Battle Ground WA Real Estate Market Report November 2016
By John Slocum, Broker, SFR - Vancouver WA Real Estate
(Premiere Property Group, LLC - Vancouver Washington)
Seasonal Slowing (sort of...) Finally Arrives for Real Estate in Battle Ground in November 2016! Unit-Sales in November will usually be tracking lower than in the late Spring and Summer however, this year the short-term trend went Flat instead of dropping for Battle Ground WA real estate owing to a very high number of closed home sales for the month; leaving the area with a very low level of available Inventory. Here are a some of the highlights for November 2016: The 3-Month Moving Average for Price is up for this month (unusual in the late Fall season); and has increased to 10.7% compared to the previous year's mark; with the 12-Month Moving Average is now 12.3% higher than in November 2015. The Inventory level for Resale Homes has dropped to 1.3 Months - an Extremely Low Level!!! ...