
Hilton Head Island, SC Real Estate News

By John Robinson, REALTOR - Hilton Head Island, SC
(Dunes Marketing Group)
The Home Builders Association of South Carolina published a very interesting article in their latest newsletter.  With housing prices down, and rates still historically low, housing affordability is the best in 4 years. Click HERE to read the full article. 
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Tradition Hilton Head is supporting a good cause and giving golfers a real break!  This year they are supporting Deep Well, a local Hilton Head charity that aids families in need, and Bluffton Self Help, another worthy local charity.  To receive a coupon for a complimentary round of golf, just visit Tradition Hilton Head between November 22 and December 13th, bring a non-perishable food item, complete the home tour and the good folks at Tradition will reward your generosity with that free round!  I'm always so impressed to see local businesses supporting charitable groups especially in these troubled economic times. Families need all the help they can get right now so please be very generous this season  IF YOU WOULD LIKE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT TRADITION HILTON HEAD OR "ANY" LOWCOUNTRY ...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
I previously wrote about my dissapointment when Delta pulled out of the Hilton Head Airport last fall.  The reason that Delta suspended service was due to the continued  brouhaha about the length of our local airport. The aircraft they were using was inefficient to utilize in our market and they needed to find a smaller aircraft that could operate within the limits of the airport runway length.    It appears to me that we have government officials (won't name them today) who have become very anti-airport and are failing to make important decisions that will ultimately affect the economic health of our community.  I sure hope they prove me wrong in the near future but from what I've seen so far, I really don't much like what I'm seeing.  The good news today is that Delta will start up se...
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By John March, "Engage, connect, prosper" (Matt 6:33)
(Charisma Media Group, LLC)
Delta Airlines which suspended service to Hilton Head Island Airport in July is coming back and begins service again on March 2, 2009. It will offer service from HHI airport to Atlanta Airport Delta acquired Northwest Airlines and also a fleet of 34 seat, Saab 340 turbo props from Mesaba Airlines, a regional carrier which was a part of the Northwest deal. The Saab 340 is more suitable to Hilton Heads short runways. (Delta is now the largest airline in the world.) US Airways, currently offers service between Hilton Head and Charlotte, North Carolina. This is great news for local tourism and it also benefits the real estate market, making it more convenient for potential buyers to sample the greater Hilton Head area and like it so much they decide to buy a vacation home or contemplate re...
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By John Robinson, REALTOR - Hilton Head Island, SC
(Dunes Marketing Group)
Ben Russ, Vice President of Hilton Head Mortgage sent me the following pertinent information regarding financing for a home on Hilton Head Island. Pre-qualification is the first step in obtaining mortgage financing.A potential borrower answers a few questions to provide the loan consultant with a quick snapshot of the borrower's income, existing debt, accumulated savings and whether or not there is a co-borrower. Signatures allow the loan consultant to run a credit report and begin to determine what loans are good candidates for this particular client. However, there are literally thousands of loan programs available.It is important for the loan professional to know the long-term financial objectives of the prospective homeowner.Pre-approval is a written documentation that proves the bo...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
I 've been driving my grandchildren to school this week because mom is home with a brand new baby boy.  Matthew was born in the past 2 weeks and weighed in at 8 lbs 2 oz.  I instantly decided he was the best little baby I've ever seen (although I'm a little prejudiced!)  But I've digressed here, haven't I?  I originally started to write about this beautiful lake that is near the Sea Pines Montessori Academy that is located near Sea Pines Plantation. Pictured below is a photo  that I managed to take---it's always difficult to get a photo here because there is so much traffic coming and going.  I hope you enjoy the photo----next time you get overly stressed, just visualize this beautiful scene.  Many times when I come by here, I see beautiful Herons standing in the water waiting for their...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Stopped by our local Goodwill  Store today to drop off some donations and since I had my camera with me, I decided to take a few photos to share with the hard core thrifters that eagerly flock to Hilton Head for their shopping fix.  The Goodwill, located in Port Royal Plaza, offers a huge supply of just about every imagineable item possible.  From clothing, to furniture, bric a brac and household goods, I guarantee you that your hands will be filled with packages when you leave. 
