
Washington County, UT Real Estate News

By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Real Estate 2024: Southern Utah's Year in Review Many buyers and sellers are relieved that the election year is over, as I already see more activity in the market this month. The St. George Area Parade of Homes begins on Friday the 14th of February ending on the 23rd, this yearly home show brings almost 40,000 people into Washington county for a 10-day period.  Washington County Board of Realtors in southern Utah, reported a 100% participation effort amongst members. That means, that at least one side of a sale was successfully transacted during 2024 by an agent.  St. George proper typically dominates homes sales in the surrounding cities of Washington, Santa Clara, Ivins, Hurricane and LaVerkin as you can see at 53% of single family sales volume, in the graph below.  Residential sales ...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
HAPPY NATIONAL GIRLS and WOMEN in SPORTS DAY!   Today, we celebrate and honor the achievements and accomplishments of both past and present female athletes, while looking to the future. This includes recognizing how far women and girls have come in sports worldwide. Encouragement can inspire more girls and women to participate in events by highlighting the positive impacts of sports on their lives, like comraderie, building confidence, teamwork, and promoting leadership skills. The importance of this day means empowering girls and women and girls, ensuring they can safely compete among other female athletes. To also lead in their respective sports through the spirit of individual dedication and excellence. It's also about the ongoing fight to keep males out of female sports, out of thei...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
 Did You Know?   Inside Trading is Legal in Real Estate.  Let's talk about that and how insider trading directly correlates to the real estate industry! Getting out and exchanging information with people in the community, over backyard fences or neighborhood BBQ's can be advantageous. Mrs. Wiggins lives three doors down and is ready to sell the house to move closer to her children. As an insider:   Are you planning to be the one who clinches the listing or let an 'outsider' in, to sell it?   You meet Mr. Burns at the cluster mail box. A recent widower, Bill lives in a large, estate house down the street. The emptiness echoes with every footstep, shuffling from room-to-room. Admitting the children and grands seldom seldom visit because they are busy with their lives, he wants to downsize...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
 Get Happy  ☀️  The Sun is Shining!  Ever notice that humans gravitate toward those with bright, sunny dispositions? People seek the benefits of nature's ☀️shine as well, it makes them feel cheerful, gives off energy and can motivate them to be more active.   ...We all need both on a regular basis...  When the ☀️ comes out, plants will turn themselves to take full advantage of the rays. So, surround yourself with positivity and remember to share that inner sunshine personality, brightening the days of others!  The   ☀️   is shining!   Come on get happy...Sing Hallelujah!
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Punxsutawney Phil's Official Weather ForecastUsually the Groundhog Day shadow casting event is a quick out, then back in affair but an early hour press conference was called. I had the pleasure of interviewing Punxutawney Phil this morning.  Here are some of the questions posed:  ❔ "What did you have for breakfast?"    Phil: "Gourmet dandelion greens, with a side of freshly dug earthworm." ❔ "Care to give us your take on global warming?"     Phil: "One minute it's winter, the next, it's spring! It's easy to predict the 4 seasons." ❔ "What do you do if you don't see your shadow?     Phil: "No shadow? I'll be doing some serious burrow spring cleaning. ❔ "Do you have a favorite weather phenomenon?"    Phil: "I prefer a light drizzle, it helps all the tasty plants grow bigger!" ❔ "Any advic...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
 Rooting for Love:   A Porcine Garden Tale  A chorus of sing-song trills and whistles filled the air from up on high. Seven plump piglets were born down below, into a sun dappled garden, where natural light filtered through the copse of leafy-burdened trees. Being of hearty lineage, the journey quickly began the moment their tiny hooves sank into the soft, damp earth.💗  🖤 💗  One adventurous piglet, Percy, sniffed the fragrant petals of a nearby rose. A scarlet-caped ladybug tickled Penelope, while traveling across her back. Benson and Athena tumbled head over curly tails, their squeals echoing against the line of mature trees surrounding their haven. Anthinian oofed softly as a butterfly landed ever so lightly upon his pink snoot. Elsie nipped softly at the low hanging, heavily perfumed...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
 A Post Especially For Whine Connoisseurs  For those sitting on the sidelines, chronically complaining, turn it around or find solutions. People get tired of the contrived defeatism and downward direction. Putting all those low vibe thoughts out into the unviverse, guarantees a huge return on all that negativity. Hope you're ready for the clap back!  Be grateful for what you have and stop  complaining - it bores everyone else,  does you no good and doesn’t solve  any problems. ~Zig Ziglar  I will turn you off and focus on the things that I can change or work toward improving instead of placing blame on everyone or everything else. Besides, who has time for the gloom and doom and hopelessness?! 
