
Beaver, PA Real Estate News

By Jeffrey Coffman
(Northwood Realty Services)
Since I live and work in the Pittsburgh, PA area I wonder how things are everywhere else in the U.S. Are the rest of my fellow agents as sick of the medias gloom and doom as I am? I field more questions about the state of the market than I do about homes. By now all of us know what happen to the real estate market. I have stated before I do feel for those who have lost homes due to bad sub prime loans. I myself have been through rough stretches, all of us have but the constant barrage from the media is getting sickning. Here in Pitsburgh things are not as bleak as elsewhere. We have had our share of foreclosures but we did not experience the growth other ares of the United States had. I talked to a cousin who lives in Florida and he told me what the market was like there now. Our prices...
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