
Butler, PA Real Estate News

By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
The soul always knows what to do to heal itself.  The challenge its to silence the mind... To heal the soul means there are issues going on in life.  Where there are issues going on the mind tends to be active with negative thoughts and ideas.  Ex. I can't do this... It's to hard... What if I fail... etc...  It's when we silence the mind and let the soul take control that we find peace.  One of the greatest phrases I use within myself is "Be still and know that I am GOD"  The "Be still" part means to silence the mind and let GOD (Who owns and controls my soul) to straight me out and help me find the answers I need.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone... What turns you on in your life?  Are you fully attaining it?  The way we grow in life is by pushing ourselves to maximize our talents and fun then continue to push ourselves through that comfort zone into new and unfamiliar territory THEN we make that our comfort zone and once we are comfortable there (that can be 1 day, 1 week, even 1 year) we push again into new and unfamiliar territory.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Never get so busy making a living that you forget  to make a life... We make a living to support having a life.  Always stop to smell the roses.  Look back 20 years ago... Did you achieve everything you wanted to achieve or did your work life get in the way.  Today is the first day of the rest of your life.  Enjoy life and have fun making a life not a living.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher... Who are you friends?  They say that your pay and knowledge will be the average of the people you hang out with the most.  Think of your income and your friends.  I'm pretty sure your income and knowledge are about average to the group you hang out with.  If you want better knowledge or higher pay in life then you need to upgrade to more knowledgeable and higher income friends.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect... What would it take to make your current situation perfect?  Attitude is the main factor.  You attitude in HOW you see that situation and WHAT you do in that situation make all the difference in the world.  You can complain yet do nothing or be thankful and do something.  Don't wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
The quality of your life will depend on the quality of your thoughts... I am currently reading the book "The Slight Edge"  and it fits in with the picture above.  It's the little things done well that make the difference between winners and losers, the happy and the unhappy.  EVERYTHING in your life is at the starting point of your thoughts and The quality of your life will depend on the quality of your thoughts.  Think big, yet do the little things well and you will have a smoother and easier time reaching your goals/results.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
You don't have to see the whole staircase, Just take the first step... In baseball you can not steal second base if you leave your left foot on first base.  We have to have an idea, have confidence in that idea, and a BURNING desire to achieve it and do the most important next... Take that first step towards achieving your goals and dreams.  Most people can dream it but are to afraid to get of their ass to do it because they can not see the whole staircase.  Take that first step and have FAITH, a BURNING DESIRE, and DETERMINATION and you can not fail regardless if you can not see the whole staircase.MAKE IT HAPPEN IN LIFE.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Worrying is a waste of time... I think everyone that reads this and my other blogs know how I feel about worrying.  It doesn't change anything... It's a waste of space within your thought process and  It messes with your mind and steals your happiness...Do you want that in your life?  I don't think so, worrying causes stress and stress causes premature aging, strokes, hear attacks, weigh gain, uncertain thinking, etc...  Stop worrying and start living.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
The only difference between FEAR and EXCITEMENT is your attitude about it... Why have fear in the first place?  Where does fear come from?... It comes from within your thoughts.  Where does excitement come from?  If comes from within your thoughts.  Both FEAR and EXCITEMENT come from the same pace... Yet FEAR will hold you back in life and EXCITEMENT will boost you forward in all aspects of life.  F.E.A.R.= False Evidence Appearing Real.Face your FEAR's head-on and those fears will disappear.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Talking to a friend of mine at my hockey game today I said to him "I Can Predict the Future.... Can You?"  This comes from our conversation about life and where we are today in life.  He was telling me that he was dealt a tough life and living paycheck to paycheck is the way life is for him.  He said "I don't sell mansions like you do."  He is 42 and waiting for his big break in life.  After telling him that "I Can Predict the Future.... Can You?" he say "No I can't and neither can you."  I beg to differ..... We all can predict the future IF we were serious about it.   I told him how to do it THE ONLY WAY TO PREDICT THE FUTURE IS TO CREATE IT.  We talked about life and living everyday to the best of our ability.  I asked him where he was in life with his wants, desires, goals and dreams...
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
                                                                          AK Steel Now Hiring   The local Steel plant is now looking to higher several people to work at their Butler PA Plant.  That is a GREAT sign of the times.  1. Its more jobs.2. It means more "Made In America" products.3. It gets money circulatingMore jobs and more money moving in the area is ALWAYS a good thing.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Saturday, September 24 celebrates The Second Annual Butler County Model Train Show held at the Tanglewood Center, 10 Austin Avenue. lyndora, Pennsylvania 16045. The event opens from 10.00am till 3.00pm. Admission is $5.00 Adults, $4.00 Seniors and Youth (12-18) Children under 12 FREE, it's a great day of fun for the whole family.This event is hosted by The Paul Laurence Dunbar Community Center as an annual fundraiser to benefit youth programs at the community center. Three spacious halls will be filled with model train exhibits for the model railroad enthusiast, over 80 vendors displaying working layouts, parts and accessories for all gauges, including Lionel, American Flyer, Proto, Athearn both ready to roll models and kits are available. Other interesting items are railroad memorabili...