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
🚨  Happiness On Sale For a Limited Time Only!  🚨 Have YOU noticed that EVERYONE has SOMETHING to SELL❓ Some slick salespeople want their victims, er I mean customers to buy into their idea of happiness by offering online, companionship packages. Many make promises of business success, weight loss in a pill form or injections, some entice with 'pie in the sky' propositions, but you HAVE to BUY NOW‼️ 🚨🚨🚨 Everyone is meant to discover their own joy, find love situations, lose weight by being physically active and eating a healthy diet. Success in life can also involve drinking a lot of coffee or red bull with crying jags in the bathroom or screaming into a pillow late at night. (<<< insert sense of humor here.)  Those purveyors of instant happiness, forever love, and abs of steel don't tel...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Soliciting your granny? You might want to think twice about that, especially if she is under contract with another agent. An established relationship in real estate, in case you didn't know, is one, where legal binding, signed documents exist between two parties for an agreed upon time-frame. You'd do best to keep gatherings as a happy occasion, shared between close, family members rather than add unecessary stress to granny's plate because you're hungry and haven't closed a deal in a year. Pursuing this, despite knowing she has an agent can come back to bite! Wanda doesn't play that way. I believe in doing the right thing. My real estate business is integrity and merit-based, not handed over like a participation trophy to appease a needy, spoiled, adult child.  Agency InterferenceThis ...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
  Don't be Coy Now!   coy (koi) adj. 1. Tending to avoid people and social situations; reserved. 2. Shy or modest. Being shy can be a huge disadvantage to anyone  in a sales position. It must be overcome or will put a person out of business. It is essential to be assertive when it comes to gaining a listing or negotiating a sales price for a buyer / seller.  Take a sales training class or a support group  or join the local Toastmasters club will help. If timid and reluctant, peers will know that and may feed on those weaknesses, using that as a tool to gain buyers and sellers at your expense.   In this industry YOU MUST:  *   Meet and greet | Be face to face*   Test the chat | Walk the talk*   Feel assured | Show self-confidence Anything less than the above will not do.  So, don't be co...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
🌸 🌼 🌺  Take Ownership For a Happier You!   🌸 🌼 🌺 For those who tell their clients they are available 24/7, good luck with that! Boundaries will constantly be crossed, the phone will ring incessantly, often late into the night to discuss things that can very well wait until morning. It's more pertinent to: 🌸   Start the day with true intention.   The To-Do List becomes more manageable, especially when making phone calls, checking emails, working on marketing, building out listings and going to planned appointments. 🌼   Manage your time for better results.   Clients understand that you are running a business and will refrain from wasting your time. Of course, there are exceptions but there really are no emergencies after business hours! 🌺 Create Quality Time for Yourself.   Refuse to answ...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
And then he said, "You’d sell a mouse a snake hole." After ownership was transferred, a For Sale by Owner transaction took a turn in the southern direction, costing the buyers an extra $30,000 several days after they moved in. By that time, the sellers had taken the money and moved on. The leech lines had been ran over by a semi-truck, crushing them but they failed to disclose that. Apparently, they were not buried deep enough per health department guidelines and waste water began puddling in certain areas plus the stench became unbearable. The sellers feigned ignorance but knew full well. 🐁. 🐁. 🐁 Soon, the septic tank backed up into their tubs, showers and sinks and kept coming until the house was filled with several inches of stinky waste water, seeping into the flooring, baseboards a...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
 Business Reflexology 2025 When first meeting potential clients, the first goal is to gather as much useful information as possible about them. Timelines to buy or sell sets the tone for the expectation to be fulfilled in it's totality. First impressions matter as well! Through the years, I have discovered that tried & true methods work, no need for shiny penny strategies to conduct business. Sincerity, industry knowledge and finding a common bond helps to establish rapport.  These are 3 things that have encouraged my success:  🔶  Be Specific to Real Estate 🔶  Remaining to the professional side is important. Getting them qualified or discussing mortgage needs, city, county and state taxes, preferred location, down to whether a gas range or electric is a must, takes precedence. You can a...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Snout Out Now! 🐽  Telling someone to bow out of a conversation online or in-person comes in many forms and ways. An online discussion that had international participation was going in a thoughtful direction. At one point, someone disagreed with a comment and told another to "Snout out now!" I had to giggle when hearing that phrase. First time for everything! "Oh, look, he's really going to dish it out!" People, when online have the propensity to spill everything, sharing wayyy too much of their personal or professional lives with complete strangers, many who are present strictly for the entertainment value or discourse. Use some restraint! Here are 5 ways to tell someone, from polite to snarky, to bow out of a conversation:1.  “Will talk to you about this at a future time." 2.  "I appre...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Becoming Unburdened The phrase, "You're only as good as your last __________________," has long been a salesperson's way to gage worth. For a football quarterback, it could be a successful touchdown pass, a movie director's last hit movie or a singer's recent gold album. Some people may think their value directly relates to measuring performance. I can tell you firsthand, that markets determine sales success, though a determined and experienced real estate agent can survive in any or all circumstances. In an uptick, professionals get a chance to improve their past records through consumer demand. In a down direction, grasping any new information or trends can help in pushing business forward. Self-motivation matters greatly! Focusing on the here and now, trumps any past performances, in...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Inauguration Day 2025 and Happy Birthday to MLK Jr.! 🇺🇸 🎉🇺🇸   We have been blessed as a nation to have great leadership and vision; to make decisions based on free thinking. Of course, it has come at a great price and sacrifice for some. Martin Luther King Jr. believed that all people are created equal and that ultimately cost him his life.   Today, we honor Mr. King by celebrating his birthday. I am thankful for his vision and many other leader's determination to make positive change for our great nation.   Here are a few of my favorite MLK Jr. quotes:  I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.  Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty, we are free at last!   Happy Happy Birt...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Sometimes The Want Is Not A Need Prior to showing houses to potential buyers, getting down to the minutia of priorities that meet their core criteria, means less wasted time and resources. It also helps to avoid clouding true desires, and... 🏠 Keeps them focused on the 'must haves' like neighborhood amenities, total square feet of usable space, a fenced yard, close proximity to schools or medical services, instead of what the property lacks. Staying on track so frustrations are minimal for both the buyers and the agent. ⌛ Saves valuable time. Paying close attention to the details prevents overwhelming buyers, plus it encourages them to remain organized instead of getting sidetracked by details that matter little. Size of property matters greatly because sometimes, 'more' is not always t...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
HUE Are You? The color of a front door is telling without uttering a single word. When we replaced all exterior doors a few years ago, I knew that a shade of green was in the works. After several trips to/from the store to consult with the paint professionals and then home to present to Mike, the decision was made.  Green is one of the best-selling front door colors (in Britain, at least). Traditionally, this paint color indicates prosperity and wealth, but its natural appeal means you're also serene and peaceful. 👀 Here are some other popular color choices:⚙ Bright blue boasts a beachy feel of sand and sunny days.⚙ Yellow says wake up, linked to optimism and extraversion.⚙ Red meets everyone with outward flair, also a symbol of luck.⚙ Orange expresses positivity, inviting all in the ne...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Rules of Engagement The honest truth? There are no rules for long-term success! What works for Bobby may not gain traction with Julie, so it's a singular business model, intrinsically self-driven by design. Am so thankful for my past marketing and advertising career. Making connections with potential clients takes consistent effort and time. Relationship building means gaining trust through several integral methods. Three tried and true ways in particular have worked for me in the past and are still my trusted go-to.  📍 Blogging: Since 2009, writing has been an almost, daily reflex. From the moment I found a voice here at ActiveRain, 5,191 posts have been blogged about everything from southern Utah market reports, on how to garden, to spending time at the Silo. Many referrals have been ...
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By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
When The Balance Is Due Our brains produce 'Happiness Chemicals' that determine an every day approach to living. They shift moods, help control weight through healthy eating and exercise, encourage productivity through positive means, play a huge part in successful personal & professional relationships.🧠Habits determine behavior in everyday situations. Overall good mental, emotional and physical health makes us feel better and also prevents depression from creeping in. These 4 areas make up the major contributors to that: 🥗 Dopamine | Reward:Eating healthy food - the satisfaction of making and eating nutritional dishes feeds the mind and body.Sufficient Sleep - Restful slumber is needed for mental focus, memory and managing stress. Also, for energy, avoiding weight gain plus lowering th...
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