Mt Pleasant SC -- Alligators
By Liz Loadholt, Realtor--Broker-in-charge - Trainer--Relocation Director Covering SC
(Liz Loadholt- AgentOwned Realty- Covering SC)
originally posted on Mama Liz BlogAlligators are in the pond between Laurel Lakes and the Loadholt property. This morning while Boyd was doing his early morning walk, one was sunning on the Loadholt property side of the lake just behind the barn on the edge of the pond. So, those of you who go swimming in that pond had better think twice about doing that -- I hear folks saying "Nah, there are no alligators there" -- Well, Boyd saw one with his own eyes this morning. The one he saw was about 3 feet long -- so there are probably others in there. Eliza, our granddaughter, made a sign and we helped her post it on a tree to warn folks about the alligators.