
Hilton Head Island, SC Real Estate News

By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
I wonder if you remember  years ago when we set out for our first day of school each year?  What did we get for school supplies?  Well, I recall a tablet and a pencil.  HOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED!  Now, kids come home with long lists of what is needed in the classroom, thereby placing somewhat of a burden on parents to provide the goods.  With everything else going up in price these days, I'm sure this is a tough year to shell out extra money. Well, the Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce has a new endeavor, namely the Project Connect which gets teacher's wish lists out to the community for donations.  Each Monday, the Island Packet Newspaper publishes the 'WISH LIST" on the "CLASS NOTES" page.  This provides an opportunity for the community to really  help out the students, t...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
The Island Packet Newspaper recently reported some pretty significant Real Estate news for the area.  Compared to 2007 statistics,  sales of local homes and condominiums shot up more than 17 % for the month of July.   This good news even caught our  area Realtors off guard. Compared with July 2006 when there were 173 sales of condos and homes, 2008 saw an increase to 203 sales according to data released by the Hilton Head MLS.  Want even better news?  The Hilton Head area was the only place in the state to see an increase in July statistics. Does this signal the bottom of the market?  Quite possibly so---at our most recent office meeting, most of the  Charter I Real Estate  agents reported a significant increase in the amount of inquiries, showings and sales. Advice for those waiting t...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
With the summer season almost behind us (1 more big weekend to go with Labor Day fast approaching), our little island is starting to return to a more quiet atmosphere and perhaps not a minute too soon to satisfy full time residents.  During the  fall, winter and spring season the island provides an  opportunity to kick back and truly enjoy leisure life  at its best.  With little traffic, no restaurant lines and wide open beaches, this should be a no-brainer if you're dreaming of a little getaway. Here's a photo of our marshes during the fall season when the lush green grass turns to a more sedate brown color.  The photo has been supplied by a local photographer, Pam Bredin.  I'm a huge fan of Pam's creativity and just love to share her works here at Localism.  So dust off the suitcase, ...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
  Just  listed this weekend, this fabulous home located in Buckingham Landing within steps to the water, is interestingly enough zoned for a Bed and Breakfast usage.   Now, I don't know of even 1 Bed and Breakfast on Hilton Head Island, so this would be an interesting opportunity for someone to purchase this home, live in it and run your B & B Business.  Buckingham Landing is a little eclectic neighborhood located close to the bridge to Hilton Head.  Folks who live here appreciate the pastoral beauty of the marsh areas plus have the ameneties of  a boat ramp that provides access to deep water and a brand new restaurant soon to open.  This very special home is curently listed @ $599,000 and boasts almost 3500 square feet plus a separate studio rental that provides monthly rental income....
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
I am just loving my new friendship with  Okay, if you haven't heard of this organization, you're probably wondering what it's all about---Quoted below from the website:  Welcome! The Freecycle NetworkTM is made up of 4,566 groups with 5,647,000 members across the globe. It's a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (& getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It's all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Each local group is moderated by a local volunteer (them's good people). Membership is free. To sign up, find your community by entering it into the search box above or by clicking on "Browse Groups" above the search box. Have fun! We have a very active group of Free Cyclers in the Hilton Head and Bluffton areas and what a fa...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
With September fast approaching and the tourist season winding down, all of us in Hilton Head Plantation are truly looking forward to some cooler weather.  Whew, we are always so happy when summer's sultry heat passes.  Want to enjoy some fall activities in the Plantation? Here's my top 10 List: FARMER'S CLUB--Now is the time to select a plot and plan your fall crops ISLAND HOPPER'S CLUB--Take a day trip to Charleston on October 2 to attend the annual Fall Candlelight Tour of Homes with lunch at High Cotton ARTISTS' ASSOCIATION--Join this group on Monday's and Tuesday's  for an informal painting session. HILTON HEAD PLANTATION WOMEN'S CLUB--Now is the time to sign up for fall offerings--There are many offerings such as Bridge, Mah Jong, Book Clubs, Luncheons, Cooking Demonstrations, Gar...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
