
Andrews, SC Real Estate News

By Sid Ackerman, Realtor and REO/investor specialist.
(Beach and River Homes)
As I sit here watching the wind and rain outside and listening to the thunder I find myself thanking God that this time my family and friends are for the most part out of the path of the storm. While I hope the areas still in harms way are suprised by the lack of damage, I just wanted to take a moment to try to get others to realize how fortunate we are in SC. I was here for Hugo in 89 and although I was young I remember the damage afterward. If you are out of the path of the storm please take time to Thank God and say a little prayer for those that are still facing the storm. Just a brief pause may give you the perspective needed to recognize just how Blessed we are.
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By Sid Ackerman, Realtor and REO/investor specialist.
(Beach and River Homes)
Pictured above the CHAIR-man of the board and the companies technology officer lounging in their favorite spot, their dads recliner.     As I sit here blogging I have to describe my surroundings so you get an understanding of what im up against. In my home office my 2 year old son has found the thrill of a lifetime playing in my laptop bag on the floor. I have a pile of UN-filed reports/agreements on my desk and I just got done with a visitor at my door which wasn't related to work. Now i know what many of you may be thinking, "you have to keep work and home separate" but recently I have started pondering this question. Now im not saying this is typical for me, quite the contrary today has been an exception. My babysitter has a fever and my wife was booked solid with appointments so I ...
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By Sid Ackerman, Realtor and REO/investor specialist.
(Beach and River Homes)
     First I guess I should give a little background to show where my perspective and opinions are coming from. I am a native of Andrews SC and graduated from Andrews High in 1995. I am currently on Andrews town council and have lived in the Andrews/Georgetown county area all my life. With that being said let me describe to the best of my ability the town I call home. Andrews is a small town on the Western side of Georgetown county, SC. Home to about 3000 people the town was started in 1909 from 2 smaller communities, Rosemary and Harpers crossroads. Andrews has many qualities that make it an ideal place to live. Many Churches fill the town and on Sunday morning it is nice to see the townsfolk all in their Sunday best going to and from Church. Andrews also has some natural areas that c...
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Andrews, SC Real Estate Professionals