
Clatsop County, OR Real Estate News

By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
 While out walking with my dogs on Greasy Spoon Road in my community in Birkenfeld Oregon,I got to thinking about a story I heard on Public Radio International yesterday morning on The Takeaway, a discussion about    The Disappearing West Here is a statistic: Every 2.5 minutes, the American West loses a football field of natural area to human development. John Hockenberry interviewed  University of Colorado Professor of History, Patty Limerick who specializes in the West and she didn't seem overly worried. She mentioned how this ebbs and flows in history as she put it, "I am very aware of the last two centuries in the West" and she found the word, "disappearing" as "an interesting term in and of itself....we're still HERE...quite a lot of it", she said, as she described where she was si...
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By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
Americana Series-Old Car In Astoria OregonWhile showing my dear NYC galpal, Joanna Cohlan Astoria Oregon for the day, I happened upon this delight of history. Too great to pass up, so she went about her shopping while I snapped a few quick photos.Astoria has lots of history and has been a locaton for shooting several movies, Goonies being the most famous. Kindergarten Cop and Stand By Me were two others.    
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By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
Speechless Sunday--A Lotta Talk and Not Much Action!This scenario could relate to real estate if you think about it!This could be any crowded city or a place where there are many buyers but not much inventory! Just watch and see what I mean.                          
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By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
Friday's Fotos-What To Do When You Have Wet Wings in Astoria Oregon!I was in Astoria Oregon a bit over a week ago and spent all day waiting for surgery to be done one of my Golden Retrievers. So, I took my other one, Kasa and she and walked along the shoreline and I found opportunities to take photos and video. There were many Cormorants darting to and fro or simply hanging out. This guy was my perfect muse for a photo shoot, as he stayed very still. Perched on a piling, he was  as happy as could be, drying his wings and taking in the sights. (Here's a video I took of a Cormorant at Fishhawk Lake. )There is always something to see in Astoria Oregon. The same place where I found a local painter a number of years ago, (see the link above) I took video of a dockload of sealions that I'll s...
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By Brian Olsen, Cooper Jacobs Real Estate Group | Keller Williams
(Portland, Lake Oswego, West Linn & Dunthorpe Neighborhoods, Waterfront, Luxury & Floating Homes)
What year was The Goonies released in Theaters?   ANSWER: Bottom of page... Astoria, Oregon is a fun destination and not terribly far from Portland. My photograph included here is from the Astoria Column that's 125 feet high and we climbed the 164 steps to view the water and surrounding scenery. So beautiful and wish it was legal and not terrified of base jumping that would be really neat. The column was built in 1926 by the Astor Family which was in part responsible for developing the city and owned the Pacific Fur Company. The economy boomed and in ways was competitive with Portland Real Estate and Seattle, WA. Many different types of industry kept Astoria thriving. From 1921 to 1966 there were ferries transporting people across the Columbia River (body of water in picture). Back and ...
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By Brian Olsen, Cooper Jacobs Real Estate Group | Keller Williams
(Portland, Lake Oswego, West Linn & Dunthorpe Neighborhoods, Waterfront, Luxury & Floating Homes)
Cannon Beach Treasures.... Real Estate Tresures Found Here:  Oregon Coast Homes  Cannon Beach Homes   Gold & Silver Treasures Found Here:  I would like to share with you a special place on the Oregon Coast titled Cannon Beach Treasure Co. We all believe this business to be unique and special to our Oregon hearts.    What you might not know about this destination is that they specialize in shipwreck coins, antiquities, maritime artifacts and TREASURE JEWELRY! They are proud to provide authentic sunken treasures from the people that discover them.   The treasure hunters are actually at: Cannon Beach Treasure Company 503-436-1626 CannonBeachTreasure.COM This wonderful destination is located on Hemlock Street in Cannon Beach, Oregon. There is a unique story for every treasure and here at th...
