
Norfolk, VA Real Estate News

By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
This is of interest to all of Hampton Roads.  Recently the Jewish Chapel at the Norfolk Naval Station was rededicated.  This Jewish Chapel is the oldest land based chapel in the Navy and was rededicated to Commodore Uriah P. Levy almost 50 years after it was named for him.  The Commodore had quite a career: he chased pirates, wrote books, spent 16 months in a British prison during the War of 1812 helped to end the harsh punishment of flogging.  Just for that he should have had something named after him. 
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A Brief history of the first century of the City of Norfolk.  Check out the map I created of the City of Norofolk, Virginia (inspired by Lenn Harley's maps) Before Norfolk was Norfolk it was called Skicoak and The Chesipean indians ruled the area.  By the time the English came they had been wiped out by Chief Powatan on the basis of a dream by one of his advisors.  The Chesipean Indians had been a peaceful people. In 1607 three English ships landed at Cape Henry (today's Fort Story,) and then continued their trip up the river where they finally established the first English settlement in North America called Jamestown.  I love Jamestown so much that I will write a whole blog about it. A must visit with owt of town visitors. But lets continue with our brief history of Norfolk Virginia  B...
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
Do you know where yard sales are in Hampton Roads?   I know where most of them are because I go to .  The site takes information from Craigs list and posts them.  You enter a starting address, how many miles you want to drive, the day of the week and click search.  You are awarded with a Google (of course) map with each yard sale as well as driving directions.  If you click on the red balloon it gives you the time, address and any specifics about what is being sold.
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By Darlene Sawyer-Lovern
(EXIT Realty Specialist)
They City of Norfolk has released a website known as Norfolk Air On this site you will be able to look up an address or input a street. You will be provided with information on real estate assessments/sales, schools, municipal services, planning, civic data, etc.  Along with this information there is both current and historical aerial photography. Very useful site for anybody considering moving into or within the City of Norfolk. Darlene Sawyer-LovernCity of Norfolk Real Estate Ambassadorwww.darlenelovern.comwww.exitrealtyspecialist.com757-335-2157 "Helping People Reach Their Real Estate Goals"                                                                
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By Darlene Sawyer-Lovern
(EXIT Realty Specialist)
    $179,8003 Bed, 1 Bath5324 Ashby StNorfolk VA, 23502INTIMATE COTTAGE WITH A LARGE FENCED YARDQUIET STREET WHERE NEIGHBORS WAVE & BECOME FAST FRIENDSCONVENIENT TO ALL OF HAMPTON ROADS2ND FLOOR FINISHED PLUS STUDY/OFFICE ADJACENT TO LIVING ROOMTHE KIND OF HOME COMFORTABLE & WARM LIKE AN OLD FAVORITE PAIR OF SLIPPERSPLUS BIG WORKSHOP$8000.00 Tax Credit Extended - Could you call this house your HOME? Call Darlene to View!! 335-2157 Darlene Sawyer-Lovern - "The Agent Working For You"Realtorwww.darlenelovern.comwww.exitrealtyspecialist.com757-842-6666 Office757-335-2157 Direct    
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
The Virginia Zoo has an elephant made out of aluminum butterflies.  Can you believe it!!!  I think it is great and am planning a trip there to check it out soon.  The butterfly on the elephants nose has wings in the shape of an elephant.  The scupture will be at the main entrance to the zoo.  Matthew Gray Palmer of Friday Harbor, Wa received the commission for the sculpture back in 2008.  It cost around $103,000. Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads. This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your home search  
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By Naoma Doriguzzi, New Media Director
(Virginia Beach)
Before During Done MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM............................. Java Cup Cafe 7943 Shore Dr Norfolk, VA 23518 (757) 390-4771    
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
Want to spend just a buck on Xmas this year and do it online while sitting at home in Norfolk?  You can.  Dollar Tree has gone online to sell but you have to buy in bulk.  Want a Santa hat, have to buy 48.  A candy filled Xmas mug, only by the case of 24 but hey each item is a buck or less.  Check out Dollar Tree now. Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads. This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your home search.
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By Bethany Phillips, MBA
I am helping some wonderful people purchase homes in Norfolk right now!  What fun!  They are so nice to work with and the homes they have chosen are so different yet both perfectly in tune with our area. The first is a new construction home in the upscale subdivision called East Beach. This was the site of our building association's HOMEARAMA about 5 years ago. Now the subdivision is about 75% built including the playground, tennis courts, and open spaces... not to mention access to the beach!  All homes are considered executive style homes and abide by strict architectural guidelines.     The second property is a 1910 bungalow with a 2 car garage. This home is in one of Norfolk's Historic neighborhoods called Lafayette Residence Park. Lafayette and Winona, along with Gowrie Park and Ol...
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
Park Place in Norfolk opens new condominiums at 200 W 31st St.  Metro Housing Group has partnered with Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority to take the once abandoned building and renovate it.  The apartment building is now a condo building and you can purchase one these starting at just $149,900.  There are two and three bedroom units with 10 foot high ceilings, state of the art security entry system, oak floors and new appliances.   Call me if you want to check them out. Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads. This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your home search.
