Battle Ground WA Real Estate | Market Report: February 2008
By John Slocum, Broker, SFR - Vancouver WA Real Estate
(Premiere Property Group, LLC - Vancouver Washington)
Battle Ground WA Homes For Sale | Real Estate Market Report for February 2008 This report is a simple tabulation of Battle Ground WA Homes For Sale in the real estate data base, separated into price ranges, and: Active, Pending and Sold categories, for the Historical month of February, 2008 This month has 13 more homes in the active category, and the average days on the market showed modest change. For the listings that are agreeing to offers the average time on the market is about 71 & 114 days respectively per lot-size below. For 2007 the MLS data is showing the Average home Selling Price for the Battle Ground area at: $299,600; and the Median Selling Price at: $255,000. The Clark County - wide Average Home Selling Price is: $305,500; while the Median Selling Price is: $262,300. Pleas...