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
FARM TOUR 2011Saturday, September 24, 201110AM - 4PMThis year marks the 14th year of the Butler County Farm Tour.  Agriculture in Butler County employs nearly 2,000 men and women in a wide range of enterprises. They produce over $43,000,000 worth of food, timber and other agricultural products.  This year’s Butler County Farm Tour includes four stops in central Butler County.  The host families and volunteer staff will be available to direct you and answer questions.  For more information, contact the Butler County Cooperative Extension Office at 724-287-4761 x227 or the Butler County Conservation District at 724-284-5270. Tour Details•    This is a free, drive-it-yourself tour•    Please limit your visits to hours indicated•    Feel free to visit the stops in any order•    Be courteous...
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
The Associated Artists of Butler County will open its annual Nature & Wildlife art exhibit on Friday, September 9 with an awards ceremony from 7 to 9 PM. Admission is free to the public and light refreshments will be served. The event will be held at The Art Center, 344 S. Main Street, Butler, PA, 16061 (across from the Butler Post Office). The exhibit will continue through October 7 during The Art Center's normal business hours of noon to 6 PM Wednesdays through Fridays and noon to 4 PM on Saturdays.
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Friday Nights: Butler Bikes & Unicycles "Friday Night Bike Rides." Beginner and experienced cyclists are encouraged to join the group at 6 PM at the City Parking Lot on North Main Street across from Pizza Joe's and Burger Hut. If you are a beginner rider or don't have much experience with street cycling, riding in a group is the best way to learn. After the ride, cyclists usually stop for dinner at one of Butler's downtown eateries. All are welcome.     Bike riding is great exercise.  It builds rapport with other riders when riding in groups.  Everyone is welcome to come to this event.  I hope to see a good turn out.    
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By Steve Warrene, Pittsburgh Realtor North and East Pgh.
(Your Town Realty)
Yummy Dark Chocolate   I'm not into eating chocolate much but I did some research on memory/brain boosters and one of the quickest best ways to get an energy boost in the memory/brain area with in 15-20 minutes is Dark Chocolate.  It's recommended that we eat about 3 ounces 15-20 minutes before studying, taking a test, meeting with people that you need to remember their names and/or situations.  I bought a bulk pack of Hershey's Dark Chocolate and tried it.  It seems to work.  But not for the bad part.  I play Dek Hockey on 4 different leagues. One 3 vs 3 league, two 4 s 4 leagues and one 5 vs 5 league. It's alot of running, stopping and turning fast on the go.  I watch what I eat but now that I will be eating Yummy Dark Chocolate I will have to work out alittle harder so I will not hav...
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By Barb Averell, I strive to be a trusted real estate adviser
(eXp Realty)
New Construction Seminar Topics • Expert discussion on the ABC's of building a new home in today's market • Discover all the latest financing options available • Hear the newest innovations and design styles • Informative Question and Answer Session • Detailed information on available North new home communities, with directions to special Open House Tours from 12-4p.m. (optional) • Refreshments will be served Everything You Need to Know About Buying New! Saturday, April 18th 10:00a.m. Prudential Preferred Realty Butler Office 365 Stirling Village, Butler, PA 16001 724-283-0005 Skilled professionals in the home buying and building industry will be on hand to answer all of your questions. R.S.V.P. to Geri by Tuesday, April 14th 724-283-0005
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By Barb Averell, I strive to be a trusted real estate adviser
(eXp Realty)
I am so excited that our company, Prudential Preferred Realty, has a new promotion in effect! It offers home buyers a "Credit for 4 Months Mortgage Payments" on participating homes. So, if you have been wondering when the time to buy is now! Remember: 1)  There IS mortgage money available! 2)  We have some terrific homes for sale NOW! Check out the website for homes in Butler Twp offering a credit for 4 months mortgage payments: and click on the link: It is a great time to buy a home in the Pittsburgh area!  
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By Prudential Preferred Realty Butler PA
(Prudential Preferred Realty)
Market Update - Butler School District August Closed Sales There were 35 sales recorded on the West Penn Multi-List. Market Time The average days on the market for August closed sales was 63. Price The average sales price for August closed sales was 122,281. Currently, there are 346 active listings in the Butler School district.  Welcome Fall!   For the latest real estate information, or if you have any questions regarding the real estate market, please give me a call!   All information from the West-Penn Multi-List.        
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By Fran Gaspari, "The Title Man" - Title Insurance - PA & NJ
(Patriot Land Transfer, Inc.)
Active Rain: Welcome Jeff Wodtke!!!A few months ago I received an e-mail from Jeff Wodtke, of Butler, Pennsylvania, informing me that he was in the process of obtaining his sales license and was enjoying reading posts on Active Rain! I encouraged Jeff to join our community...and he said he would as soon as he 'passed the test'! Please welcome Jeff to Active Rain and make him feel at home here...he has just posted his first post on his blog as an Active Rainer.  Please drop into his blog and wish him well and give him a warm Active Rain welcome!!! Thanks,   Fran                                                                         
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Butler, PA Real Estate Professionals