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
Norfolk's Waterside could become a Farmers Market in the not to distant future.  A local developer ,Divaris Real Estate, pitched such a deal to the city the other day.  They would transform Waterside into a farmers market to include arts and crafts dealers along with a high end seafood restaurant.  The city is taking its time and asking for proposals from citizens also.  Look for answers in maybe six months. Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads. This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your home search. Google gene allen
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By Bethany Phillips, MBA
Green is...Looking forward to celebrating 30 Years of keeping Norfolk Beautiful - Gala event coming 14 November - I have tickets -- who wants to join me???  Food by the BOOT!  Live Music! Silent Auction!  Recycled or Reclaimed Clothing Preferred!  Check out the website for more details or to buy tickets online.  You can also give me a call!  I have tickets available.  THis is for a great cause - Environmental Education Scholarship fund!    Have a great time for a great benefit -- and get some of your shopping done for the holidays will be here before you know it!!  
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By Tina Merritt, Virginia Real Estate
(Nest Realty)
Effective October 19, 2009, unsupervised minors are no longer permitted in the MacArthur Center Mall in Downtown Norfolk after 5pm. Yes, ID's will be checked and extra security is on hand to enforce the new regulation.  Teens found in the mall unsupervised after 5pm will be escorted to their "accompanying adult" or escorted out of the mall. According to mall officials, the new rule is to help keep shoppers safe and kids out of trouble.  In recent years, the number of minors "hanging out" in the mall has grown. Some of the businesses are not happy about the new rule.  Both Nordstrom and Dillards said they will continue to allow teenagers to shop in their stores after 5pm. Click HERE to read the new "Adult Supervision Policy" for MacArthur Center.
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
The Homeowners Assistance Program (HAP) for military members is officially accepting applications.  There are a lot of military in the Norfolk area who bought homes in the last few years and have orders out of the area.  As we know from news reports this can be a disaster for the military person on Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders.  Many bought when the price was high and now are forced to sell when the price is low. I am here to let you know that there is help.  The Department of Defense (DOD) has finally come out with the final guidelines for the Homeowners Assistance Program (HAP) to eligible service members and federal civilian, including non-appropriated fund, employees. The program is authorized by law, and administered by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to assist e...
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
The mother of all plug in electrics comes to Norfolk.  There aren't many plug in vehicles yet but there are some.  Let me tell about one.  This one has 1.080 lead acid batteries, 1,500 horsepower, cost $1.3 million dollars and only goes in circles.  Norfolk Southern has bought an all electric switching locomotive.  The locomotive can go three shifts before needing to be recharged.  That should really cut down on local emissions. It is truely an amazing feat if you ask me. Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads. This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your home search. Google gene allen
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By Bethany Phillips, MBA
This weekend is Virginia's tax holiday on all things energy efficient and Energy Star Appliances.  I have posted about this each year, so why change??  Thinking about a new washer, dryer, refrigerator?  Need to reduce drafts for the winter months?  Supplies and replacements may be part of the tax credit.  A quick review of the Virginian-Pilot showed some stores are offering discounts along with the tax holiday.  Shop around and make that upgrade this weekend!  Check out the details on the Website!
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
Nofolk is full of Active Duty and Retired military personal mainly from NAS Norfolk, Little Creek Amphibious Base and Norfolk Naval Air Base.  What does the Veteran do when the house they own can not be sold for enough to pay off the existing mortgage?  One would expect to have a "short sale" but that is not what they are called.  For those Veterans, there is the VA Compromise Sale.  Like in conventional "short sales" there is a process to go through.  Don't check all the boxes and guess what, you get delayed.  Below are the steps to help the Veteran through the process.  1. Closing costs must be "reasonable and customary". 2. May only sell the home for Fair Market Value. 3. The Vet must have a valid financial hardship such as loss of income, relocation, death of breadwinner, etc. 4. No...
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By Bethany Phillips, MBA
Join Friends of Norfolks Environment at the Norfolk Botanical Garden for a fun evening of music, food, and auctioning to benefit the ENVIRONMENTAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND and to celecbrate the 30 year anniversary of Keep Norfolk Beautiful!   Mark your calendar for November 14!  Don't miss it!  Give me a call for tickets or contact Keep Norfolk Beautiful!  SPONSORSHIP Opportunities are also available - Get your name out there now! 
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By Gene Allen, Realty Consultant for Cary Real Estate
(Fathom Realty)
Grease is in Norfolk, Va.  The long running play is in town at Chrysler Hall and will be here thru Oct 4 so get your tickets now and enjoy.  The show has been around since 1972 when Jim Jacobs co-wrote the show.  He seems to think Grease has endured because of the cool cars, rock and roll, Elvis and James Dean.  It was a time when we discovered our parents and authority figures were not always right.  He it pretty much on the head as that is the time I was growing up.  So take so time and enjoy yourself as Grease is in Norfolk.  Come and see ALL the Homes for Sale in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake,  Norfolk, as well as the rest of Hampton Roads.  This site is updated daily with new real estate listings, pictures and other information vital to your home search. Goog...
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By Naoma Doriguzzi, New Media Director
(Virginia Beach)
I have the pleasure tonight to teach the VHDA First Time Homeowners Class. Lafayette Winona Middle School1710 Alsace AveNorfolk, VA 23509 10/29 & 10/1 5:45pm - 8:45pm  You must attend both days to receive certificate Here's what you'll learn: How to develop a spending plan based on your personal finances. How to gather your credit report, score and other documents. How to work with a real estate agent. How to choose a lender. The importance of a home inspection. How to prepare for the loan closing process. How to stay on track with your monthly expenses and maintain your home. So if you are a first time homebuyer and would like to learn about the process of purchasing a home I hope you will be able to attend this informative class!   
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