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By Brian Olsen, Cooper Jacobs Real Estate Group | Keller Williams
(Portland, Lake Oswego, West Linn & Dunthorpe Neighborhoods, Waterfront, Luxury & Floating Homes)
Cannon Beach Sand Sculpting Festival 50th Anniversary   This is it! or was 2014 June 21st weekend in Summer that we're all excited for on the Oregon Coast. Heading out early last Saturday to capture the entire day and define our destiny. It's completely worth the time to get over there to Cannon Beach and find parking early. Folks set up lounge chairs, blankets and sunbrellas to protect their space on the beach and sensitive Pacific Northwest skin from the Solstice sun. See flagged photo above...It looks very different in the early morning when markers are put in place and teams gather with supplies to make their creations. Forms are used to collect sand and water which are packed tight to great heights for the forming of the artistic shapes. Elaborate tool kits house sculpting tools an...
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By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
      Fishhawk Falls is located at Lee Wooden State Park. This last May, when my friend, Sharon Lee came all of the way from Virginia for a visit, this was one of the places we stopped to enjoy. It was a gorgeous day--she brought great weather with her. It was her first visit to Oregon.  This park is very quiet, located on Highway 202, heading towards Astoria. Most of the time no one is there, and it's just a short walk from the parking lot to this magnificent sight! 
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By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
Fishhawk Lake Tuesday Travelogue--Local Astoria Artist  Meet Noel Thomas-Painter I was walking along the boardwalk in Astoria Oregon, finding lots of photo opportunities and trying my best to get closer to the sea lions that I heard just off the coastline. After walking for about 7-8 minutes,  a pier turned up that allowed me to walk out closer to them to get better photos. I came upon this little crunched soul, slouching in an outdoor canvas chair, a sweater wrapped around his head. As I got closer, I noticed that he was painting. The wind was whipping pretty good, so I spoke in loud tones to let him know I was standing behind him. He didn't move. So, I spoke LOUDER, hoping that he would not be startled. Eventually, I came closer and practically yelled at the poor man! He finally came ...
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By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
Kids, dogs and jeeps, you can't beat that combination for an easy marketing strategy! Who knew that they made Jeep strollers??   I captured the expression on the puppy's face when the toddler let out a happy squeal. The pup's ear popped up just after the toddler squealed, they were so cute together! (I got this the same day I strolled down a boardwalk in Astoria on the way to seeing the sea lions in Tuesday's post). 
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By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
Fishhawk Lake Travelogue-Sea Lions on The Astoria Piers Last week was filled with interesting opportunities for any photographer in search of unusual moments. I happened to be walking along the coastline in Astoria Oregon in the mid-day sun when I heard the rather mournful sounds of sea lions, wailing, grunting and just raising a raucous. I kept following the sound til I got close enough to a pier to take photos that created something more interesting than brownish lumpy dough-like creatures that were all molded together, like a large unformed blob of shimmery brown blubber.  I'm actually quite fond of their spirited nasal-like throaty grumphs (my word) when they are drying off in the sun, planning a swim, looking for a place to land their gelatinous roley-poley bodies or simply wanting...
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By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
Mini vacations can resurrect the spirit and love-of-a-lifetime relationship. It did wonders for ours recently. It was just what the doctor ordered....R&R. Who knew when we decided to take a couple of days to be together in January at Cannon Beach Oregon that we would have near-summer-like temperatures?!   It was heaven. Glowing sunsets, jewel-toned mornings   ...great food, kicking around with the dogs, buying rubbery balls (at Puppy Love Store, a local Cannon Beach dog-friendly store) that don't gather sand or get slimy when chucking them down the beach for our four-leggeds to chase. This was at the suggestion of the employee there who offered great advice and treats for Takoda and Kasa, our Goldens.      You will always find something entertaining at Cannon Beach. We do!  It's only an...
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By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
Fishhawk Lake Yesterday Morning at Cannon Beach Fishhawk Lake is always a wonderful place to wake up to, and yet there are those moments when it's good to get away. We woke up to this morning view of Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach yesterday. There was still a half moon lingering way above Haystack Rock. The photographers dotted the beach with their tripods. I just shot around them.   Our little family of four took a couple of well-earned days off and the weather was STUPENDOUS. We felt very blessed to have summerish temperatures in January on the Oregon Coast! (We always have a great time there, and this was no exception. I will be writing a blog about it later.) Have a terrific day no matter what the weather!