It seems like summer just started and here we are discussing the kids going back to school.  If you'll be in the Hilton Head area on August 23, stop by Honey Horn and make it a day of fun by attending the annual Hawkfest.  This year's event will benefit all of our public schools and promises to be a fabulous fundraiser. The event charges only  $10 per  permission adrmission (and that includes all rides like waterslides for the kids and a casino tent for the adults)  Plus the silent auction with special "theme" baskets will definitely be a temptation.  Hawkfest should be  a great way to start the school year---Bring the kiddos and enjoy a day at Honey Horn Park. For more information about events, call 689-4938 or 689-4982 FOR ALL OF YOUR HILTON HEAD AND BLUFFTON REAL ESTATE NEEDS, PLEASE...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Look what I just saw in this morning Island Packet's Newspaper! Do you remember your last trip to the veternarian for the yearly innoculations? I think it costs me nearly $150 for the two darlings below! But Petco, one of our local stores is offering a clinic that may be helpful in today's economy. I think I just may take advantage of this but please remember, it's just an alternative to a valued relationship with your Veternarian. When sickness or problems arise, you sure are going to need your vet in your corner so I'm not suggesting you boycott the vet......maybe you'll just use this as a pocketbook extender this year. A low-cost vaccination clinic will be hosted by Petco 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 16 at the Bluffton Petco. Proceeds will benefit the Spay/Neuter Alliance & Clinic. Rabies ...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
I received so many emails and inquires since my previous blog showing Pam Bredin's photographs of the Lowcountry that I decided to share some more............WHAT CAN I SAY?  SHE'S EXCEPTIONALLY TALENTED!  For more information about Pam's photos, please contact her @  So without further adieu, I'll let you feast your senses AGAIN.  
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By Adam Hankey, Internet Marketing, MLS IDX, Web Design
( Search Engine Marketing Strategist)
Wexford Plantation is located on the mid-to-southern end of Hilton Head Island, on the opposite side of Shipyard Plantation. Wexford is known as a beautiful yachting and golfing community, as well as one of island's most exclusive residential areas with grand-style homes. Wexford offers its property owners the unique ability to dock their boats next to private homes via a lock system which maintains a proper minimum depth of water through tide changes. This allows boat owners to bring vessels up to 75 feet long into the community from the InterCoastal Waterway.
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
  I recently featured Pam Bredin,  a fabulous Lowcountry Photographer in one of my blogs.  Her beautiful works of art unleashed a renewed interest in the exquisite beauty that surrouds us in the Lowcountry of South Carolina.  Pam suggested I write a short blog to let everyone know about the Camera Club of Hilton Head.  They have an informative website with notices of meetings, field trips and beautiful photographs of the area and members.  So, if you're looking for a hobby and have recently moved to the Hilton Head area, this may be a great way to meet some new folks.  Sure seems tempting to me----now for some extra time , that would be nice.
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Let's face it----you couldn't find a better time to consider a purchase of Real Esate in the Hilton Head or Bluffton South Carolina area. There is more inventory and prices are better than I've seen in MANY years plus sellers are much more reasonable.  If a foreclosure or short sale tickles your fancy, we just might be able to find one for you-----providing you have lots of patience and aren't in a hurry to get an answer from the bank.  Banks move very slowly these days given their backload of inventory that needs to be addressed. So, do you have questions about taxes in South Carolina?  Perhaps this information from the official state site will prove helpful:  Sales TaxesState Sales Tax: 6% (prescription drugs exempt); 25 counties impose an additional 1% local option sales tax; a numb...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
As the old adage goes, sometimes our neighbors have the best kept secrets!  And my neighbor, Pam Bredin is NO EXCEPTION.  Quite by accident I was walking in our local mall and found her exquisite photographs exhibited in the hallways.  To say I was instantly entranced, would be an understatement.  Pam Bredin is a resident of Hilton Head and quickly  becoming well-known in the Lowcountry for her exemplary photography.  So here are some of her photos-----feast your senses! I bet you'll agree that Pam's work is VERY SPECIAL, INDEED.  If you are interested in contacting Pam regarding her art, she can be reached @ 
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
I mustered up my courage today and went shopping on Tax Free Weekend for Beaufort County, SC.  I "thought"  I needed a new vacuum cleaner and figured it would be best to save the 7% sales tax.  So off I went to Walmart........Whew, this was a golden weekend for our local merchants judging from the number of people in the store.  Shoppers were on the lookout for back to school merchandise.......I saw a lot of carts with electronics and computers so it's looking like the weekend was a boon for the local stores.    As for me, I came home with a brand new vacuum and told my husband that if he was REAL nice, I would let him use it!  If you're visiting Hilton Head and Bluffton this weekend, there is still some time left to take advantage of the savings.  AS ALWAYS, I WELCOME YOUR REAL ESTATE ...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Hilton Head Island has over 12 miles of beautiful sandy beaches. Hilton Head is located 95 miles south of Charleston. Tides can range from 6 to 8 feet every 6 hours. The island encompasses 42 square miles. Visitors can enjoy well over 20 golf courses and 300 tennis courts. Bicycling is one of the favorite family pastimes with miles and miles of bike trails. Hilton Head is a relatively new community---It was established in the 1950's. Native Indians were the earliest inhabitants of the island. Last but not least, Hilton Head has not experienced a hurricane in over 100 years. IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING A MOVE TO HILTON HEAD, I'LL ENJOY SHARING MY ENTHUSIASM.  PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE FOR HILTON HEAD AND BLUFFTON REAL ESTATE INFORMATION.