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Today, while playing golf at Oyster Reef Golf Club, I remembered to take my digital camera with me. The Oyster Reef Golf Club in located in Hilton Head Plantation.   I consider fall the ultimate season to enjoy golfing  in Hilton Head and today was no exception!  With temperatures in the mid 60's and brilliant sunshine, it was the perfect day to be on the course.   For my northern friends, I hope you'll be able to set aside a long weekend to come and play on the numerous Hilton Head golf courses.    Enjoy the photos! FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HILTON HEAD REAL ESTATE, PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE.  I WELCOME YOUR INQUIRIES, QUESTIONS AND REFERRALS ANYTIME.  
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
The Hospice Community Thrift is the relative newcomer to the growing number of thrift stores in the Hilton Head and Bluffton area but you'd never know it when walking through their complex.  Located on Matthews Drive (across from Sam's Club and Port Royal Plaza), they have a stunning array of merchandise from clothing to housewares and much much more!  The folks at the Hospice Thrift like to characterize their store as the Neiman Marcus of thrift stores.  So, when you're in the Hilton Head area, whether on vacation or business, stop by and meet the friendly'll be glad you did!   
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By Larry Meyers, Hilton Head Island Real Estate
(Larry Meyers Real Estate )
The Hilton Head Island and Sun City, SC real estate market continues to exceed national trends and averages. Why? Aside from the quality of life and natural beauty our island has to offer, there are several advantages our local economy will continue to thrive on as it has in the current state of our national economy.Sun City Hilton Head, Bluffton and Beaufort County are target markets for the near 80 million baby boomers that will retire over the next 15-20 years. Local industry both on and off of the island continue to grow within the limits that the restrictive environmental covenants allow, and our core values that drive people to our area continue to be enhanced annually by building more parks, walkways, and nature preserves. We are not rural and suburban America where industry that...
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By Charlie Fraser
(Charles Fraser Realty Group)
Sea Pines Company in 1967 hired Callister and Payne Architects and Land Planners from Tiburn California to come up with a number of home designs that would make nice cottages on the ocean or along the tidal creeks of Hilton Head . Featured here are a couple of the designs that came from their firm in 1967. Although I am not positive but I don’t believe any of these designs were actually built by Sea Pines Home Builders. I am sure that these designs did influence some of our earlier architects like Pete McGinty, Doug Corkern, and Jackie Lee. My uncle Charles was trying to find that unique style for the island, and he was a ferious researcher into new and innovative ideas. Charles Warren Callister was a leading architect in the Bay area in the 40’s through the 60’s and his vision of desi...
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By Charlie Fraser
(Charles Fraser Realty Group)
A recent article in our local Island Packet indicated that the Sea Pines Country Club was suing CSA (Community Service Association) which is in essence the Sea Pines Property Owners Company that maintains our covenants, elects a board and oversees all aspects of common properties and especially security.  The lawsuit is about being charged a $5.00 gate fee for non-residents attending functions at the Club. The CSA board is comprised of 4 groups:  ASPPO (Association of Sea Pines Property Owners), Sea Pines Company (or assigns, Riverstone Group), CSA and Commercial Property Owners (Harbour Town, South Beach, and Sea Pines Center)  The Sea Pines Covenants direct the board makeup, and how different properties will pay CSA.  Commercial properties pay 1/2% of the rent rolls or gross receipts,...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
The Country Club of Hilton Head located in Hilton Head Plantation  recently announced a new membership option open to those under 45 years of age.   This may be the plan  you CAN'T resist so if you're interested in membership, don't delay because they are limiting this to the first 25 members.  The special program provides a low initiation fee of $500 and monthly dues as low as $149 per month.  Another fabulous membership perk  is the new 27,000 square foot athletic gym that was just completed and includes an indoor swimming pool.  Added ameneties include 6 Har-Tru Tennis Courts, complete use of the Clubhouse, special twilight and weekend golf rates as well as summer camps and Junior Golf and Tennis programs.  FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT DIONNE MALLON @ 843-681-2582
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By John Robinson, REALTOR - Hilton Head Island, SC
(Dunes Marketing Group)
