
Hilton Head Island, SC Real Estate News

By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
ATTENTION HILTON HEAD RESIDENTS---It's time once again to gather up your hazardous waste items------- The annual HAZARDOUS WAISTE MATERIALS ROUNDUP will be Saturday, November 15 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.  This is your opportunity to properly dispose of paints, poisons, pesticides, cleaning agents, automotive products and any other item that has a warning description.  The Roundup is open to any Hilton Head Island resident but NOT businesses.  Items that will not be accpeted include ammunition and fireworks.  (Guess that's a given.) Drop offs will be accepted at the Hilton Head Island Fire and Rescue Headquarters, 40 Summit Drive right by the Recycling and Trash Disposal area.  For more information, contact the Public Education office @ 682-5141.  So, here's hoping my husband gets motivat...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Can we ever have too much good news when it comes to insuring our Hilton Head and Bluffton homes?  The past 2 years have seen moderating costs for property insurance and that is especially good news for homeowners. Now, there's a new option that I wish to let you know about----It's called PURE----simply, it's a new business model for the insurance industry where owners of high value homes (I believe your home has to be valued at over $1 Million) who insure with Pure aren't just policyholders but rather, they're members.  PURE has been designated with an A.M. Best A- rating which is equivalent to excellent.  FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 888-814-PURE, VISIT THE WEBSITE, OR CONTACT MY FAVORITE INSURANCE AGENT,  SHERRY SLIFER @ CARSWELL  BBT INSURANCE.  Sherry can also be reached @ 843-785-51...
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By Willy Fanning, Taking real estate to the next level!
(The Alliance Group Realty)
Greetings from sunny Hilton Head Island! My web meanderings brought me to an interesting site for golfers at I was able to take a look at the local golf courses here in the Lowcountry, their layouts, get weblinks, post handicaps and more. The link is: If you have an interest in Hilton Head golf this sit emay be of interest and worthy of a look. I was out previewing a home in the Forest Beach section today for a potential client which just happened to be 2nd row. Looking out over the roof tops to a deep blue glistening sea gave a quick reminder why I love to be here. If you or someone you know might have an interest in knowing more about Hilton Head Island, Bluffton or Sun City Hilton Head, let ...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
For those who have visited our beautiful island of Hilton Head, I'm sure you couldn't help but notice how much open green space we have.  Many years ago, I just viewed it as land waiting to be developed but was I ever wrong!  The town has methodically been buying up vacant pieces of land for preservation through land buying bonds.  This year's election will once again, ask the voters to approve a referendum that would issue up to $17 million in bonds to use for open space, parks,  or public space Considering ths measure would increase local taxes by $8 for every $200,000 of assessed value on an owner-occupied home, it sure seems like a no-brainer to me.  I would gladly pay a bit extra each year to avoid future development on this island.  Still, town officials expect it to be a larger c...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
IS IT POSSIBLE WE'RE TALKING ABOUT HERITAGE ALREADY?  Well, yes, are are doing just that.  Don't miss your opportunity to purchase Tournament Clubhouse and Ground Badges at a $15 savings.  To take advantage of this special pricing,  you'll need to purchase by this Friday, October 31 st.  (Halloween Day)  After this date, all future sales will be at full price.  The 41st annual Verizon Heritage Tournament is slated for April 13-19 @ Harbour Town Golf Club.  To puchase tickets, call 800-234-1107 or 843-671-2448.      Online information is available at the Verizon Heritage Website.  FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HILTON HEAD OR BLUFFTON REAL ESTATE, PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE.  I WELCOME YOUR INQUIRIES ANYTIME.
