
Springfield, VA Real Estate News

By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Kings Park | Springfield, VA - May 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Kings Park neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Kings Park neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Kings ParkIn the past 6 months, 19 properties have sold in Kings Park ranging from a 1-bed, 1-bath Detached for $190,000 to a 4-bed, 2.5-bath Detached for $660,000.Kings Park Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (March) as compared to the 5-year April average. The market supply is 0.7 months, which indicates the total number of months it would take for the curren...
Comments 1
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Lakewood Hills | Springfield, VA - May 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Lakewood Hills neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Lakewood Hills neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Lakewood HillsIn the past 6 months, 13 properties have sold in Lakewood Hills ranging from a 4-bed, 2-bath Detached for $549,000 to a 5-bed, 5.5-bath Detached for $1,028,000.Lakewood Hills Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (March) as compared to the 5-year April average. The market supply is 0 months, which indicates there are currently no homes on...
Comments 4
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Newington Forest | Springfield, VA - May 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Newington Forest neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Newington Forest neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Newington ForestIn the past 6 months, 32 properties have sold in Newington Forest ranging from a 2-bed, 1.5-bath Townhome for $287,900 to a 4-bed, 2.5-bath Detached for $687,500.Newington Forest Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (March) as compared to the 5-year April average. The market supply is 0 months, which indicates there are currently...
Comments 1
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Newington Station | Springfield, VA - May 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Newington Station neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Newington Station neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Newington StationIn the past 6 months, 13 properties have sold in Newington Station ranging from a 3-bed, 1.5-bath Townhome for $325,000 to a 4-bed, 2.5-bath Detached for $525,000.Newington Station Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (March) as compared to the 5-year April average. The market supply is 0.3 months, which indicates the total n...
Comments 3
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in North Springfield | Springfield, VA - May 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the North Springfield neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest North Springfield neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in North SpringfieldIn the past 6 months, 26 properties have sold in North Springfield ranging from a 4-bed, 3-bath Detached for $450,000 to a 4-bed, 3-bath Detached for $450,000.North Springfield Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (March) as compared to the 5-year April average. The market supply is 1 month, which indicates the total number o...
Comments 3
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Orange Hunt Estates | Springfield, VA - May 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Orange Hunt Estates neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Orange Hunt Estates neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Orange Hunt EstatesIn the past 6 months, 12 properties have sold in Orange Hunt Estates ranging from a 4-bed, 2.5-bath Detached for $523,000 to a 5-bed, 3.5-bath Detached for $600,000.Orange Hunt Estates Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (March) as compared to the 5-year April average. The market supply is 0.5 months, which indicates...
Comments 2
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Ravensworth | Springfield, VA - May 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Ravensworth neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Ravensworth neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in RavensworthIn the past 6 months, 10 properties have sold in Ravensworth ranging from a 3-bed, 1.5-bath Detached for $366,000 to a 3-bed, 1.5-bath Detached for $366,000.Ravensworth Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (March) as compared to the 5-year April average. The market supply is 1.5 months, which indicates the total number of months it would take for th...
Comments 2
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Rolling Forest | Springfield, VA - May 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Rolling Forest neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Rolling Forest neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Rolling ForestIn the past 6 months, 12 properties have sold in Rolling Forest ranging from a 3-bed, 3.5-bath Townhome for $375,000 to a 4-bed, 3.5-bath Detached for $726,050.Rolling Forest Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (March) as compared to the 5-year April average. The market supply is 0.5 months, which indicates the total number of months it...
Comments 2
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Rolling Valley | Springfield, VA - May 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Rolling Valley neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Rolling Valley neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Rolling ValleyIn the past 6 months, 33 properties have sold in Rolling Valley ranging from a 5-bed, 3-bath Detached for $430,000 to a 4-bed, 3.5-bath Detached for $740,000.Rolling Valley Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (March) as compared to the 5-year April average. The market supply is 0.8 months, which indicates the total number of months it w...
Comments 1
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Saratoga | Springfield, VA - May 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Saratoga neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Saratoga neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in SaratogaIn the past 6 months, 18 properties have sold in Saratoga ranging from a 3-bed, 2-bath, and 2-half bath Townhome for $425,000 to a 4-bed, 3.5-bath Detached for $645,000.Saratoga Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (March) as compared to the 5-year April average. The market supply is 0.3 months, which indicates the total number of months it would take for the c...