A common way to protect your property from being taken away by the lender on account of non-payment of your mortgage is a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure.Deed-in-lieu is a process in which the borrower failing to satisfy the loan obligation hands over his property to the lender. The lender may then sell the property in order to retrieve a part or whole of the amount borrowed from the sale proceeds.What is the process all about?When you go for a deed-in-lieu in order to avoid foreclosure, you need to sign legal documents such as the Agreement in Lieu of Foreclosure and a Warranty deed, quit claim deed or a grant deed.The first document reveals the terms and conditions of the deed-in-lieu, and is signed by both the lender and borrower.The second document, which is the deed, conveys legal owne...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
The Deep Well Project in Hilton Head is a  volunteer group that assists those in need, whether it be for  food, rent, medical or any other appropriate need.  This year, more than ever, folks in our communiy are requesting assistance from Deep Well.  Your donations are urgently needed!  The Mission of Deep Well is:  "A Hand Up not a Hand Out."  Too often, we find folks that are just 1 step away from financial distress---it only takes one series of events to put families in peril and this is where Deep Well works their magic.  Their system  assists  families to become  independent through counseling and assistance.  This is not a hand out program.   But rather a means to encourage independence!  I'm hoping our Hilton Head residents will take a look through their pantries and prepare a spe...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
WHO COULD RESIST THIS BEAUTIFUL FACE?  Valerie is the PET OF THE WEEK at the Hilton Head Humane Association.  I have no doubt that she will be adopted very quickly---she's absolutely gorgeous!   BUT THERE ARE MANY MORE PETS THAT NEED GOOD HOMES AND ARE WAITING TO BE ADOPTED. Have you been thinking about bringing a pet into your home?  If so, I do hope you'll stop by the Humane Association and give some serious consideration to adopting one of their pets.  They'll also welcome any contributions as well as your volunteer efforts.  The Hilton Head Humane Association is a "no kill" shelter.  We are so fortunate to have them in our community so please support their cause.  FOR MORE INFORMATION:  843-681-8686.
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
I spoke with a friend yesterday who relayed that requests for food donations are at an all-time high.  More and more families are finding the need to request food staples from Deep Well, an area charity that provides assistance to families in need.  Consequently, supplies are at an all-time low. Stein Mart of Hilton Head has graciously offered to hold an area food drive on November 21 from 9:30 AM to 9 PM.  If you bring some donations, you'll receive a 20% coupon that can be used for your holiday shopping.  So, come out and support a worthy cause!  The community really needs your help this year!
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Perhaps the next time you visit Hilton Head, there will be a new butterfly display.  The Coastal Discovery Museum announced plans to build a 1200 square foot butterfly enclosure at Honey Horn with construction expected to begin in January.  Did you know that the Hilton Head and Bluffton areas are major migration routes for many species of butterflies?  Each year from March to November, we have an amazing display of butterflies who stay awhile in our area.  I even planted a butterfly garden last year (well, with a little help from my neighbor) and have enjoyed keeping watch on the butterflies who visit. The new butterfly enclosure will be in close proximity to the Discovery House, along an oyster shell path.  This should be a welcome addition to our community!
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By Charlie Fraser
(Charles Fraser Realty Group)
I am not a firm believer in averages on homes that are not similar. However, they do serve a purpose n spotting trends in the market place.Sea Pines plantation is located on Hilton Head Island and considerred the premier residential resort destination on the island and else where. The develpment guidelines that were established by Sea Pines Company are copied all over the world. Numerous employees of Sea Pines have gone on to develope world class residental and resort communities. So, when it comes to real estate on the island Sea Pines tends to lead the way in sales, appreciation and rebounding from down turns in the market.The number of new listings peked in March 2008 and the number of homes going under contract had two strong months: February and July 2008. September had a good mont...
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By Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
(Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC)
Let's take a look at Villa activity in Hilton Head Plantation.  The following data has been derived from the HIlton Head MLS and is assumed to be correct but not warranted. In 2007, we had 21 active villa listings compared to 25 currently on the market in 2008.  2007 saw 14 villas closed as compared to 12 in 2008.  A decrease of 14% for the current year. Percent to Sale Price in 2007 was 94.26% as compared to 92.84% in 2008. Average Sale Price in 2007 was $566,666 as compared to $463,730 in 2008 a decrease of 18%. Average Days on the Market in 2007 was 105 as compared to 165 in 2008, an increase of 36%. It is quite easy to see that our local Villa Market offers a fantastic buying opportunity.  If you've been considering a move to Hilton Head Plantation, I couldn't imagine a better buyi...
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