
Fort Hood, TX Real Estate News

By Mary Ann Daniell Realtor, Delivering Successful Results Since 1999
(Coldwell Banker United, Realtors - Subsidiary of NRT LLC )
Fort Hood Commute Times - #5 of 7 Things You Should Do Before Buying Fort Hood Real EstateBefore you finally make your offer on the perfect home, hit the road and check the actual Fort Hood commute time from your new home to the gate you will use to access Fort Hood. Traffic will be heaviest in the morning between 6 and 9, as everyone goes to PT, work and school. Then it's busy again around 3-4 as schools dismiss. From 4:-30 to 6:30 expect crazy, heavy traffic as everyone leaves work and heads home.And at all times drive defensively!   There's usually at least ONE crazy driver terrorizing the expressway at any time of day!  (Usually several of them!) Normal Fort Hood commute times run around 25-35 minutes, whether you are driving from Copperas Cove, Killeen, or Harker Heights. Getting i...
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By Mary Ann Daniell Realtor, Delivering Successful Results Since 1999
(Coldwell Banker United, Realtors - Subsidiary of NRT LLC )
Jerry Wright Homes has recently become an Energy Star Builder Partner and has several energy efficient new homes under construction in Killeen and Copperas Cove Texas, serving our Fort Hood military relocation buyers very well!  Preparing for the future and the possibility of rising energy costs, Jerry Wright has developed these beautiful homes which will use less energy, have lower energy costs to the owner, and have less impact on the environment, as well as featuring granite counter tops, high ceilings, ceramic tile and many more upgrades started at $137,250. To be certified as an Energy Star Home, a new home must have effective insulation, high performance windows, tight construction and ductwork, efficient heating and cooling systems, AND be tested and inspected during construction...
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By Mary Ann Daniell Realtor, Delivering Successful Results Since 1999
(Coldwell Banker United, Realtors - Subsidiary of NRT LLC )
It's that time again to get into the Christmas Spirit at Belton Lake Outdoor Recreation Area better known as BLORA.   Every year this mililtary recreation area transforms itself into a sparkling night time lighted Christmas holiday extravaganza - the Nature in Lights display.   Open every night from now through January 3, it's a wonderful way to get in the holiday mood or just wind down after a day of shopping and cooking. All ages will enjoy the five miles of lighted displays from the comfort of your own vehicle!   BLORA is locate off HWY 439 east of Killeen and the display is open to the public.
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By Richard Overall, Your OVERALL Long-Term Real Estate Resource
(United Country Premier Properties)
I received this today in my email and I wanted to share it with as many folks as possible.  This is not my original work and I take no credit except to pass it on.  Read it if you wish, pass on it if you choose.  I live and work in a military community (Fort Hood, TX) and I know a lot of these same type of soldiers.  I hope this honors them in the same way that they honor us every day: A French On-the-Ground View of the American Soldier Posted By DORIAN DE WIND On February 18, 2009 @ 10:29 amWhether we agree or not with the former president's invasion of Iraq to depose Saddam Hussein, and whether we agree or not with our present president's plans to send additional troops to Afghanistan to continue to fight the 9/11 perpetrators, I know that all Americans are proud of our fighting troop...
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By Andrea Curtis United Country Premier Properties Certified Military Relocation Professional, U C INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR OF MILITARY PROPERTIES
(United CountryPremier Properties)
How well do you know your territory? It seems like an easy question to many in our industry. Many of us will answer we know know our territory either very well or reasonably well. Ask yourself a few questions: 1. Am I able to give good directions to restaurants? Hotels? Grocery stores? 2. Do I know the school district and specific schools in the area? 3. Where are the parks and movie theaters for their kids or pets? The largest military base in the world, Ft. Hood, TX, is in my territory. Most of my clients are new to the area. I always show the the soldier/client the closest gate into Ft Hood from each property. I love to talk about my hometown and my pride does show through. I take the time to learn what is happening on Ft Hood and the surrounding area. When your client asks a questio...
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By Richard Overall, Your OVERALL Long-Term Real Estate Resource
(United Country Premier Properties)
I have to admit that one of the great things about living and working in the Fort Hood area is the opportunity I have to get to know and help military families.  While credit markets are suffering around the country, we are making home ownership a reality for military families on a daily basis.  The sourse of our ability to sell homes to these buyers is the VA guaranteed loan.  The qualifying standards for these loans has not changed and the local lenders have money ready to go for them.  Just this week, we were working with a young soldier and his wife who originally approached us about a rental.  They quickly realized that in this market, they could own a home for the same, or less, than what they would pay for rent.  Additionally, with this particular transaction, we were able to neg...
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By Mary Ann Daniell Realtor, Delivering Successful Results Since 1999
(Coldwell Banker United, Realtors - Subsidiary of NRT LLC )
If you are a first time buyer, getting ready to start looking for a home at Fort Hood, here's a quick peek into a real house hunt in the Fort Hood Real Estate Market: My latest buyer already had a target subdivision and price range in mind when we met for our first consultation.  He and his wife are first time buyers and are looking for a home that is close to Fort Hood and close to her work in Killeen.  They also want their children to attend Copperas Cove schools, so it's been pretty easy to narrow down their choices.    They've been looking at new construction but just didn't find anything that quite fit their needs and time frame (before the holidays).  So we moved on to looking at existing homes, which are a pretty good value in the market right now since sellers are paying most if...
