
New Milford, PA Real Estate News

By Gregory Scheer
(GCS Home Inspections and Thermal Inspections)
Thermographer Identifies Heat Loss Montrose Home Inspection company specializes in thermography and identifies drafts, missing insulation, and escaping heat using a high-tech camera. Thermography is the science of infrared imaging and is used to identify problems, accurately predict failure, and also assist home owners make their homes more efficient.  Notice the infiltrating cold air at the bottom right corner of the door. Call GCS Home Inspections for your thermal scan.570-504-8393
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By Gregory Scheer
(GCS Home Inspections and Thermal Inspections)
A home inspector that's a worm farmer?  What's a worm casting?  Simply put, it's worm do-do.  Yes, I'm a home inspector serving Montrose, Great Bend, Scranton, and more areas in PA, but we raise red worms to help put our garden.  It's a very easy thing to do and costs only a few dollars to begin.  We started a couple years ago when a friend of mine gave me about 500 red worms.  We fed the worms a daily diet of coffee grounds, old veggies and fruits and apple cores.  After only two years our worm population grew to an incredible 25,000 (and that's estimating LOW!).  Today I harvested the worm castings and placed my worms into a brand new worm bin that we built out in the yard.  Now I have over 200 pounds of the richest fertilzer money can buy. We'll have our third garden this year using ...
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By Jason Price, The Mortgage Rider
(Mortgage Financial Group, Inc (NMLS 219650))
Today there was improvement in the vacation part of taking a vacation (at least in the part that nothing else can really go wrong... only improvements).The repairs for the furnace started early (and ran a little late into the afternoon).  While all that was going on, we started to clean the house that we are really supposed to be vacationing at.  Tricia started to tackle the kitchen while I took the task of cleaning the bathrooms and vaccuuming the floors.I have never seen bathrooms more disgusting than the ones I had to clean.  There were iron and rust stains, mildew, and who knows what caked on the toilets after 2-3 years.  The kitchen showed that the local wildlife had taken up residences within the home.  But after a couple hours of scrubbing and cleaning, the house was finally wort...
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By Jason Price, The Mortgage Rider
(Mortgage Financial Group, Inc (NMLS 219650))
After a rough start on Day 1 of the vacation, I was hoping that today would be a better day.  WRONG!!!Madison did not sleep well last night due to here new surroundings.  So needless to say, we did not sleep well either.  Plus, add on the fact that it was roughly 45 degrees.  Coming from Florida weather and a warm 80-90 degree climate, we were not prepared for the cool snap.Well, after eating some breakfast, I checked my emails and was shocked at the response I got to Day 1.  After responding to the comments, I had to make my way in to town to the hardware store.  Need to buy some outlet covers to keep the little one from finding out about electricity.  While we were there, I got the names of a couple plumbers to find out about getting the pump to work.After getting the referrences, we ...
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By Jason Price, The Mortgage Rider
(Mortgage Financial Group, Inc (NMLS 219650))
The day has finally come... my first vacation in 5 years.  Over the course of the next 2 weeks (Jealous?  Don't be), I am going to be blogging about the daily activities of a mortgage broker (business owner) on vacation (or at least an attempt at vacation).Day 1 - The Departure6:30 - Get up.  Take care of the animals - Feed the horses.  Muck the stalls.  Turn the goats out.  Feed the dogs.  Feed the fish.7:30 - Wake Madison up.  Fix breakfast.  Finish packing the car.  Get ready.8:30 - Leave to pick up our friend to help drive us to the airport.10:00 - Arrive at airport.10:20 - Check luggage.10:30 - Catch a break at secuirty and get shuffled through the handicap lane (thanks to Madison's tri-stroller).10:45 - Hear announcement of final boarding for our flight.  Proceed to run down the t...
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