
North Richland Hills, TX Real Estate News

By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
 North Richland Hills city council meeting February  13, 2017Executive session items1.Consultation with city Atty.  about pending litigation or settlement offer.  Skyler Hotze vs. city in North Richland hills $200,000 settlement. APPROVED2.  Deliberate to purchase, exchange, or lease of 6609 Davis Blvd and 6617 Davis Blvd.  WAS NOT ADDRESSED.New Councilman Mike Benton was sworn in.CONSENT AGENDA   Calling the May 6, 2017 city council election authorizing a joint election agreement with other county political subdivisions and contract with Tarrant county for election services.   Reject all bids received for the NRH2O Beachside Bay cabana project. 3.Consider correcting ordinance to abandon and close portion of Birchwood Drive.APPROVEDPUBLIC HEARINGS  Request from Arcadia Lane Partners for...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
North Richland Hills City Council Meeting Jan 23, 2017Information on North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHSTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit************************************************Congrats to Councilman Tom Lombard to his new grandson!CITIZEN'S PRESENTATIONIan Floyd, local educator and coach for golf in Birdville ISD. Wants golf increase in the youth of our area at the Iron Horse Golf course. All weather facility, lights, food and beverage services.CONSENT AGENDAApprove minutes of the regular January 09, 2017 City Council meeting.Consider Resolution No. 2017-002, recommending the award of a construction contract by Tarrant County for sanitary s...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
North Richland Hills City Council meeting Jan 9 2016 Special presentation on the winners of the NRH Christmas Lights display. This was so much fun!  One of our favorite jobs on our Keep NRH Beautiful commission. We did several good deeds while out judging lights also: rescued an elderly, blind dog from the middle of the road and called the emergency water service line for water pouring out of a home's yard. Area 1 Art and Lori Kaminicky Area 2 Victor Horton Jr and Victoria Ciervo Area 3 Joe and Lisa Sanders Area 4 Fred and Ann Eustace Area 5 Scott and Sarah Gosch Area 6 Ayaz Khan Area 7 Cameron and Nicole Weiss Area 8 Thomas Dellinger Area 9 Jerry JarzombekConsent agendaApprove minutes of the regular December 12, 2016 City Council meeting.Modify the 2017 City Council meeting schedule. A...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
Foster Village in North Richland Hills Home Prices for December 2016Real estate market data for Foster Village subdivision in North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS To find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit Why Would I want to live in Foster Village in North Richland Hills?Foster Village is located on the border North Richland Hills and Keller  near several wonderful NRH parks, shopping and dining.  This community is situated off of Rufe Snow Drive, Starnes, Bursey and Douglas  and is an easy drive through North Richland Hills to the 820, through North Fort Worth to the 35 freeway, or through Colleyville to the 121 and points beyond. #Crosstimbers park and for...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
North Richland Hills TX home prices for December 2016 Real estate market data for North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS To find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit********************************************************* North Richland Hills Home Prices57 homes came on the market in October We also decreased our inventory of homes here in NRH in with 1.5 months of inventory, down  from 1.6 months supply in November.  There are currently (as of January 6th) 101 homes listed for sale in North Richland Hills.  *******************************************************LIST and SELL your North Richland Hills Home Call me! Email me! Text me! I am here to be your profess...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
North Richland Hills TX home prices for October 2016 Real estate market data for North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE with RE/MAX Heritage SouthlakeTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit********************************************************* North Richland Hills Home PricesNorth Richland Hills Listed Home Prices (homes with a listing agreement date of October 2016) were at an average of $273,341 with an overall average of $118.24 per sq ft.101 homes came on the market in October We also have increased our inventory of homes here in NRH in October with 1.8 months of inventory, up from 1.7 months supply in September.   There are currently (as of November 14th...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
North Richland Hills Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Oct 24City update for North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE with RE/MAX Heritage SouthlakeTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit*******************************************************************REGULAR AGENDA-Special use permit to screen the loading dock facing a public street at 8479 Davis Blvd. Applicant Noorneel, LLC. Builders of the first medical office at that area. Back of building will face Shady Grove Rd and they want it to look good for residents. Large trees, ornamental trees and screening shrubs.  Concern from the commission about the 4 roll up doors and any storage allowance behind the bu...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
North Richland Hills City Council Meeting October 24 City update for North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE with RE/MAX Heritage SouthlakeTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit **************************************************************CONSENT AGENDAB1 Approve minutes of the special September 19, 2016 and regular October 10, 2016 City Council meetings.B.2Consider authorizing the Mayor to execute a release and waiver of deed restrictions within the Richland Terrace Addition. REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA SO STAFF COULD PROVED COUNCIL WITH A PRESENTATION ON IT.B.3 Consider authorizing the city manager to enter in to an agreement with the North Central Texas Coun...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
North Richland Hills City council meeting October 10th Community data for North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE with RE/MAX Heritage SouthlakeTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit*****************************************************************Consent agenda- Authorize the purchase and installation of 24 grant-funded Stalker Dual DSR radar units from Applied Concepts, Inc., dba Stalker Radar in the amount of $57,896.08.- Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract, as grant fiduciary for the North Texas Anti-Gang (TAG) Center, for TAG center analyst, with Rebecca Ciferri in an amount of $46,583.30 pro-rated for 10 months, and $55,899.96 per year for each...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
North Richland Hills Hoot N' HowlCommunity events for North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE with RE/MAX Heritage SouthlakeTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit ****************************************************The 9th annual Hoot N' Howl will be taking place on Sat Oct 29th at the Green Valley Park on Smithfield Rd in North Richland Hills. It begins at 6pm and runs until 9pm. It is a really fun FREE event for the whole family.The Hoot N' Howl has live entertainment with local area kids performers and singers, free carnival games, bounce houses for multiple ages(none for adults), hayrides around Green Valley Park, a costume contest and so much more!There wil...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
