
Erie, PA Real Estate News

By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
If your PA license was issued between Dec. 1, 2013 and Nov. 30, 2015 you need to take required 14 hours Continuing Education in Residential Module and General Module before May 31, 2016 renewal.  Fine: $100 per missing hour.Join me in class.  Residential Module April 6, 2016 and General Module April 20, 2016$35 Residential Module$35 General ModuleLocation: 3036 W. 12th Street Erie PA 16505Register:  1-412-967-0240 or   
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Snow or No Snow, both sunsets light up my world, hopefully yours, too.Sunset as seen from my front porch. Sunrise as seen from my own back yard. I love where I live in Erie PA and wouldn't live anywhere else, however, my favorite sunrise comes up over the Atlantic Ocean at Mayport, Florida. Feel free to post your own photos in comments below. 
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Are you ready to earn your Pennsylvania Real Estate license in 2016?  The Real Estate market is very active with many homes for sale in Erie PA    Are you ready? Pennsylvania requires 60 hours of classroom instruction divided into Real Estate Fundamentals and Real Estate Practice.  Next you will take the State Real Estate Exam & PASS.  Then you are ready to apply for Real Estate license and begin training with a Real Estate broker.     Are you ready to begin Real Estate classes in Erie, PA?   Do you prefer online class or live classes?  See  Real Estate classes in Pennsylvania  
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
It might be snowy and a bit on the cold side but let's head for the woods.   Winter is not for weaklings or ____.   You can fill in the blanks.  I have always lived in western PA and LOVE all four seasons, even winter.  As kids we played for hours making snowmen, snow angels and building forts.  Today my favorite winter activity is cross country skiing.   Oh yes, we have friends who have joined the snowbirds who head south like my friend, Snowy.   Okay maybe a winter's nap in front of the fireplace will be nice, too. But tomorrow I will be ready to head for the woods again.Come join me. 
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By Homes For Heroes
(Affiliates nationwide for Hero Rewards)
Mary has been a licensed REALTOR® for more than 22 years and is a Graduate of the Realtor's Institute. Her extensive list of credentials includes PAR Excellence membership, Leadership PAR graduate, PA RPAC trustee, President of the Greater Erie Board of Realtors in 2007 and Realtor of the Year in 2013.  Mary lives in Millcreek with her husband and two children.
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Why do I have to attend Ethics class?Ugh, who wants to take another Ethics class?Ethics is so boring!Ethics is ethics, what's the big deal?I am ethicalIt's the other agent who needs to take an ethics class Sound familiar?  Like it or not NAR requires all Realtors to take 3hr Ethics class every four years.  Between Jan. 1, 2012 and Dec. 31, 2016 every Realtor must complete the quadrennial ethics either in person or online.  Do you wish your fellow Realtors would take this course & really learn something? The NAR deadline is December 31, 2016 Pennsylvania licensees must complete 14 hours of CE, Continuing Education by May 31, 2016.  Many agents plan to take Ethics class before May 31st so the class counts for both CE and NAR.  It's a 2-fer.Classes offered in Erie, PA by Alan Kells School ...
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
 February 3rd and Spring Flowers are blooming in Erie, PAThank you Punxsutawney Phil for prediction of early spring-like weather at least here in Northeast along Lake Erie.  February 3rd high temperature in Erie, PA was 64 & 😎Yes, there really is a groundhog named, Phil, and he lives on a mountain knoll near Punxsutawaney, Pennsylvania.  Today I was so happy to see these snow drops blooming outside my back door.  Per Jeff Dowler CRS suggestion I put out a few veggies for the groundhogs who live in Erie and I bet they passed along the message to their cousin, Punxsutawney Phil, who predicted an early spring.                            Bribe a Groundhog Just added a little color to my decor. We may still have a few wintery days but spring is just around the corner, but for now we will enj...
