
Kaufman, TX Real Estate News

      While previewing property in Kaufman yesterday I stumbled upon this old Church. Curious minds want to know, so I parked my car to get a closer look. Almost immediately, I experienced a sense of peace. The building was very old and I wondered how many people enter through the red doors? The door was locked and I paused to think, how many tears have fallen to the floors, exactly how many people exchanged marriage vows, what types of songs were sung from the beginning when this Church was built and how many would I recognize?       If I could hear stories about the number of hello’s and sad goodbyes, would I cry? I felt moisture in my eyes and realized this Church is a House of Prayer.  A house offers shelter and hope. Inside, people look for comfort. They expect wisdom and answers t...
Comments 40
By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
The Kaufman County Real Estate Market Report was interesting in a positive way, for the period of Sept. - Oct, 2011. There has been some movement in our market as we were just coming out of the Summer months.  But the numbers were still positive. The Kaufman County Real Estate Market Report was conducted for the County overall as well as a break-down of that overall number as it relates to the major cities in Kaufman County.  There were a total of 179 Single Family Residential properties sold for this period.  When I conducted a more detailed look at this number, I broke it down by the major city's School District.  The numbers looked like this: Forney ISD - 88 Single Family Homes Sold Terrell ISD - 29 Crandall ISD - 27 Kaufman ISD - 19 Kemp ISD - 9 Mabank ISD - 4 Heartland ISD - 2 Forn...
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
Well we pretty much have business underway here at Carl Thomas and Associates Real Estate in Kaufman, Texas  We recently launched our website as well as our Facebook Page.  We have several great listings ranging in price from $55,000 to $859,000.  They include all types of listings, from Kaufman County Homes on Acreage, to Henderson County Lakefront Homes to Mabank Texas Homes on Golf Courses.  Our frst open house for several of our listings will be held on Sunday, September 11, 2011, from 1-3pm.  Check out our website for the select listing addresses and more details.  Finally, we have scheduled our ribbon cutting ceremony, sponsored by the Kaufman Chamber of Commerce, that will be held on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 9am at our office, Carl Thomas and Associates Re...
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
Hello Rainers, I know it's been a few weeks since I've posted my updates on the office progression, but we have busy, busy busy at Carl Thomas and Associates Real Estate in Kaufman, Texas. We have gotten new yard signs wiith the QR Code on the riders.  We are so excited because we are the first one's in the county with the QR Code on our signs. We've selected our website provider, LinkUrealty.  I went with them because they offered pretty much all of the back-office support and online magic that we need at this point. We've been battling the phone company for about a month but as of Friday, the voice mail was set up and we have even received a few phone calls.  A couple of weeks ago we have a few walk-ins and now since we're officially opened, we're looking forward to more foot traffic....
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
INTRODUCING....Carl Thomas and Associates Real Estate, located in Kaufman, Texas. Serving Kaufman and Henderson Counties as well as Cedar Creek Lake. Call us or stop by 3650 Highway 175E, Kaufman, Texas 75142, 972-962-2500
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
Well, they've cleared the space, paved the road, built the barns and trained the horses; and pretty soon, Jake E's Riding Round Up in Kaufman, Texas will be open for business. Jake E's Riding Round Up in Kaufman, Texas is a non-profit horse therapy healing facility developed by owner and director, Jana Ewing in loving memory of her three year old twin son, Jacob Eli (Jake E).  The facility is for children and adults with physical, mental and emotional disabilities. Currently the instructors are completing their North America Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA) certifications, in order to perfect their skills in working with riders with disabilities.  If you or someone you or someone you love could benefit from horse therapy healing, please contact the director, Jana Ewing at ...
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
Well today I met with the top players of Carl Thomas and Associates Real Estate and we had a pretty detailed discussion about what our next moves will be in regards to getting the company open for business. I am happy to say that Mr. Thomas wants to have the office open for business by July 1st, which is fast approaching.  We should be getting agent supplies and furniture soon as well as office equipment such as all in one printers, servers and a smart tv for the conference room. We decided that we need to market to the community organizations and establish membership under the company's name.  We are also planning to have a ribbon cutting ceremony and host a monthly breakfast mixer at our new office. We have prospects waiting for listings and sales and we also have several agents that ...
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
As you all know, I made the switch to become the managing broker of Carl Thomas and Associates Real Estate in Kaufman, Texas.  It is the newest real estate company in town.  Well today was my first day at the office and while we have yet to open for business, I thought I'd take a few snap shots of my new diggs to share with my fellow Active Rainers.  Enjoy!                    Hallway leading to 5 agent offices that can accomodate up to 10 agents.      Information display area           On the way to Cedar Creek Lake   That's all for now.  I'll keep you posted on the progress of Carl Thomas and Associates Real Estate in Kaufman, Texas.  Next week we are suppose to go furniture shopping and get the space up and running.  We are also getting a lighted sign!! How cool is that!!
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
The other day my son was watching me type one of my blogs and he said "wow mom, how did you learn to type that fast??" I told him I took typing in high school and it was with a "typewriter" that I learned to type.  He said "what's a typewriter??"  I had to laugh because just explaining it to him seemed antiquated to me!; especially with all the texting and the auto vocab that we have today!  You see, my eldest son is nine years old.  He doesn't have any concept of typewriters,  cassette players, VHS, etc.  So of course he's looking at me like I have three heads as I explained the first rule of typing was learning where your home row keys were.  If you learned that, then the rest was cake.  "What are home row keys?," he ask.  I showed him on the computer where the home row was and how he...