Comments 1
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Townhomes for Sale in Saratoga Townhouses | Springfield, VA - May 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Saratoga Townhouses neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Saratoga Townhouses neighborhood guide, market trends and townhomes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Townhomes in Saratoga TownhousesIn the past 6 months, 6 properties have sold in Saratoga Townhouses ranging from a 2-bed, 2.5-bath Townhome for $347,700 to a 3-bed, 3.5-bath Townhome for $443,000.Saratoga Townhouses Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (March) as compared to the 5-year April average. The market supply is 0 months, which ...
Comments 2
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Cardinal Forest | Springfield, VA - April 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Cardinal Forest neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Cardinal Forest neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Cardinal ForestIn the past 6 months, 35 properties have sold in Cardinal Forest ranging from a 1-bed, 1-bath Condo for $175,000 to a 4-bed, 2.5-bath Detached for $680,000.Cardinal Forest Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (February) as compared to the 5-year March average. The market supply is 0.4 months, which indicates the total number of mon...
Comments 3
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Townhomes for Sale in Charlestown | Springfield, VA - April 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Charlestown neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Charlestown neighborhood guide, market trends and townhomes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Townhomes in CharlestownIn the past 6 months, 12 properties have sold in Charlestown ranging from a 3-bed, 2.5-bath Townhome for $406,000 to a 5-bed, 2.5-bath Townhome for $495,000.Charlestown Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (February) as compared to the 5-year March average. The market supply is 0.5 months, which indicates the total number of months it ...
Comments 3
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Townhomes for Sale in Danbury Forest | Springfield, VA - April 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Danbury Forest neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Danbury Forest neighborhood guide, market trends and townhomes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Townhomes in Danbury ForestIn the past 6 months, 5 properties have sold in Danbury Forest ranging from a 3-bed, 1-bath, and 2-half bath Townhome for $385,000 to a 4-bed, 2-bath, and 2-half bath Townhome for $435,000.Danbury Forest Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (February) as compared to the 5-year March average. The market supply is 1 month, wh...
Comments 4
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Hunter Village | Springfield, VA - April 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Hunter Village neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Hunter Village neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Hunter VillageIn the past 6 months, 12 properties have sold in Hunter Village ranging from a 3-bed, 2-bath, and 2-half bath Townhome for $410,000 to a 3-bed, 2-bath, and 2-half bath Townhome for $533,100.Hunter Village Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (February) as compared to the 5-year March average. The market supply is 0.5 months, which indi...
Comments 2
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Townhomes for Sale in Japonica | Springfield, VA - April 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Japonica neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Japonica neighborhood guide, market trends and townhomes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Townhomes in JaponicaIn the past 6 months, 8 properties have sold in Japonica ranging from a 2-bed, 1-bath, and 2-half bath Townhome for $357,000 to a 3-bed, 2-bath, and 2-half bath Townhome for $485,000.Japonica Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (February) as compared to the 5-year March average. The market supply is 0 months, which indicates there are currently n...
Comments 2
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Keene Mill Manor | Springfield, VA - April 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Keene Mill Manor neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Keene Mill Manor neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Keene Mill ManorIn the past 6 months, 4 properties have sold in Keene Mill Manor ranging from a 3-bed, 2-bath Detached for $523,000 to a 4-bed, 3-bath Detached for $589,000.Keene Mill Manor Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (February) as compared to the 5-year March average. The market supply is 2 months, which indicates the total number of...
Comments 4
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Townhomes for Sale in Keene Mill Village | Springfield, VA - April 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Keene Mill Village neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Keene Mill Village neighborhood guide, market trends and townhomes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Townhomes in Keene Mill VillageIn the past 6 months, 8 properties have sold in Keene Mill Village ranging from a 2-bed, 1.5-bath Townhome for $319,900 to a 3-bed, 3.5-bath Townhome for $452,900.Keene Mill Village Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (February) as compared to the 5-year March average. The market supply is 0 months, which i...
Comments 4
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Lakewood Hills | Springfield, VA - April 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Lakewood Hills neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Lakewood Hills neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Lakewood HillsIn the past 6 months, 14 properties have sold in Lakewood Hills ranging from a 3-bed, 2-bath Detached for $473,500 to a 5-bed, 5.5-bath Detached for $1,028,000.Lakewood Hills Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (February) as compared to the 5-year March average. The market supply is 1.3 months, which indicates the total number of mont...
Comments 2
By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Newington Forest | Springfield, VA - April 2019 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Newington Forest neighborhood of Springfield, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Newington Forest neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Newington ForestIn the past 6 months, 27 properties have sold in Newington Forest ranging from a 2-bed, 1.5-bath Townhome for $287,900 to a 4-bed, 2.5-bath Detached for $672,000.Newington Forest Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (February) as compared to the 5-year March average. The market supply is 0.1 months, which indicates the total nu...
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