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
This month I have read quite a few posts explaining Weltanschauung and even a few with tips on how to pronounce this word of German origin.   No, Weltanschauung is not a made-up Scrabble game, but just for fun I wonder how many Scrabble points I could get with triple letter, triple word score.In a few words WORLD VIEW is the gist of its meaning.  Let's build a community that focuses on educating one another by sharing our knowledge and expertise with other members even though they may be our competitors.  Unlike other professional organizations ActiveRain has encouraged its members to actively share the secrets of their success so that others can grow & progress in their own careers.  The dynamic environment that surrounds the ActiveRain Community is contagious in a very positive way.  ...
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Fortunately the ActiveRain founders had the foresight to write Community Guidelines for how we interact with other Rain members and the public who visit our site.  Did you read them before you joined?  I don't remember back that far. (2008) Thanks to our fifth January challenge ActiveRain members have been writing posts about the Community Guidelines for our review.  Since I have had a whole month to read, reflect & ponder my post will focus on the Community  aspect of ActiveRain.  Below is a snippet from the Community Guidelines.   'ActiveRain is built for Community.'  Guidelines give organizations, like ActiveRain, the parameters within which to function.  The ActiveRain Guidelines give Real Estate professionals a forum to network, share and learn from each other.  Remember four words...
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Well . . . Over the bridge over the little stream and through the woods I go.   Cabin fever made me escape to the woods even though the temperature was only 22 degrees.   My favorite winter activity has always been cross country skiing.  One of my favorite trails is over the bridge across Trout Run on my own property.  The tree above the path will be next year's fire wood.   My little house in the woods, Grandma's house   
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
What is 'Wordless Wednesday'?  I read this question in ActiveRain Q & A section this morning.Well, let's just post a photo that says it all without a lot of meaningless words.   No words needed with this photo Welcome home, TJ If you want to earn points for your efforts you will need to write at least 50 words or just rely on the comments your photo generates.  Oh yes, there are ActiveRain  Wordless groups.  
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Our grandson, TJ and his girlfriend, Juli, are home on leave from Marine base in Okinawa.  TJ, Juli and my daughter, Stacy and other grandsons, Hunter & Jacob will arrive at our house just before six.Our menu is Mexican with an American twist since the younger kids prefer just meat & cheese while the elders like all the toppings & a bit more spice.  Per Juli & kids dessert is brownies with frosting & nuts on half the pan. TJ and Juli have thirty days leave but several days are spent traveling to & from Okinawa.  While home relaxing they are invited to see all the relatives and friends.  They did have time to see hockey game in Buffalo & icy Niagara Falls.  Next weekend TJ & Juli will visit her friends in NYC.Also on the agenda tonight will be military talk about the Marines and Navy.  T...
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
My favorite season of the moment is WINTER.  What choice do I have?  It is here and I choose to live in Erie, PA.Perhaps a few pictures will entice you to join me.  Sunset viewed from my front door. My grandsons are excited about snow.  They spent day at Peak'nPeak Ski Resort  Snuggle in front of warm fire & forget about the snowstorm outside. Well, if not, just enjoy my pictures and be happy you live where you do. I enjoy snow and I love living in Erie, PA.  
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Oh, I tried to be organized for today's pre-license class but my computer had other ideas.  Slow, temperamental, jerky, refusing to move to next slide. My computer was just down right frustrating.   Even though I had students waiting for class to begin I gave up, turned off the computer and began class without my normal PowerPoint introduction.  Maybe I should explain.  I used to say that I could teach this pre-license class with my eyes closed.  Pre-license is the basic class and I have teaching this material for 24 years. Yes, I suspected that my laptop was nearing the end of its useful life but I hadn't taken time to shop for new one until yesterday.  As luck would have the computer I wanted was not in stock & had to be ordered. Ugh! Well, I didn't have to teach with my eyes closed b...
