Homes currently for sale in Sandston, Virginia. Foreclosure list in Sandston, Virginia.
By Lane Midgett
(1776 Real Estate Group Richmond, VA Local Expert )
REAL ESTATE SANDSTON VIRGINIA Market synopsis of Sandston, Virginia The following information was obtained on September 7th 2010 from the Central Virginia Regional Multiple Listing Service: There are currently 84 active properties on the market in Sandston, Virginia. Of those listed 14 homes or 16% are either short sales or foreclosures. To obtain a list of these foreclosed/short sale properties click here. Please view this map of active homes for sale in Sandston, Virginia here: The list prices for those homes currently for sale in Sandston, Virginia range from $75,000 to $795,000. The average listing price is $196,979. The average price per square foot is $118.65. The average amount of time spent of the market is 117 days. There are currently 15 homes under contract in Sandston, Vi...