354 Acres In Lancaster South Carolina With Beautiful 30 Acre Lake - Does Anyone Want To Farm Bamboo?
By Tracy Soussi, NC & SC Broker - Large Bank Foreclosures
Beautiful undeveloped property in Lancaster South Carolina. Acres: 354.62 Asking: $12,500/acre Water to the property 30 +- acre Lake Has never been on the market. It has hardwoods and timber. The lake is a huge feature and for future development it would make incredible homesites. The city just put a new 12" main water pipe replacing a 6" main water pipe which is very rare for a city to do this unless they are expecting alot of growth in the area. It is Lancaster SC, lower taxes. You can't find land at this price anymore! A friend of mine had a great idea....start a Bamboo farm on it. A GREAT Idea! The lake could be used for irrigation. In this age of "green" bamboo is in great demand and most of it needs to be imported. From what I have read, it can be harveste...