Decluttering? Consider Donating To Non-Profits That Do Picks Ups
By Gloria Todor, & Doug Durren (484) 431-3686 in SE PA
(Premier Property Sales & Rentals)
As a Realtor® I know first hand how difficult it can be for Sellers to declutter when preparing to sell their home. Even if you start way in advance of the target market date, it can become overwhelming. There are years of memories that need to be sorted and possibly given away. Downsizing is a challenge and if you are dealing with a loved ones’ house, not your own, it can be a real challenge as well.We tell our clients that there are non-profits that will pick up lightly used donations at their house, which can be very helpful. This eliminates the added steps of having to pack things up in a vehicle and drive items off at a drop off center. And it can be comforting to know that you are helping others in need and not adding to a landfill. I learned about donation pick up services years ...