Neighborhood in Issaquah WA. Also known as Gilman Village, this neighborhood in the city of Issaquah has been a landmark for almost half a century. Gilman is a mixed use center featuring shops, restaurants, personal services, and even a preschool residing in houses, buildings and other structures preserved from Issaquah's historic past. Located just south of I-90, the Gilman neighborhood is sandwiched between the Olde Town and Newport neighborhoods and parted by the Issaquah Creek to the east and west. The neighborhood uses Gilman Boulevard on the north and Newport Way on the south as its main transportation arteries, with Gilman Boulevard providing pedestrian-friendly the Olde Town and Newport Subareas. Besides of...