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
It's never too early to start your Christmas Shopping and what a good cause the Annual Holiday Boutique held at Hilton Head Hospital provides.  This event is held at the Auxiliary Gift Shop, a not-for-profit organization.  Proceeds from the Gift Shop provide prescription medication and special equipment for folks in our community who need these resources and find them unaffordable.  IF YOU GO:  Shopping hours are Tuesday, October 28 from 9:30 to 4PM........Wednesday, October 29 from 9:30 AM to 9 PM.......Thursday, October 30 from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Why not stock up on some special gifts from this worthy endeavor?  FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL 689-8459. FOR ALL OF YOUR HILTON HEAD AND BLUFFTON REAL ESTATE NEEDS, PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE.  I WELCOME YOUR QUESTIONS, INQUIRIES AND REFERRALS A...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
As reported by David Lauderdale in today's Island Packet Newspaper, it appears we have a celebrity in our midst!  Meet Chewy, short for Chewbacca, a Jack Russel Terrier owned by the Rose Hil Golf Club assistant superintendent.  It seems that Chewy has long had a penchant for chasing geese (well, it's his nature to do things like this.)  But now he's graduated to  head of the Rose Hill Mole Swat Team!  Yes, he rides along in the golf cart and finds moles ---well do you really want to hear more?  I guess you can envision the rest.   They say his record for 1 day is 6 moles.  He's a busy little guy!  FYI, this photo is not the REAL Chewy--this little guy came from Wikipedia.                                                                                                                     ...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Today's Island Packet Newspaper carried a very interesting public service advertisement placed by Citizens to Protect the Hilton Head Airport.   For the past several years, there has been a controversy concerning the Hilton Head Airport between local and part-time resdents,  business people and our local and county government.  It appears that we "may" have some town and county officials who have become  opponents of maintaining a local airport presence.   For the life of me, I cannot understand why an elected official would not strive to protect a vital asset like our airport.  It serves everyone and particularly, it is vital to maintain an airport in times of crisis or diasaster not to say the economic vitality of our community.    Remember, folks, we live on an island.  That should e...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
LITTLE KNOWN FACTS ABOUT THE TOWN OF HILTON HEAD: Charles Fraser began developemnt of Sea Pines in 1956 The Sea Pines Master Plan was completed in 1974 with 4 golf courses, 75 tennis courts, 200 hotel rooms and a projected total of 5980 homes situated on 4500 acres of land. In 1983, islanders voted to form the concept of an incorporated town In 1983, the first town municipal government elections were held. Town Council consists of 5 members and a mayor.  The present  mayor is Tom Peeples, a local builder. The Land Management Ordinance for the town of Hilton Head was passed in 1987. Hilton Head has over 200 restaurants currently. At build-out Hilton Head will have a bit more than 40,000 permanent residents. Most visitors to our island don't realize how "young" our world class resort town...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
It's probably true that only a special breed of folks live on Dafuskie Island.  Known for it's laid back atmosphere and total tranquility, the only thing you need to resolve if you decide to live on Dafuskie is "just how do I get there?"  You see, Dafuskie is ONLY accessible by boat.  Yes, no bridges and with that comes some special limitations----like what about when you forget milk and bread?  Nope, you just can't hop in your car and run to the corner store.  You either wait for the regularly scheduled Dafuskie Island ferry or you utilize your own boat to travel over to Hilton Head Island.  I thought it might be interesting to list a few little known facts about Dafuskie: Indians inhabited Dafuskie nearly 10,000 years ago. The Spanish arrived in the 1500's when Dafuskie was still cons...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Sometimes you just have to pinch yourself and look at Hilton Head through the eyes of those who visit here during the year but don't yet LIVE HERE.  It is easy to become jaded with the island after living here for several years.  But one just has to pay attention to  the upcoming events, with the Concours E'elegance and Motoring Festival being one of the premiere events held each year.  This year's event will take place October 30 through November 2nd at Honey Horn,  home to the Coastal Discovery Museum.   This is the only event of it's kind held on the entire East Coast.  This year's event will feature: Vintage Truck Event Centennial celebration of the Great Savannah Races of 1908, 1910 and 1911 Select Regional Car Clubs will Compete for awards Vintage Motorcycles Pre WWII trucks Auto...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Can you remember the last time you had the flu?  Ugh, it was horrid, wasn't it!  I sure can remember my last bout and since then, I've faithfully gotten my flu shots and thank goodness, I haven't gotten it again.  I'll probably catch  it this year just because I've written this post.  Flu shots are availabe in Hilton Head Plantation this year at The Cypress Club Clinic, November 1st from 9am to 3pm.  For more information, you can call Deborah Norris, the Family Nurse Practicioner or Juanite Green, Licensed Practical Nurse @ 683-7116.  It's not neccsary to call first--just stop by anytime on November 1st. FYI, The Cypress Club Clinic is located at 20 Lady Slipper Lane in the Ashley Wing of the Preston Health Center. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HILTON HEAD OR BLUFFTON REAL ESTATE, PLEASE ...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Here's a fabulous deal offered ONLY to Beaufort County residents!  The Lowcountry Golf Passbook is once again offered  for the best season of the year---Fall  means some of the best golfing weather you'll experience in the Lowcountry!  