North Richland Hills TX home prices for July 2015
By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
North Richland Hills TX home prices for July 2015 Real estate market data for Foster Village subdivision in North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE with RE/MAX Heritage SouthlakeTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit North Richland Hills Home Prices North Richland Hills Listed Home Prices in July 2015 were at an average of $237,476 with an overall average of $103.67 per sq ft. 144 homes came on the market in July. We also have decrease slightly in our inventory of homes here in NRH in with 1.8 months of inventory, down from 1.9 months in May 2015. There are currently (as of August 14, 2015)150homes listed for sale in North Richland Hills. New Construc...