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By Mary Ann Daniell Realtor, Delivering Successful Results Since 1999
(Coldwell Banker United, Realtors - Subsidiary of NRT LLC )
UPDATE 1/2/09:   Rates were at 5.5%!   Great news from local Fort Hood lenders this morning!  Late yesterday afternoon the VA rate plummeted from 6.75% to 6% and stressed buyers can, for the moment, give a sigh of relief.  If you've been waiting out the rates before committing to a home at Fort Hood, this could be the time to jump in.   Rates have been volatile the past month, swinging between 7% and 7.5%, so 6% is looking pretty good today!    
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By Mary Ann Daniell Realtor, Delivering Successful Results Since 1999
(Coldwell Banker United, Realtors - Subsidiary of NRT LLC )
A lot of you may not be aware that the new Housing Stimulus Legislation recently signed into law by President Bush will be a source of interest free funds to this year's First Time Home Buyers.  If you were, or will be, a first time buyer between April 9, 2008 and July 1, 2009, you may be entitled to a temporary $7500 tax credit.   This means you can receive money from the government, interest free, to be paid back at $500 a year for 15 years, unless you sell the home.   When you sell your Fort Hood real estate, the balance of the tax credit is to be paid back from the proceeds of the sale.  If there was insufficient profit to cover the balance owed to the government, the remaining credit payback would be forgiven.   This would be a great opportunity for those of you thinking of buying ...
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By Mary Ann Daniell Realtor, Delivering Successful Results Since 1999
(Coldwell Banker United, Realtors - Subsidiary of NRT LLC )
If you are thinking of selling your Fort Hood area home soon, I bet you've been surfing and reading suggestions on staging, decluttering, pricing, and landscaping, right?        Sounds like WORK!                                                            Welll.. here's a true story that show just how necessary and effective all your work will be if you take it to heart and properly prepare your Fort Hood real estate to sell. One of my dearest real estate clients called me around the middle of March to let me know they were getting orders to Fort Bragg and needed to sell their home in House Creek North Subdivision.  They also have a two year old and are expecting a baby!  They wanted to visit with me to find out what they needed to do to prepare their home for sale, to talk about pricing...
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By Mary Ann Daniell Realtor, Delivering Successful Results Since 1999
(Coldwell Banker United, Realtors - Subsidiary of NRT LLC )
 Credit Crisis!  Falling Prices!!  Foreclosures!!   Why in the world are you even thinking about buying a house right now when you relocate to Fort Hood?Maybe because you are sly like a fox?  Credit Crisis?   This is a GOOD thing for you if you are buying right now.  It means that you can be confident that your lender is going to be  CONSERVATIVE and won't shoehorn you into some kind of weird subprime loan to get you into a home.  If you get turned down for a loan, that is GOOD.  It means you are NOT ready to buy and should encourage you to work on your credit and prepare yourself to be a home owner.   Falling Prices?   First quarter Killeen Fort Hood home sales showed an average price increase of $3000 over the same period as last year.   Appreciation is happening in our market, not in...
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By Mary Ann Daniell Realtor, Delivering Successful Results Since 1999
(Coldwell Banker United, Realtors - Subsidiary of NRT LLC )
The market is talking and THIS new home builder in the Fort Hood area is listening!   Jerry Wright Homes is now offering $1 VA Move In with approved lenders on all homes from 1800-1840 square feet!  Priced at $141,900, homes are availalbe in Killeen as well as Coopperas Cove.   Ceramic Tile FlooringCrown MoldingsTwo Tone PaintHigh CeilingsCeiling FansMaytag Built in MicrowaveMaytag DishwasherMaytag self cleaning smooth top RangePantryBreakfast bar or island kitchenCustom oak cabinetsGarden tub AND shower in master suiteTiled tub surround in second bathFrench Doors to study (per plan)Fireplace (per plan)Energy efficient windows and insulationAssistance with closing costs!Full yard sod4 bedrooms  2 baths2.25 bathrooms10 minutes from Fort Hood! See Floorplans Here (completed home sold 200...
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By Mary Ann Daniell Realtor, Delivering Successful Results Since 1999
(Coldwell Banker United, Realtors - Subsidiary of NRT LLC )
One of the questions military families always ask me is "what is the commute time to Fort Hood?"   And I always have to say... "It depends".   It depends on what city you live in, on how many wrecks are happening out on the expressway each morning and evening, and on what kind of problems the guards at the gates have with the masses of cars entering the post each day.    If commute time is a concern for you, and you are looking for an area with a more laid back feeling, visit the House Creek North area located at the northern edge of the City of Copperas Cove.  The subdivision is two years old, and has a rural feeling with big views and winding streets.     One of the best kept secrets about House Creek is that it's just a 10 MINUTE drive to a less traveled west gate into Fort Hood, via...
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By Mary Ann Daniell Realtor, Delivering Successful Results Since 1999
(Coldwell Banker United, Realtors - Subsidiary of NRT LLC )
Everybody wants to be a winner, right?  Whether you are a football fan, baseball fan, basketball fan, NASCAR fan, hockey fan, or fan of any sport, you more than likely understand the ins and outs of competition.  The process of selling your house is NO DIFFERENT!   To be a winner in the Killeen Fort Hood real estate marketplace, you have to buckle down and realize that being a winner is the result of intense preparation, insightful coaching, a willingness to look at the market with open eyes and to be flexible when the situation requires it.  PreparationMost of the homes built in the Fort Hood area are, suffice it to say, basically the same home over and over with a twist on the floorplan and a tweak on the exterior design.   Out of all the homes for sale in a subdivision, 50% of them m...
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Fort Hood, TX Real Estate Professionals