Purchase the the Passbook and you'll have the opportunity to play the best golf courses at VIP rates.......valid until November 30, 2008. For more information or to order, call 843.842.2322 or email to: PARTICIPATING GOLF COURSES ARTHUR HILLS, PALMETTO HALL ARTHUS HILLS, PALMETTO DUNES RESORT BARONY COURSE, PORT ROYAL BLOODY POINT, DAFUSKIE ISLAND COUNTRY CLUB OF HILTON HEAD CRESCENT POINT GOLF CLUB EAGLE'S POINTE GOLF CLUB GEORGE FAZIO COURSE, PALMETTO DUNES GOLDEN BEAR CLUB @ INDIGO RUN HARBOUT TOWN GOLF LINKS, SEA PINES RESO...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Earlier this summer, I wrote about how the Hilton Head Volunteers monitor and protect the Loggerhead Turtle nests that appear each year on our sprawling  beaches.  I have good news to report----It was a banner year for the endangered Loggerheads!  According to an article in the Island Packet Newspaper, the Hilton Head Sea Turtle Protection Project that is administered by the Coastal Discovery Museum tracked 356 adult loggerhead turtle tracks, of which 200 led to nests.  That is the greatest number since 1999 when 218 nests were found on the island.  A total of 94 nests were relocated to safer areas and each nest was marked to keep people away.  Each nest contained between 50 and 120 eggs with approximately 72 percent hatched.  When you consider that only 1 in several thousand hatchling...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Locals know that Mi Tierra, located at 160 Fairfield Square on Hilton Head Island and  100 Mellenchamp Center in Bluffton, is the place to go for outstanding Mexican food, not to mention the Margaritas!  Their menu is varied with traditional Mexican offerings like chips and fresh salsa, Tostados, and of course, the Cerviche is to die for!  As the folks at Mi Tierra say---'IT'S ALL ABOUT THE GUAC!"  Yes, do try the Guacomole---it's well worth it!  As for the prices, you won't be disppointed--it's a great place to take the family and not spend a fortune.  TO CONTACT THE FOLKS AT MI TIERRA'S: 341-3401   HILTON HEAD 757-7200   BLUFFTON
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
The Island Packet reported today that 10 new firetrucks will soon be delivered to the various fire department stations on Hilton Head Island.  When I read a news story like this, I realize how fortunate we are to live in such a well-administered community.  Never have I heard of a small community receiving 10 firetrucks in such  a short period.  These will be phased into service between now and Christmas. The new vehicles will tout the utmost in safety, technology and the latest fire fighting equipment.  They'll carry 500 gallons of water and be able to spray up to 1500 gallons when attached to a fire hydrant.  Notably mentioned was the fact that each truck is about 2 feet shorter than previous vehicles, thereby providing more maneuverability in tighter neighborhood streets.  We have a ...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Well here's some good news for Hilton Head and Beaufort residents----both Hilton Head Regional and Beaufort Memorial Hospital received some good news from the 2009 Health Grades Reports.   Both of these hospitals ranked among the top hospitals in the nation for certain treatments.  Beaufort Memorial Hospital garnered a 5 Star rating for Orthopedic care while Hilton Head Regional received the 5 star rating for treatment of Gastrointestional bleeding and surgeries.  Other areas where Hilton Head Regional received at least a 3 Star report (meaning that they performed as expected) were:  Pulmonary Disease Treatment, Stroke, Critical Care, Bowel Obstruction, Pancreatis, Carotid Surgery, Total Knee Replacement, Total Hip Replacement and Hip Fracture Repair. Beaufort Memorial also ranked 3 St...
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By Willy Fanning, Taking real estate to the next level!
(The Alliance Group Realty)
Lowcountry eNews October, 2008    Greetings from the SC Lowcountry! There has been a lot going on nationally both on Wall Street and in Washington, to keep people preoccuppied and quite frankly ratcheting up the anxiety level for just about everyone over the past month. Most everyone has had a crash course in Macro and Micro Economics that they really would have preferred not to have to learn, especially at the hands of their own personal portfolios. All this has been going on while a national election, in just 20 days as of this writing, making all news and the candidates response to it, newsworthy. I have learned more about people and places I never knew existed and for the most part, would have prefered not to get to know.   Fortunately, the weather has been just gorgious here on Hil...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Hi There, My name is Jeb--I'm pretty darn cute, right?    If you REALLY find me irrestible, you can visit the Hilton Head Humane Association and we'll spend a little time getting to know each other.  If "I" like you, we'll go to the next step and see if an adoption might be viable.  In the meantime---a little about me---Yes, my name is Jeb.  I currently weigh about 25 pounds and really don't know too much about myself except to say that I'm still a puppy and am still growing.  Bet I'll add some more weight  by the time I'm a year old.  They tell me I'm lovable and get along nicely with the other residents here.  Okay, to sum it all up----I'M VERY ADOPTABLE!  PLUS, I'll keep your feet warm this coming winter.  My girlfriends tell me that I'll be out of here in no time.  Photo is courtesy...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Be sure of one thing------the kids will get their chores done with no complaining if you promise to take them to the annual Hilton Head Plantation Halloween Party.  This year's event will be held October 26 @ 1:30 PM at the Plantation House on Seabrook Drive.  Each year, the staff puts a great amount of effort into coming up with interesting activities for the kids as well as prizes for the best costume in lots of different categories.  Plus there's lots of Halloween goodies sure to tempt the kiddos.  The age requirement is 10 years or younger.  One request?  Please bring a canned donation that can be distributed to a family in need this Christmas.  FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HILTON HEAD PLANTATION REAL ESTATE, PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE.  I welcome your inquires, questions and referrals ...
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