Foster Village in North Richland Hills Home Prices for September 2016Real estate market data for Foster Village subdivision in North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS with RE/MAX Heritage SouthlakeTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit Why Would I want to live in Foster Village in North Richland Hills?Foster Village is located on the border North Richland Hills and Keller  near several wonderful NRH parks, shopping and dining.  This community is situated off of Rufe Snow Drive, Starnes, Bursey and Douglas  and is an easy drive through North Richland Hills to the 820, through North Fort Worth to the 35 freeway, or through Colleyville to the 121 and points bey...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
North Richland Hills TX Home Prices for September 2016North Richland Hills TX home prices for September 2016 Real estate market data for North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE with RE/MAX Heritage SouthlakeTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit********************************************************* North Richland Hills Home PricesNorth Richland Hills Listed Home Prices (homes with a listing contract date of September 2016) were at an average of $298,000 with an overall average of $123.66 per sq ft.89 homes came on the market in September. We also have stayed increased our inventory of homes here in NRH in with 1.7 months of inventory, up from 1.5 months suppl...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
North Richland Hills City Council meeting Sept 12 2016Information on North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE with RE/MAX Heritage SouthlakeTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit****************************************************************************************PUBLIC HEARING -Redevelopment-planned development revision request for  the property at 6700-6720 NE Loop 820 by Paul Vineyard of Rovin Inc. This is the Babe's and Sweetie Pie's Ribeyes Restaurant site and has been cleared of the old building. This is the first one they've opened in 8 years. There will be a large patio for folks to sit and wait for tables. There will be tin roofing material, brick, sto...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
North Richland Hills City Council Meeting Sept 19 2016Information on North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor®, CNE®, SRS® of RE/MAX HeritageTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit*****************************************************************************************Here are notes of the North Richland Hills City council meeting. There has been a big to-do about the tax rate. The tax rate is staying the same as it was last year. Hopefully this blog will help explain.Take care and God bless,Amy Steele****************************************************************************************Tax year 2016 tax rate public hearing. The tax rate is currently 61cents per $100 of ...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
Foster Village in North Richland Hills Home Prices for August 2016Real estate market data for Foster Village subdivision in North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE with RE/MAX Heritage SouthlakeTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit Why Would I want to live in Foster Village in North Richland Hills?Foster Village is located on the border of Keller and North Richland Hills near several wonderful NRH parks, shopping and dining.  This community is situated off of Rufe Snow Drive and Starnes and is an easy drive through North Richland Hills to the 820, through North Fort Worth to the 35 freeway, or through Colleyville to the 121 and points beyond.  Crosstimbers park...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
North Richland Hills TX home prices for August 2016 Real estate market data for North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS with RE/MAX Heritage SouthlakeTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit********************************************************* North Richland Hills Home PricesNorth Richland Hills Listed Home Prices (homes with a listing contract date of August 2016) were at an average of $280,613 with an overall average of $120.18 per sq ft.77 homes came on the market in August. We also have stayed the same in our inventory of homes here in NRH in with 1.5 months of inventory. There are currently (as of September 12th 2016) 42 homes listed for sale in North...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
North Richland Hills TX market report for July 2016 Real estate market data for North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE with RE/MAX Heritage SouthlakeTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit********************************************************* North Richland Hills Home PricesNorth Richland Hills Listed Home Prices (homes with a listing date of July 2016) were at an average of $255,470 with an overall average of $110.51 per sq ft.114 homes came on the market in July. We also have decreased slightly in our inventory of homes here in NRH in with 1.4 months of inventory, down from 1.5 months in June 2016. There are currently (as of August 23rd 2016) 114 homes list...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
Foster Village in North Richland Hills Home Prices for July 2016Real estate market data for Foster Village subdivision in North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE with RE/MAX Heritage SouthlakeTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit Why Would I want to live in Foster Village in North Richland Hills?Foster Village is located on the border of Keller and North Richland Hills near several wonderful NRH parks, shopping and dining.  This community is situated off of Rufe Snow Drive and Starnes and is an easy drive through North Richland Hills to the 820, through North Fort Worth to the 35 freeway, or through Colleyville to the 121 and points beyond.  Crosstimbers park a...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
Home Town North Richland Hills Lancaster Townhome Walkthrough Real estate information for North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE with RE/MAX Heritage SouthlakeTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit*********************************************************************The Lancaster plan is the largest townhome being constructed in the Home Town community. This plan is great for those wanting low maintenance yards and the Home Town feel. These homes are right in the heart of North Richland Hills and only one of two townhome projects being constructed at this time. Townhomes are an ideal situation when downsizing, and for those wanting a somewhat urban live-work-pla...
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By Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE NHS MRP LUXE epro, Principal, Amy Steele Estates Group LLC
(JPAR Real Estate)
North Richland Hills TX home prices for June 2016 Real estate market data for North Richland Hills, TX provided by Amy Steele Realtor SRS CNE with RE/MAX Heritage SouthlakeTo find out what your North Richland Hills home is worth with REAL TIME current market data, visit********************************************************* Why would I want to live in North Richland Hills?North Richland Hills firmly believes in being the "City of choice to Live, Work, and Play." What was once a rural dairy farm and has grown to provide many opportunities. Along with the newly constructed city hall, there are over 1,200 businesses and 30 major employers in North Richland Hills. There are many opportunities here! North Richland Hills recreation can't beat with ...
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