
Farmers Branch, TX Real Estate News

By Jose Lopez
(Ultima Commercial RE)
08:15 AM CST on Wednesday, November 14, 2007Por OCTAVIO RIVERA/Al DíaLas actividades de la Cámara de Comercio Hispana de Farmers Branch y Carrollton (FBCCC), comenzaron ayerformalmente en una ceremonia en la que estuvieron presentes los 11 miembros de su mesa directiva y empresarioslocales.Ramón Pacheco, propietario de una mueblería en esa ciudad, fungirá como presidente de la organización sin fines delucro.Pacheco explicó que la idea de crear la cámara surgió en febrero pasado, cuando varios comerciantes hispanos de laciudad seguían enfrentando los efectos de distintas propuestas que consideraban anti-inmigrantes surgidas del cabildo dela ciudad.El presidente de la Cámara hacía referencia a la iniciativa conocida como la ordenanza 2903 que buscaba penalizar a losdueños de viviendas que...
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By Donna Harris, Realtor,Mediator,Ombudsman,Property Tax Arbitrator
(Donna Homes, powered by JPAR -
As of Monday, English is now the official language of a small inner suburb of Dallas, called Farmers Branch.  Farmers Branch has a population of about 26,000.  This doesn't mean other languages can't be used for social or business in the city, but it means the city will no longer be providing Spanish translated information for anything provided to people within the city. Another city ordinance that passed on Monday was that illegal immigrant, as of January 2007, will no longer be able to rent apartments within the city.  Within this ordinance, they are going to watch what happens over the next six months and potentially make it so illegal immigrants can't rent houses either.There is a lot of noise going both ways.  My housekeeper was over yesterday and is very upset because of this issu...
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Farmers Branch, TX Real Estate Professionals