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
 Do you know where this tree is located?  Well, it's the most famous tree on Hilton Head Island, The Liberty Tree Oak located in Harbourtown at Sea Pines.  Families have gathered under this tree for almost 20 years to hear the famed Greg Russell entertain. Charles Fraser, when he developed Sea Pines Plantation, reconfigured the entire marina just to save this magnificient tree.  When he passed away several years ago from an unfortunate accident in the Bahamas, his body was laid to rest near the tree he loved so much. So, if you're visiting Harbourtown, make sure you check out the Liberty Oak.....There may be prettier trees on the island but none this famous.  FOR ALL OF YOUR HILTON HEAD OR BLUFFTON REAL ESTATE NEEDS, PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE.  I ALWAYS WELCOME YOUR INQUIRIES.
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Oh but my title is a bit deceiving-----there really isn't a problem with the Hilton Head Airport.  It's a little gem that I consider a very valuable community asset.   It's modern, efficient and serves an important need for the community. The problem, in my humble opinion, lies with our local politicians who are butting heads like wild boars instead of acting for the good of the community.  You see, we have a little issue  with the runway length-----simply, it's a tad too short for regional jets to safely as well as legally land at the airport.   The Delta Connection just announced that service would be terminated at the end of November due to the fact they are retiring their ATR 7 commuter planes.   In short, (no pun intended), the runway will need to be lengthened by approximatly 800 ...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
For the past 13 years, the town of Hilton Head has participated in an agressive land buying program that specifically preserves green spaces and limits development on the island......A Very Worthy Program!  Over the years, the town has borrowed $48 Million for acquisitions.  And believe me, these  purchases have made a huge difference in the appearance of our island.  The goal is to keep it as pristine and beautiful as possible. With the money coffers getting a bit low, the town is now asking residents to approve via a referendum, permission to borrow $17 Million.  So, the question is whether this will require a tax increase?  Sure will but I'm willing to bet  my money that most residents will see the value in voting yes to this increase.  Residents would see apprximately a $3 increase ...
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By Adam Hankey, Internet Marketing, MLS IDX, Web Design
( Search Engine Marketing Strategist)
Combining courses designed by some of the golf world’s most recognized architects along with the Lowcountry’s unique charm, Hilton Head golf continues to bring in golfers from around the world. With several courses ranked within the top 100 in the nation, golf enthusiasts are overwhelmed when they tee up on one of the beautiful creations by names like Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer. There are hundreds of amazing Hilton Head real estate properties located on these prestigious golf courses. Imagine owning a beautiful home in luxurious Sea Pines Plantation or Palmetto Dunes. Contact an agent from Carolina Realty Group today and learn about the available homes in the area.
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
There is no arguing that Hilton Head Plantation  is certainly an esthethic community AND it's no secret this beauty didn't happen accidnetally! WHAT IS AN ARB??? An ARB or Architectural Review Board is structed to assist in protecting owner investments throuogh a formalized review process.  JUST HOW DOES THIS PROCESS WORK?  Simply, before you embark on any exterior changes to your home, a resident fills out an application for design review and applies to the ARB Board for approval. The ARB in Hilton Head Plantation is a volunteer board consisting of residents with training and expertise.  Their goal is to maintain the natural beauty and protect property values as well as safeguard investments. So, if you're contemplating building your dream home or making changes to your existing Planta...
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