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
The Kaufman Basketball Youth Summer Jam will be held from June 13 through June 16, 2011 from 9am to 3pm. The location will be at the Kaufman High School Gymnasium Boys and Girls from 1st to 6th Grade can participate The Cost is $70 per person,  includes a t-shirt and a basketball.  Make Checks payable to Kaufman Athletics Lunch Will be provided Monday through Wednesday, but you  will need to bring your own drinks. Participants can bring their own lunch as well and the concession stand will be open with drinks and snacks. Please contact Laura Jenkins at 214-669-5390 or for more information and sign-up form. Forms must be completed and returned by Friday, June 3, 2011.      
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
Kaufman ISD will be sponsoring the Summer Nutrition Program from June 6,2011 through July 22, 2011. The location will be at J.R. Phillips Elementary School, 1501 Royal Lane, Kaufman, Texas 75142 Breakfast is from7:30 to 8:00am Lunch is from 11:00am - 12pm   There will be no service on July 4th. For more information, please call 972-932-7912. The Summer Nutrition Program is for kids 18 and under. There is no sign-up, proof of income/age or meal tickets needed. Just come and enjoy the FREE Meals!
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
Vacation Bible School at First Baptist Church in Kaufman will be held from June 6 - June 10, 2011 from 9am to Noon. Children from ages 4 through the 6th grade are welcome to attend.  Snacks will be provided and kids will have the opportunity to learn, grow and worship in the Lord! Don't Miss Out!  To volunteer for this ministry or to bring snacks, please contact the church.  Snacks that are needed includes: juice boxes, Oreos and chocolate chip cookies.  Donations may be dropped off at the Church's Welcome Center.  First Baptist Church Kaufman is located at 302 S. Washington St., Kaufman, Texas phone #972-932-2526    
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
The Taste of Kaufman will be held Tuesday, March 29, 2011 from 6pm to 8pm at the Kaufman High School Cafetorium.   Tickets are $25.00 person and the proceeds will go the local domestic violence organizaiton.  The event will feature 20 local restaurants participating and serving some of their tasty fare.    Local celebrities will be serving as waitstaff and will be assigned to different tables.  There will be plenty of opportunities to raise money and get to know your local celebrities.   For more information, please call, 972-962-8866.    
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
If you are considering moving to Kaufman County Texas Homes on Acreage, you need to know what properties qualify for the coveted Agricultural Exemption.  You should know that to qualify for an Agricultural Exemption in Kaufman County, it would depend on what your intentions are for the land.  According to Robert Fletcher of the Kaufman County Appraisal district, the minimum for property size to qualify for an Agricultural Exemption is 10 acres for cattle, 15 acres for hay and 15 acres for crops. So keep that in mind when you are purchasing your Kaufman County Homes on Acreage. If you're lucky, the land that you purchase will probably already have an Agricultural Exemption, if it was initially deemed so by the previous owners.  However, if the property does not have an Agricultural Exemp...
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
Due to the Snow Day that occured on last Monday, January 10, Kaufman ISD will be making up that missed Snow Day on Friday, April 8, 2011, which had be already dedicated a Bad Weather Make-Up Day. All students are required to attend so they will not receive and unexcused absence.
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
In light of the horrible tragedy that occured last week, in which a 7 year old student was killed by a driver that failed to adhere to the flashing lights of a stopped bus, Kaufman ISD has taken the safety initiative to re-route their normal bus routines. Instead of allowing the children to exit the bus and cross in front of the bus where they can't see oncoming traffic, Kaufman ISD has re-routed the buses daily routes so that the bus drivers are now able to pull up to the driveway near the students home so that they can exit the bus without crossing the dangerous roads and highways. If it's not possible for the drivers to let the students out near a driveway, then the drivers will allow the the students to exit at a safer location that prevents the children from crossing in front of th...
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
Country Living in Kaufman County If you're thinking about moving to the Country, from the Dallas/Ft.Worth Metroplex, then Kaufman County, Texas is a great place to consider.  This blog will give you inside tips and information on what to expect from Country Living in Kaufman County Texas.  Located approximately 35 miles from Dallas, Kaufman County is quickly becoming the county of choice for many suburban sprawlers. My husband and I made the move almost eight years ago and while it was a little shocking for a city girl like me, I was pleased with the small town feel and the easy access to the DFW Metroplex.  I reveled in the idea that I didn't have a stop sign or red light from my front door to downtown Dallas.  Here is some quick information about Kaufman County, just to answer some of...
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
       From Minter Real Estate Services Kaufman Texas Homes on Acreage      
Comments 6
By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
I usually do my normal internet marketing during the mornings and this week has been very slow.  After tracking my weekly stats, I noticed that my web traffic and blog traffic was down. Last week I had several things working and these prospects were interested in rentals, purchasing and selling.  Well when I did my follow-up this week, I learned that they have all decided  to wait until after the holidays. Now as I thought about families preparing for the Holidays and spending their hard earned dollars on last minute gifts, flights to grandma's and other holiday festivities, it dawned on me that people are not willing to use that money to purchase or lease a home during the holidays.  It's tough for Real Estate Professionals to hear these words, as this is the time of year that we are t...
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By MeLisa Minter, Realtor, Bay Area Houston Real Estate Agent
(Minter Real Estate Services)
I Googled "Kaufman Texas Real Estate" and the search results rendered some great homes on acreage in Kaufman, Texas. If you are interested in viewing any of these properties, please contact us for your private showing. View Larger Map
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Kaufman, TX Real Estate Professionals