Just Keep Going!! It Gets Easier Or You Get Better!! Pros Know!!
By Lenn Harley, Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland
(Lenn Harley, Homefinders.com, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate)
"HIT AND RUN" doesn't work in sports. You can't be a champion after one game."HIT AND RUN" doesn't work in real estate sales either. The secret is consistency. The reason professional sports competitors are paid so highly is because they are so good at what they do that others pay to just watch them compete. This morning, while reviewing ActiveRain, which I do early each morning, I'm also watching the European PGA Golf Tour tournament. No, I don't follow golf in that European tournaments except when a favorite American player is competing. Tiger Woods is the draw for me here. I watched the tournament when Phil Mickelson won the British Open this year. KEEP GOING!! One thing I've learned from my addiction to professional sports is that THE WINNERS NEVER GIVE UP!!! They may be b...