First-Time Home Buyer - Utah County Real Estate
By Robert A. Hulme, Home Listing Partner, Full Service Listing 1%
(Home Buyer Realty Utah)
Buying a home anytime is a big deal, but buying your first home can be quite overwhelming. This article was written to make you aware of a few things that first time buyers should know. First of all, realize that the old adage is true; location is the most important thing. Start by choosing an area you like, in a good neighborhood, with a home that suits your present and future needs, and then you can get started on the details. The important things to consider are listed below: Your Financial Situation and Plans for the Future: Evaluate the price of the rent you currently pay so that you will be able to compare that with all the costs of buying and owning a home. One of the most important things to do is count your savings and see if you really have enough to cover the down payment ...