"New" Urban Village in Old Town Bluffton
By John March, "Engage, connect, prosper" (Matt 6:33)
(Charisma Media Group, LLC)
There is a new mixed use development right Near Old Town Bluffton. There will be retail and office space in this area along with residential units. Old town Bluffton is a charming area with little shops, arts and craft stores and a Church on each of it's Corners. You can walk to some of the more well known places like the Oyster factory that is renoweed for whatelse?Oysters. The May River public dock is close at ahd so you can go fishing, crabbing or boating The farmers Market and Calhoun Street Shops and Art Galleries can be enjoyed by just taking a short walk. The Church of the Cross is also located on Calhoun Street and you can enjoy the views of the May River from the rear of the Church Grounds The Video Below will give you a flavor of the area as seen through the eyes of Old Tow...