Know Your Audience.
By Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can!, The best agent in Southern Utah!
(Red Rock Real Estate (435) 632-9374)
Know Your Audience. When playing with others here in Rain, it's important to mind your manners, especially when it comes to fellow members. If something is written and taken way out of context by someone, you can guarantee it will reported to ARMS or go further up the ranks, to the higher ups. Apparently, no warning shots will be fired, only an error message that appears in the place of the member's blog, no second chances to amend. It sure does get many people wondering what happened! Very few people will have insight into the 'why' of such an action took place. Comedians research areas, prior to entertaining, to discover what may be funny, relevant and acceptable (well, maybe not always acceptable), effectively reading the room becomes all important. Laughter plus creating a fanbase a...