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Instead of complaining about winter I prefer to look for the gems of the season.  Enjoy a few gems I photographed recently. Early morning, love the view from kitchen/dining area  Winter sunsets are often more dramatic than summer sunsets   I do have a few friends who want to hitch a ride out of townReady, set, swoosh My grandson loves winter. He is beginner snowboarder.Look carefully & you will see where Rudolph is resting in woods behind my house.  (Red arrow will help you see him)  Winter gems are everywhere including my favorite view of winter sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean.  (Mayport, Florida Feb. 2015) 
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Are you just another agent in your market place?  Does your profile make you stand above the crowd?  How will you distinguish yourself from the competition?   Are you just one of the crowd? Does your profile help you ‘stand out’? Why should the consumer choose you as their agent? Is your page a 'brag about me’  page that the consumer won't even read? What does the 'Alphabet Soup' mean to the consumer? 5.89 Million . . . Was your goal $6 Million? Did you sell anything in 2010 - 2015?? (Maybe you haven't updated your profile since 2009? Are your degrees (BA, MA, Ph.D) related to Real Estate? Big deal . . . Six & Half Years Experience!!!     In other words does your profile make you ‘stand out from the crowd’ ? Learn more in Real Estate in Pennsylvania pre-license classes Fundamentals & Pr...
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Are you registered for Real Estate Fundamentals class?  Live class in Erie PA January 16, 17, 23, 24, 2016 Cost: $178 Earn your Pennsylvania Real Estate License by taking pre-license classes with Alan Kells School of Real Estate in Erie, PAReal Estate classes are offered in Erie, PA by Alan Kells School of Real Estate. Upcoming Classes  Fundamentals class  January 16, 17, 23, 24Practice class February 13, 14, 20, 21Cost $178Time  9:00 -4:30Location:  3036 W. 12th Street Erie, PA 16505 (building behind Animal Ark Pet Hospital-use east driveway)      Are You Ready to Begin Your Real Estate Career in Erie PA? Register now 1-412-967-0240
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By Hannah Williams, Expertise NE Philadelphia & Bucks 215-820-3376
(HomeStarr Realty)
Ring a Ding Ding and Mary Yonkers Debbie Reynold I just love saying her name  has done it again for the second year I need a referal for a very good friend in Tioga County  and was looking in Active Rain and can not find anyone in Tioga County so I thought let me kill two birds with one stone . Maybe my dear Active Rain Friend Mary Yonkers who for years I have spoken to on line but never on the phone could direct me . She looked for me but she could not help me either . Tioga county it seems does not have any Active Rain Members . If Mary Yonkers  and I missed someone that covers that area please call me Mary and I had a wonderful time talking on the phone . We found we had so much in common much more then we thought . I just adore her . Look at that smile she is great . I asked Mary wh...
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
New Agent Continuing Education RequirementsNew agents licensed between Dec. 1, 2013 and Nov. 30, 2015 are required to take 14 hours of CE in the Mandatory Topics prior to May 31, 2016 license renewal.  Live Mandatory Continuing Education, MCE, classes are offered through Alan Kells School of Real Estate in Erie, PA General Module, 7 hours   Residential Module, 7 hours    Yes, Mandatory classes (MCE) are also offered online. Although online classes advertise ‘No test’ students are required to pass quizzes on each topic before moving to next topic.Keep in mind that the Real Estate Commission does periodic audits for CE completion after May 31st license renewal.  The fine for not completing required CE is $100 per missing hour.  If the agent does not reply to RE Commission in timely manner...
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By Mary Yonkers, Erie/PA Real Estate Instructor
(Alan Kells School of Real Estate/Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Couldn't resist sharing my Christmas cactus with you.  Enjoy!     Each year it gets bigger and bigger but the beauty continues. ************Earn your Pennsylvania Real Estate License by taking pre-license classes with Alan Kells School of Real Estate in Erie, PAReal Estate classes are offered in Erie, PA by Alan Kells School of Real Estate. Upcoming Classes  Fundamentals class  January 16, 17, 23, 24, 2016Practice class February 13, 14, 20, 21Cost $178Time  9:00 -4:30Location:  3036 W. 12th Street Erie, PA 16505 (building behind Animal Ark Pet Hospital-use east driveway)      Are You Ready to Begin Your Real Estate Career in Erie PA? Register now 1-412-967-0240  *********Search for homes for sale in Erie,  
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Erie, PA Real Estate Professionals