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By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
  Fishhawk Lake--Keep Your Camera in Hand! Yesterday while driving in Astoria, Oregon, I had just gone over a bridge when out of the corner of my eye, I saw something large swooping down towards an old pier sitting in the bay. I raced through the roundabout and pulled over, grabbing my camera. A solitary bald eagle was quite a ways away and the sun was fading, so the light was poor, but I didn't have anything to lose so I just kept shooting into the sun. He landed.   As I tried different angles, suddenly, I saw another bird fly by towards the eagle.       Oh my gosh, it was a SECOND eagle! They were too far for clarity, but then the other one headed across the street, and I just followed with my lens. I got a few more shots even though it was moving really fast. Moving with it in sports...
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By Gayle Rich-Boxman Fishhawk Lake Real Estate, "Your Local Expert!" 503-739-3843
(John L Scott Market Center)
  The Wet Dog Cafe & Astoria Brewing Company   I had to go into Astoria yesterday, an hour from Fishhawk Lake and have my sweet dog, Kasa spayed. What better place to wait for her than at The Wet Dog Café?   The Wet Dog Cafe, located at 144 11th St. Astoria Oregon has a great vibe as soon as you walk in the door. There are sweet little “scenes” or venues in the windows all with a dog theme of sorts, from the OPEN sign in the shape of a bone to the Big Dog dressed up for the holidays in one of the front windows.       The décor is a blend of antique signs,    old-fashioned this’n’that, eclectic bits of memorabilia.    It feels historic as soon as you walk in and the extended bar offers their wide selection of their locally made brews and plenty of seating for locals and visitors alike. T...
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I've had it on my mind for some time to highlight some fairly new voices here in The Rain.  You know, we've grown so big that it's easy to get lost in The Rain. This week, I want to introduce you to Ann Samuelson of Astoria, Oregon in Clatsop County.  Astoria is the county seat of Clatsop County.       Ann is at Atwater Real Estate.  She joined ActiveRain in May of this year, has written 40 blog posts.   A few samples of her blogs:   A great  local post discussing exhibits about Columbia River.   Energetic Door Color - A short but to the point post about making one of her listings more inviting by asking the owner to change the door color. I left a comment about inserting pics.  A discussion about the importance of the quality of your potable water.    Clicking on her photo to the left ...
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By Todd Clark - Retired, Principle Broker Oregon
(eXp Realty LLC)
One thing I have given up of resent in my quest to get in shape was candy, but I have to admit I had to take a dip in the Candyman’s shop and get some salt water taffy. If you can think of a flavor, the candy man is sure to have it. I think they said there are over 1,000 different flavors available. So, if you find yourself in Seaside, Oregon, make sure you stop off and get the best salt water taffy in the world.
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By Phil Leng, Phil Leng - Retired
The Ocean Makes Me Feel So SmallThe Ocean Makes Me Feel So SmallThe waves coming in relentlesslyThe incredible power that I could do nothing to resist.The sheer expanse as I look out to the end of the horizon, and realize it keeps going and going and going.And I reflect.I want my life to be extraordinary, larger than life, hugely significant. But it seems so ordinary, so underwhelming, so run-of-the-mill.I want to be a world changer. I want thousands of people to thank God for the impact I have had on their life.I feel like a world conformer. Working to pay for bills. Nothing special. No great impact. Few people affected let alone impacted.I want to leave behind a legacy. I want a church full of people at the funeral when I die.Instead I wonder, will I fill a chapel. Will anyone even no...
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By Phil Leng, Phil Leng - Retired
Cannon Beach Oregon for Labor Day Holiday Cannon Beach Oregon for Labor Day Holiday What better place to spend the Labor Day Holiday than in a little resort town on a fabulous beach? Cannon Beach is a quaint town right on the fabled Oregon coast. We came down Sunday after church and will head back Monday afternoon. A little bit of time soaking up the sun and enjoying the sand and the waves. We have been hanging out all week end with Patti's sister, who came up from Texas to spend some time with family. So today we relax. Enjoy the video as well... View Larger Map
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Clatsop County, OR Real Estate Professionals